Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1418: Escape from Azkaban Prison

The Sorting Hat was very accurate. It sorted Sirius into Gryffindor because it saw that he was different from his parents.

In Gryffindor, Sirius soon met his good friend and buddy James Potter. That is, Harry Potter's father.

The two of them, together with Remus John Lupin and Peter Pettigrew, formed the "Marauders". In fact, it was a prank gang that enjoyed breaking school rules all day long. They were just bored.

After spending a long time with students from different backgrounds, he completely gave up the Black family's view of so-called outstanding talents. Especially the concept of pure blood.

In the end, when he was 16 years old, he resolutely rebelled against the family system, denied that his parents ran away from home.

He moved to James's house, and James' parents treated him as their second son. That period of time may have been his happiest time.

At that time, the great devil Voldemort and his followers, the Death Eaters, brought great fear to the magical world.

Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts, founded a secret organization specifically to resist Voldemort - the Order of the Phoenix.

The members include all kinds of people, from wizards to Squibs, Aurors, bartenders, thieves, etc. Four Marauders also joined.

During this period, due to the leakage of information within the organization, many people suspected that Sirius, who was born in the Black family, was Voldemort's spy.

Fortunately, James Potter never doubted him and made him the godfather of his child.

But what he never expected was that James trusted the right person, but Sirius trusted the wrong person.

Black asked Peter Pettigrew, who was also a Marauder, to be a secret keeper. It turned out that this guy was the real spy.

He told Voldemort where the Potters were hiding, resulting in the killing of James and Lily, and little Harry became an orphan.

Afterwards, the angry Sirius blocked Pettigrew, but Pettigrew successfully escaped, blew up a street of Muggles, and pretended to be dead. He deceived Black.

Therefore, Sirius was not able to clear his name, which led the Ministry of Magic to believe that he was Voldemort's subordinate and killed James and his wife and Pettigrew.

He was arrested for murder and imprisoned in Azkaban Prison for 12 years. Pettigrew was recognized as a hero by the magic world and was awarded the Order of Merlin, First Class.

Of course, he was not easy after faking his death. After Voldemort killed James and Lily, he also died. As a result, Voldemort's followers, the Death Eaters, believed that Pettigrew was a traitor and framed Voldemort, so they kept looking for him.

He had no choice but to hide in the Weasley family for 12 years as a pet mouse, Scabbers.

Sirius's unjust case was difficult to overturn, and he felt that it was because he had wrongly trusted Pettigrew that led to the death of his good friend and his wife. Therefore, he was willing to stay in prison and accept some punishment. It was also a redemption.

Recently, Minister of Magic Cornelius Oswald Fudge came to Azkaban Prison for inspection.

He gave Sirius a copy of the Daily Prophet, which had a picture of the Weasley family and a mouse with a missing toe.

Black immediately recognized that the mouse was Peter Pettigrew. It turned out that he was not dead! This is unbearable!

So Sirius turned into a big black dog and escaped from Azkaban prison. There were only two purposes, one was to settle accounts with Pettigrew, and the other was to protect Harry Potter.

Seeing this, some people may ask, what is the matter with Pettigrew turning into a mouse and Sirius turning into a black dog?

The situation is like this. Among magicians (wizards), there is a kind of existence called Animagus. It refers to a magician who can turn into a certain animal while retaining magic spells.

Animagus cannot turn into any animal at will. The animal it turns into is related to the wizard's personality and weight. Generally, each person can only turn into one animal.

At the same time, Animagus transformation is usually limited to non-magical creatures. Transforming into magical creatures (such as phoenixes, dragons, etc.) will bring unpredictable consequences.

Perhaps it is because wizard magic and magical creature magic have fundamental differences in operation.

When practicing Animagus, magicians may go astray, so the Ministry of Magic strictly controls it and requires all Animagus's transformed animals and characteristics to be registered in the Ministry of Magic's Misuse of Magic Office.

It takes several years to practice Animagus, so that people can become the most suitable animals for themselves, but they may fail, so transformation also requires courage.

Therefore, there were only seven Animagus registered in the 20th century. It can be seen that this ability is rare.

Remus Lupin in the Marauders is a werewolf. On the night of the full moon, he will transform into a wolf and lose his mind.

In order to be able to control him when he transforms. Several other Marauders began to actively try to learn Animagus. They did learn it, but none of them registered according to the regulations of the Ministry of Magic.

This is also the main reason why Sirius was able to escape Azkaban later, because the Ministry of Magic did not know his big black dog form.

In prison, Black suffered a lot, and he went through hardships on his way out. His current condition is extremely bad, but fortunately he met Xiao Ming.

With a warm house and sufficient food, his physical strength is gradually recovering. If he hadn't met Xiao Ming, he certainly wouldn't have died, but it wouldn't be so easy to recover.

If Sirius could turn into some kind of cute dog, golden retriever, border collie, Chihuahua would be fine, he would definitely get help from kind people.

But his big black dog is too ferocious, even a bit like a wolf. Even dog lovers dare not approach him. He is so miserable, all thanks to his appearance.

Sirius, who was full and satisfied, lay down by the fire and looked at the child who had just helped him.

This yellow child is only 6 or 7 years old? Not even the age to enter Hogwarts. How can he have such great ability?

And he didn't use magic, but a kind of ability that he didn't recognize. He is really a mysterious Oriental. Why did he appear in Europe?

In a small sense, this may be that the child is lost; in a big sense, this may also be a prelude to the mysterious power of the East spying on the magic world. It has to be taken seriously.

Blake is weighing the next plan in his mind. Although Xiao Ming's appearance is a big deal. But it is definitely not as important as his original plan.

The great injustice needs to be cleared, and the orphans of good friends also need to be taken care of. Blake thought, he still has to do his own thing first.

As for this mysterious oriental kid, I'll tell Lupin when I get a chance, and let him and the Order of the Phoenix worry about it.

It's probably not a big deal. It's ridiculous to let a 6-year-old child spy on intelligence. It's more likely that he will get lost.

Looking at the thoughts in his mind, Xiao Ming almost couldn't control himself and laughed out loud.

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