Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1415 The Target of Shooting the Condor Heroes

What is Xiao Ming's ultimate goal in the secret realm of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes"? The first is to avoid the tragedy of the Jiangnan Seven Freaks.

Now it seems that it has basically been achieved. With the current martial arts and status of the Jiangnan Seven Freaks, the possibility of the tragedy in the original book happening is very low.

The second is for the descendants of Yan and Huang in this secret realm. Xiao Ming hopes to rescue them from the iron hoof of foreign races.

This matter is very difficult. Therefore, if there are really other players who are also trying to promote science. Xiao Ming agrees with both hands and firmly supports it.

As for whether his own rewards and limelight will be robbed, he doesn't care. Not to mention that as a plot character, he can't get rewards.

Even if he can get it, the rewards that this game can give are just icing on the cake for him, an S-level master. If there are players willing to help, Xiao Ming will be more than happy.

Zhang Ning'er is still young, so she just reads the book written by Nan Xiren for fun. Anyway, it is much more interesting than the Four Books and Five Classics. If Xiao Ming can copy two comics for her to read, she may like it more.

But the Seven Quanzhen disciples were crazy about Nan Xiren's "works". This was something that was unexpected before.

Mainly because the Seven Quanzhen disciples were Taoists, and there were no strange and tricky ideas in their thought system. Besides, they would also make elixirs and have some knowledge of chemistry.

When they saw the relevant books of Nan Xiren, they were immediately amazed. Even if they hadn't treated Tan Chuduan's injuries, the Seven Quanzhen disciples would have planned to stay here.

For every page of Nan Xiren's book, the three generations of disciples would respectfully copy several copies. They would also spend money to print it.

Xiao Ming wrote books for people to read. If he did the work of dissemination himself, it would be very tedious. It would be best if the Quanzhen sect could help.

There were too many books to write. By the weekend of October 30, more than a month had passed in the secret realm, and he still hadn't finished writing.

Of course, during this period, other important matters were not put aside.

First, the Seven Jiangnan Freaks took turns to use the Changsheng Jue Zhenqi to heal Tan Chuduan's injuries. Before the 30th, it was almost healed.

Secondly, the Jin Yuanbao plan had to continue. With Wanyan Honglie's "sincere" help, it progressed smoothly.

Finally, Nan Xiren had to teach Zhang Asheng, Han Xiaoying, and Han Baoju the Vajra Subduing Circle formation. Oh, and there were Li Ping and Mu Nianci.

It would be fine if Mu Nianci learned it, but why was Li Ping involved?

In fact, the personality differences between the horse king Han Baoju and his sister and brother-in-law were too big.

He didn't want to be a otaku in Liujia Village all the time. With this set of kung fu, he should go out into the world and do justice. What's the point of always looking after the children at home?

But the Vajra Subduing Circle requires three people to perform, so he pulled Guo Jing's mother Li Ping to be a soldier.

In fact, Mu Nianci's martial arts skills are higher and more suitable. But she is young and will definitely go out to the world in the future, so we need to get three people here.

Li Ping has been practicing with Zhang Asheng and his wife for these years, and her internal strength of Changsheng Jue has made good progress. She can barely catch up with the skills of Sun Buer, the last of the Quanzhen Seven Sons.

In addition, she is willing to stay at home, so she is the best candidate to replace Han Baoju.

In addition, these days, Nan Xiren also asked for a skill from Quanzhen Sect, that is, [Quanzhen Sword Technique].

This sword technique is widely spread, and it is not a profound and unique skill, so the Quanzhen Seven Sons naturally taught it to him.

He secretly praised in his heart. Nan Xiren really has the style of a great master, with a magnificent demeanor. With his martial arts, it is impossible for him to look down on Quanzhen Sword Technique.

This is clearly because he is worried that the seven of them owe too much favor, and he is embarrassed, so he asked for such a useless sword technique. Let the Quanzhen Sect look better.

Unfortunately, Xiao Ming cannot use telepathy in this secret realm. Otherwise, he will know that the Quanzhen Seven Sons have misunderstood.

The reason why I asked for Quanzhen swordsmanship was that I learned [Left and Right Fighting] from Zhou Botong.

In "The Return of the Condor Heroes", Xiaolongnu also used the left and right fighting, using the Quanzhen swordsmanship and the Jade Girl swordsmanship at the same time, and the two swords combined to shine.

Since I have already learned the left and right fighting, how can I not learn these two swordsmanship! It's really not that I want to give face to Quanzhen Sect.

As for the Jade Girl swordsmanship, I will learn it in the Secret Realm of the Condor Heroes when I have the opportunity.

The Seven Sons of Quanzhen are now very convinced of Nan Xiren. The life-saving grace is secondary. The main thing is that the Jin Yuanbao plan and these newly released books shocked them.

After discussing, the seven people expressed their willingness to follow Nan Xiren's lead. Although Quanzhen Sect also joined the Jin Yuanbao plan in the past, it had an alliance and cooperative relationship with Nan Xiren.

If Nan Xiren wants Quanzhen Sect to do something, he needs to explain the cause and effect clearly. But now it is not necessary.

In this matter, Quanzhen Sect was willing to be Nan Xiren's subordinate and was willing to follow orders without explanation.

As the top power in the martial arts world, it is very rare for Quanzhen Sect to be able to do this.

In fact, even so, every time Nan Xiren asked Quanzhen Sect to do something, he would still explain the whole story clearly.

However, this attitude of Quanzhen Sect can help Nan Xiren establish a strong prestige.

All of Nan Xiren's plans are not only aimed at foreign invasions, but also actually do not accept the management of the Southern Song Dynasty court. In this process, he will definitely use the power of the martial arts world extensively.

But the people in the martial arts world are generally unruly, and there must be people who often want to challenge Nan Xiren's authority.

With the attitude of Quanzhen Sect, those martial artists have to be cautious. Before challenging, they should also carefully consider whether they have the strength of Quanzhen Sect. If not, it is better not to get angry.

For the cooperation of Quanzhen Sect, Xiao Ming has nothing to say except gratitude.

In addition, Xiao Ming also did one thing, which is to find a way to teach Shagu to learn the Changsheng Jue.

Shagu's problem is actually mental. She became stupid because of severe stimulation when she was a child. In other words, her hardware is not wrong.

In this case, it is not known whether the Changsheng Jue is still effective. But there is no harm in trying.

Xiao Ming used his skills to lay the foundation for Shagu's Changsheng Jue internal strength, and guided her to move the true qi and practice Changsheng Jue every day.

Shagu's brain is not working well, and even Huang Yaoshi is very troubled to teach her kung fu. But Xiao Ming's method does not require her to have a good brain.

As long as Xiao Ming repeatedly guides and repeats the same thing every day, Shagu's body will learn the internal strength by itself.

When she has mastered the Changsheng Jue to a high level, maybe... just maybe, she will be able to regain her sanity.

Unfortunately, by midnight on the 30th, Sha Gu had not yet learned to practice the Changsheng Jue on her own.

Xiao Ming felt a little tired from copying books and helping Sha Gu practice the skills, so he decided to go to the reincarnation space for a change of mood.

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