Kraken and the leader's defender Hong Xiaoming are currently following a big brother named "Master Su".

This person doesn't look like a gangster at all, but rather like a civilian worker such as a lawyer. Such a person can actually become a big brother, it's true that you can't judge a person by his appearance.

On the contrary, the big brother of Yijian Guanghan Zhao Jiuzhou and the leader's forward Cheng Xiaoming has the most gangster boss temperament.

This man named Dongguanzi is intimidating without anger, and his eyes reveal a fierceness. It seems that he should be good at fighting, and he will never be soft-hearted when killing.

Unfortunately, Zhao Jiuzhou and Xiaoming don't like this guy's temperament. Help him? No way!

Although the task given by the space requires Zhao Jiuzhou to help Dongguanzi. But as the Dragon King, Zhao Jiuzhou also has many privileges in the reincarnation space.

If he doesn't like it, he will give up a task just by saying so. This is the real wealth and power.

In addition to these regular team members, there are 6 followers of Xiaoming in Mingjing's team.

Probably because this task is a competition and cooperation within the team. The space prohibits the appearance of followers.

This world is suppressed in force, and with 6 fewer people, it is a great weakening for the Mingjing team.

The most hateful thing is that without the IQ of Zangma, Xiao Ming always feels a little uncertain. Now he can only do his best.

The name of this reincarnation world is "Underworld 2: Harmony is the Most Valuable", which seems to be another series of worlds.

It is not clear whether there will be Underworld 3, 4, and 5 later, but there must be Underworld 1 in the front.

Even this world should have started from 1, but at that time other reincarnations were doing tasks.

Since Xiao Ming didn't know the plot at all, it didn't matter whether the previous reincarnations caused changes in the plot or how much the changes were.

In fact, the previous batch of reincarnations did have a significant impact on the plot. The process of Ale becoming the boss was a little more difficult. But the final result did not change.

After another two years, all the influences were slowly eliminated by time. When the Mingjing team entered the world, they still faced the original plot.

From the distribution of the team members, it can be seen that the space is also quite mean.

The two hot candidates for this election: Ale and Jimi, the reincarnations did not contact them at the beginning.

They only contacted the minions of both sides. Ale's side has Feiji, Dongguanzi, and Datou. Jimi's side has Master Su.

3:1 seems to be a huge difference in strength. In fact, it is not. You have to know that Jimi has more money and more people. In terms of financial resources and manpower, he is better than the sum of Ale and his minions.

More importantly, Captain Shi also hopes that Jimi will be elected in a sense. It's just that he is not Jimi's minion, but a big boss behind the scenes.

Seeing that the two brothers, the leader and the young leader, are willing to take the undercover work. Captain Shi is very happy.

He ordered his men to take out a lot of fine wine and food, and the few people ate and drank while chatting. If Xiao Ming had been unwilling to agree just now, he probably wouldn't have this oral.

Of course, Captain Shi is very capable. No matter what, Xiao Ming will be taken down by him in the end. During the chat, he began to introduce the undercover mission in detail.

The Hong Kong gang [He Liansheng] was born out of the Hongmen organization in the late Qing Dynasty, so the Hongmen Thirty-Six Oaths were highly worshipped.

The Hongmen emphasizes not fighting internally and being united against the outside world. Peace is the most precious thing among each other. Therefore, there must be a "He" character in the name of each gang.

Its sphere of influence almost covers the entire Hong Kong and Kowloon area, especially in Tsuen Wan, North Point and other places. In the past two years, under the leadership of Ah Le, it has also entered Tsim Sha Tsui.

The gang includes 9 large halls and dozens of small halls, with a total of more than 50,000 members.

However, the gang is not a formal company or formal organization. In addition to the core members, the others basically come and go, not fixed, and cannot be fixed.

The boss of He Liansheng is also called the boss, and the election system is implemented, and it is elected every two years. The person in charge will inherit a dragon head stick, which symbolizes his authority.

This election system has lasted for nearly a hundred years. The dragon head stick has also been passed down for nearly a hundred years, which is rare.

Those who voted for the person in charge are all uncles of He Liansheng. Now there are Deng Bo, Chuanbao, Longgen, Huo Niu, Leng Lao, Shuangfandong, Shuai Gou, Feihua, Laogui... and others.

Among them, Deng Bo has the oldest qualifications. He has been the person in charge forty years ago and is quite authoritative.

He Liansheng seems to have a fair election, but in fact it depends on the influence of the leaders among these uncles. Basically, whoever Deng Bo favors will become the person in charge.

The election two years ago was a contest between Da D and the current person in charge, Ah Le.

Da D is the boss of Tsuen Wan, and his strength is far greater than Ah Le at that time. He is rich and powerful, arrogant and domineering. He doesn't respect his uncles very much.

That is, when facing Deng Bo, he can still be a little honest. But that's all. In his mind, strength is everything, and elders without strength are not worthy of respect.

So, he spent money to bribe several uncles such as Chuanbao and Longgen, thinking that he had a sure win.

As a result, Deng Bo didn't like him, and he reversed the situation with a few words at the election meeting. Ah Le won.

After that, Da D refused to admit defeat and refused to obey the decision of his uncles. He made a lot of trouble and sent people to snatch the dragon head stick.

In the end, Ah Le's means were more clever, he got the dragon head stick, and subdued Da D. Of course, Da D was killed by Ah Le not long after.

That is, during the Dragon Head Stick incident, several young talents in the gang stood out and showed their outstanding strength.

They were all adopted by Ah Lok as godsons and became big brothers. They are Jimmy, Dongguanzi, Master Su, Airplane, and Big Head.

In the past two years, Jimmy and Dongguanzi have developed the best among the five. Master Su followed Jimmy to do legitimate business and is undergoing transformation.

Big Head followed Dongguanzi and still did the illegal business that the gang had originally done. Only Airplane was the most useless and became the secret thug of godfather Ah Lok, and he did the worst.

Now, it is time for the election every two years. Captain Shi intends to intervene in this matter.

It is difficult to eliminate the underworld by crackdown alone, so Captain Shi intends to control the major underworld organizations from the inside and restrain their behavior to ensure the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong society.

If these guys always make trouble every now and then, what prosperity and stability can we talk about, and whether we can live a normal life is a problem.

Besides, Captain Shi was not optimistic about Big D and Ah Lok at that time. So he didn't intervene actively.

Now, he finally has time to deal with He Liansheng.

In fact, he has been planning for He Liansheng's interference in this election for some time. Now he is preparing to close the net.

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