Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1360 Trapped in the Temple

From the end of the reincarnation mission "Star Wars" world on October 10th, to Xiao Ming preparing to enter the next reincarnation mission on the 23rd.

In the past two weeks, Xiao Ming's many souls in various worlds, as well as the experiences in the martial arts planet game and the full-time hunter secret realm have been introduced.

Finally, let's talk about the experiences of Xiao Ming's various game characters in the main game of Magic Planet.

October 10th, Monday, 8 am. After breakfast, Yin Xiao Ming went into the game cabin and started to sort out information.

After all, although the last time he left the main game was at 8 pm on October 9th, Xiao Ming, 12 hours later, has actually spent more than 10 years.

With his mental strength, he will not forget the progress of the game. But instead of wasting his brain to recall, it is better to enter the game to check the system records.

Explorer, in the adventure map, is still in the stage of going down the mountain, and the person is in Tokyo Bianliang City; the strategic map cannot be visited for the time being.

The researcher, in the adventure map, is active in the island city of Tanshan City; in the strategic map, he is making trouble for Western colonists on the American continent. His fleet in East Asia is led by Li Huamei, fighting against the pirate forces from Japan.

The diver, in the adventure map, still works and lives in the underwater limestone town; in the strategic map, he leads the fleet to explore the map in the Southeast Asian waters.

The dead, in the adventure map, he lives in the gray bone city; in the strategic map, he leads the troops to build and develop three maps of Annan.

Relatively speaking, the situation faced by the explorer is the most boring.

In theory, he is responsible for the task of going down the mountain to train, and he can open the copies of Liangshan heroes in the process. He should hurry up to find those copies according to the original book.

However, Xiao Ming was reluctant to let the explorer leave the capital of the Song Dynasty, Tokyo Bianliang.

Because he obtained the status of the third-class earl of the Song Dynasty two days ago. The explorer can now enter many high-end stores to buy goods. And he has money. Why not buy to his heart's content? !

At this stage, the player group is still hovering around level 3, and can generally only enter medium-sized cities.

For cities like Bianliang, which are at the capital level, players cannot enter at all unless they have special tasks.

Even if they can come in occasionally, the player's route and the buildings they can enter are usually restricted by tasks. It is difficult to buy things.

This means that the good things that the major shops in Tokyo City are preparing to use to collect players' money are now lying on the shelves and gathering dust.

The explorer just got a new title two days ago and can go in and buy things openly. Even if Xiao Ming controls it personally, he is still reluctant to leave Bianliang.

Making money to support the family is the most important thing. Anyway, the copy of the Liangshan heroes is there and will not run away. It doesn't matter when you go? !

Things like buying and selling things and engaging in "international trade" are still the best by intelligent programs. Let Xiaoer play here first.

It's just a pity for Fan Rui, who accompanies the explorer. Every day, he sees him buying and buying like a show of wealth, and I don't know what he feels in his heart.

Although the explorer cannot enter the strategic map, it is still possible to control it remotely.

His loyal subordinates, the "Han Dong Front Army", are now quite famous in the northern waters of Bohai Sea. The Manchu Orcs can't do anything about Han Dong's army on the island.

If it is completely based on reality, Bohai should have a freezing period of 1 to 3 months.

When the sea is frozen, the island where Xiaoyang Village is located is not too far from the land. The orcs can attack Xiaoyang Village on the ice. That is equivalent to a land battle. Xiaoyang Village can't resist.

However, this is a game. Even though there are still four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, the system has not created a freezing period. Maybe it doesn't want to make the game too complicated.

With powerful warships and the barrier of sea water. The orcs have no way to deal with Han Dong's army and cities. They can only defend it strictly.

Xiao Ming also reminds Han Dong to keep a low profile and never provoke the Manchus too much.

If the orcs get serious, it's not that they really can't do anything to him. As long as a flying unit consisting of all 5th-level eagles and thunderbirds is dispatched, he can be easily dealt with.

The reason why people don't do this is because it is not cost-effective. For such a small number of enemies, dispatching the core flying corps of the country is putting the cart before the horse.

Moreover, the orcs don't have many flying arms, and it is too costly to compete with Han Dong's army. The premise is that Han Dong can't be too suicidal.

The combat effectiveness of the troops under Han Dong's command is not very strong, and he dare not launch an attack on the large army of the orcs. He appears along the coast mainly to rescue some people of the Ming Dynasty.

Humans are similar to slaves in the orcs. They are worthless. It doesn't matter if some are rescued.

Anyway, the orcs will often invade the border of the Ming Dynasty, and from time to time they will capture many people of the Ming Dynasty and bring them back. They make a lot of money.

So the Qing Dynasty didn't take this loss seriously. Han Dong was happy to make his city more and more prosperous.

As for how to help the Ming Dynasty defeat the Qing Dynasty, that is not something that the explorer can intervene at this level. Take it slowly.

Among the other three characters, the one that Xiao Ming needs to command personally is the researcher.

He is now on the American continent, being chased and intercepted by the Esconte army. He has been able to hold on until now, thanks to the great help of the local native Liu Ke Tomato.

After logging into the researcher role, Xiao Ming found that the researcher's troops were resting in a human temple at this time.

In fact, it is better to say that they are taking a rest than to avoid disaster. There is an enemy army monitoring not far away.

Since the driller incorporated the Kunyan Velas forces, relying on the identity of the descendants of the royal family of the Tiya Inca Empire, he has indeed gathered a lot of NPC troops.

However, most of them are level 0 farmers and level 1 infantry. There are very few level 2 soldiers.

The indigenous people on the American continent are poorly developed. They have a lot of wealth and high-yield crops, but they can't develop cities well. There are villages everywhere.

The military strength is a mess, and the fourth-level soldiers of humans on the entire continent are very rare. There are no high-level soldiers, no wonder they are eaten to death by Western colonists.

Along the way, it was all thanks to the intelligence advantage of the local people in Liuke that the driller's troops were able to deal with the Esconte army. Now it is getting more and more difficult.

Because the Esconte army pays some attention to them. Many of their navy set foot on land to participate in the encirclement and suppression.

The Esconte army is mainly a maritime force, and the army is not strong. If you want to eliminate the driller, you must send the navy ashore for land battle.

Although the navy's combat effectiveness on land will be weakened, it is still much stronger than the 0-level and 1-level soldiers under the researcher.

The researcher's troops did not dare to resist head-on, and several times, they had to cut off their tails to survive. Some soldiers were left to fight with the Esconte army, allowing others to escape.

Today, they were blocked in the temple again, and Liu Ke was already making arrangements for the "tail" that was about to be "cut off".

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