Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 136 Armed Alien

Shua~ With a barely audible sound, the alloy door opened to the left and right under the control of Red Queen.

Revealing a group of zombies trapped in the corridor between the two doors.

There was not much noise, and no human smell. The zombies still maintained their usual slow and swaying pace.

Although I have seen zombies many times in various movies or games. But they have never looked so real and disgusting this time.

I won’t describe the details of the zombies. They should definitely be mosaiced, and the audience will be grateful for the mosaic.

A fully armed man stood several meters away from the door, holding a submachine gun and facing the group of leisurely zombies.

There were also zombies facing the door in the zombie group, but they all turned a blind eye to this man. Without smelling his scent, the zombies did not realize that this man was alive.

This man was naturally Zhang Xiaoming’s role in the Resident Evil Secret Realm - John Brown.

Seeing that the zombies didn't react to him, Xiao Ming secretly thought that "Jue" was really useful. The zombies' primitive instincts really couldn't detect him. Then you are in trouble.

If the zombies had thoughts, they would probably find it very strange:

Why is there a guy who doesn't smell like a living person in front of him? Why are there two submachine guns suspended in the air, one high and one low, in front of him on the left and right?

Of course, it's the alien clone and his child, the alien warrior, standing there with submachine guns.

This is not a secret place of monsters and ghosts. Only the guns are seen because the two mind beasts cannot be seen by the naked eye.

If someone uses mind power to observe, they will find that there are three aliens here, standing with guns. ——Xiao Ming also put on the alien suit. Safety first.

"Tu, tu, tu... Da, da, da... Bang, bang, bang..." Three tongues of fire gushed out.

Large groups of high-speed bullets, like a rainstorm, continuously swept towards the zombie group.

The metal bullet carried a strong impact force, slid through the air and created ripples, hitting the zombie's body. A hole was created when it hit, and a gap was created when it rubbed.

The blood of the zombies, which had decayed to dark red and black, burst in all directions. There were constantly broken arms, broken pieces of flesh and broken bones, splashing.

The scene was extremely tragic. The zombies also stayed there in a daze to endure the attack. Because they could not sense the enemy, they did not know how to fight back.

They just stood there stupidly, allowing Xiao Ming's "family of three" to vent their firepower at will, and even calmly changed the magazine and continued to fire.

This is the sadness of zombies. If other species are attacked by invisible enemies, even if they can't see them, they will run away or fight back randomly.

But zombies only have the instinct to eat, not the instinct to fight. If they can't see anything to eat, they don't know how to fight back even if they are attacked.

Of course, this is only the case with these lowest-level zombies. The advanced crawlers and trackers are another matter.

They are all real killing machines with super strong fighting instincts. It is hard to say how effective Xiao Ming's telepathic ability "absolute" is on them.

In a short while, there were no more upright zombies in this corridor, and the ground was full of zombie "corpses".

A few zombies who were lucky enough were not hit in the head and spine, and they were still crawling and rubbing on the ground in confusion. Xiao Ming, who was worried about being injured, sent out thugs.

The alien warrior threw away the submachine gun in his hand, climbed on all fours and jumped forward enthusiastically, finding things that could still move, and finishing them one by one. Claws? Tongues?

Xiao Ming and his clone watched from behind the door, like an old father, nodding with satisfaction and admiration.

The alien warrior's flexibility is indeed much better than himself and his clone. It has to do the fighting.

As for the weird and ridiculous scene just now [three aliens holding submachine guns and shooting at the zombies], it naturally came from Xiao Ming's imagination.

Who needs hand-to-hand combat when there are hot weapons? Xiao Ming, a coward, doesn't like close combat at all, and long-range attacks are the best.

——If there were no large number of hot weapons provided by Red Queen, Xiao Ming would probably use long-range combat skills such as coin flicking and swishing. He would accept it even if he spent money.

So for safety, not only the main body has to use submachine guns, but also the clones, and even the alien warriors.

The clone of the alien lord is controlled by Xiao Ming's own consciousness, so it is not difficult for the clone to use firearms.

But the alien warrior cultivated with Spence as the host is a bit more difficult. It usually just accepts simple orders from the alien lord.

Commands such as attack and escape are easy to say, but asking it to shoot with a submachine gun is a bit ridiculous.

It's purely Xiao Ming's bad taste. He is also kind-hearted. Probably...

Although it conflicts with the instinct of the alien warrior, the alien's body structure does allow it to stand upright and use firearms.

So under Xiao Ming's repeated orders and guidance, the alien warrior finally learned to use a submachine gun to shoot. But Xiao Ming still helped to change the magazine, and he really didn't learn it.

Whether it is a fan of the alien or a fan of the biochemical crisis, seeing such a scene will probably make people laugh and cry.

After roughly clearing the danger, Xiao Ming stretched out his hands and posed. In fact, he was using the skills "Death Harvest" and "Corruption".

No matter which secret realm he goes to, Xiao Ming will try whether the magic and skills of the undead system are available. If they can be used, his combat power in this secret realm will double.

In this world where zombies are rampant, necromancy can certainly be used. Although the principles are different, the game creators still have a sense of humor.

Xiao Ming can only rely on his feelings to know how much death breath he has absorbed. There is no personal panel in the secret realm to display data.

The hundreds of zombie skeletons he harvested were clearly placed on the ground, and Xiao Ming stored them in the housekeeper space.

His luck was normal. The death harvest stimulated the probability of harvesting undead soldiers three times. The three zombies stood up again.

But now they should be called zombies, and their combat ability is much stronger than that of stupid zombies. Zombies are a type of soldier after all.

There were also several times when I harvested items, but unfortunately they were all personal items such as watches and wallets.

I was lucky to get a copy of the T virus. I don’t know who it was harvested from. Now I can’t tell who is who. It may be a senior scientific researcher.

This probability is actually not worth it. Xiao Ming can pick up these items directly from the corpses.

(Checking corpses is allowed in this secret realm. It is not allowed in the main game.)

With the combination of Corruption and Death Harvest, not only corpses but also clothes were corrupted and disappeared.

But checking corpses one by one is really troublesome and time-consuming.

So Xiao Ming just casually used his skills to get it done. Anyway, he didn't care about a little bit of things.

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