Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1346 Nob's Ability

"Well, your courage is commendable! Unfortunately, you are not good enough." A voice came from behind the expedition team.

"President!" Everyone looked back, and Kate, Mo Laowu, Xiaojie and others shouted immediately. The others were confused.

Because the man who came over at this time looked like a middle-aged strong man in his forties, not the old man that President Netero looked like.

But his clothes were exactly what the president usually wore, and his telekinesis was also very strong, no less than the president, especially this person's appearance was very similar to the president.

Could it be that this is the president's illegitimate child? Or did the president practice some strange telekinesis ability for this battle? It allows him to rejuvenate in a short time.

They saw Kate and Mo Laowu say that this is the president, so it was probably. At this time, it is estimated that no one is interested in playing pranks.

So the Phantom Troupe, Hisoka, and Illumi all showed extremely excited expressions. After all, the president of the Hunter Association, Netero, is recognized as the strongest hunter.

His fighting power is above the peak of all professional hunters. Even these unruly guys would not think that they are stronger than the president.

Any master would feel his blood boiling when he sees him fight in his prime. So lucky!

Kate and the others knew Netero because they had seen him rejuvenate. But shouldn't the president be fighting with Neferpitou at this time?

Could it be that he won so quickly? ! That's too much. Mo Laowu asked excitedly: "President, have you killed the cat woman?!"

Netero shook his head and glanced at Mu Tou. He said: "No. The cat woman was trapped by Nob and Mu Tou."

Among the three guards of the Chimera Ant, Neferpitou is the most familiar master to everyone in the expedition team because he has been at the top of the ant nest for many years.

I heard that Mu Tou and Nob trapped her. Everyone couldn't help but ponder for a moment. Do you think Mu Tou and Nob are so strong? Soon, everyone was relieved.

The first to come to the rescue were the Phantom Troupe, who had been wiped out by Mutou. Although they didn't say it, they admired Mutou in their hearts.

They thought that no matter who Nobu was, Mutou did have this ability. Hisoka and Illumi also knew about this and also agreed that Mutou probably had this ability.

How did Xiao Ming do it? In fact, half of the credit should be attributed to Nobu. Thanks to his special mind ability [Fourth Dimension Apartment].

Nobu covered the wall or the ground with his hands and activated his ability to open a cave leading to the mind space. He could send people or objects from the cave to the mind space he created.

The four-dimensional mind space has 4 floors and 21 rooms of varying sizes. One of them is a special safe for items.

When entering the room, the entrance door will close, and you can only go out through another door in this room to return to the real world.

A room can have more than 2 doors. The upper limit of the number of doors varies depending on the size of the room. The largest room can have up to 32 doors.

Others can enter through 32 entrances, and after entering, they can also leave through 31 doors. It is still quite free.

But even if a person leaves through other doors, he will still leave through the original cave.

On the surface, he just disappeared for a while and then reappeared.

However, Nob has a master key. He can connect the door of any room to any pre-set cave.

As the owner of the four-dimensional apartment, under his leadership, he can instantly move people or objects to any place where a cave has been set.

Nob does not need to do it himself for outsiders to enter the mind space. As long as the cave is set, others will enter by accident.

In the original work, Nob himself was lying on the cliff, and there were chimera ants in the forest who kept mistakenly entering the cave, and were killed by President Netero when they entered the space.

This shows that when entering, Nob does not need to transport people in person. Just don't close the door and allow outsiders to enter.

Along the way, Xiao Ming has understood Nob's ability. With Nobu's pitiful mental power, he couldn't hide the secret under Xiao Ming's telepathy.

It was with this ability that Mu and Nobu were able to lock up Catwoman. This was the little conspiracy that the Seven Shadow Clone and Nobu had discussed before.

The specific method was as follows. First, select a rectangular, not very large room. There are only three doors. Set the location of the entrance cave.

Then Mu's Seven Shadow Clone will send a message to the fighting President Netero and inform the president of the specific location.

The president can then accurately hit Neferpitou into the cave and fall into the mind space. This step is not difficult without intention.

The key is that it is not enough to just hit him in. Neferpitou can easily go out another door and come out. So Xiao Ming must find a way to trap her.

The specific method is to arrange two Seven Shadow Clone with Sharingan and some parasites in the room.

Use two huge and hard bodies of [Susanoo] to block the other two doors.

At the scene, Catwoman was trapped in the center of the rectangular space, and the doors on both sides were blocked by two huge Susanoos. She couldn't rush through.

The long-armed giant swords of the two Susanoos could easily attack Neferpitou in the center of the room. She was overwhelmed.

In the battle in the reincarnation world that year, the Susanoo of the Seven Shadow Clone was easily broken by Neferpitou.

In this life, a man should be treated with new eyes after three days of separation. First of all, Xiao Ming's supernatural energy has grown a lot, and Susanoo has become stronger.

Secondly, the clone also used a large number of energy shields and energy shields from the Kyber crystal weapon series. Blocked Neferpitou's attack route.

Before the energy shields and energy shields are exhausted, Catwoman cannot break Susanoo.

And Xiao Ming's energy is almost infinite. There is no possibility of exhaustion at all. You can cross your feet and wait for Catwoman to use up all her strength. Then do whatever you want.

It is a little difficult to kill her cleanly. You should know that Xiao Ming's strongest S-level attack has two kinds.

One is to transform into a dragon warrior, with extremely strong combat power. But in the secret realm, there is no Xiao Xiaoer, and it is impossible to merge into a dragon warrior.

The other is that when the opponent is extremely evil, you can use the [Reward Good and Punish Evil Sword] to kill him directly.

Unfortunately, Catwoman was born not long ago, and she is still far from being extremely evil.

Even if he used the Sword of Reward and Punishment to slash her, it would not be possible to reach the S-level attack power. At most, it could cause a few minor injuries, which would be a waste of energy.

In the current situation, Xiao Ming would only focus on defense. Anyway, Neferpitou could not get out, so there was no need to kill her immediately.

It was easy to make mistakes during the transition between offense and defense. It would be bad if he accidentally let her run away. It was safer to guard steadily.

Besides, there was the Ant King and two guards outside. They might need Xiao Ming's support at any time. He could not use all his energy on a cat girl.

After the Ant King was eliminated, a mere cat girl would not be able to make any big waves.

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