Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1344 Young and Strong

Looking at the young and strong President Netero, Kate, Nob, Mo Laowu, Mutou, Xiaojie, Killua, and Kurt, all of them felt the unparalleled power in his body.

Is this the strongest person at the top of all professional hunters? It really lives up to his reputation.

Similarly, it was not only them who felt this power, but also Neferpitou who was at the top of the Chimera Ant Nest and looking around.

In fact, the distance between the two sides was still quite far at this moment. Neferpitou did not notice the other strong people. In her eyes, other people were not worth caring about at all.

Mutou actually had power beyond her, but due to Xiaoming's personality, he never exerted his full momentum.

The power returned to its original state, and almost no one could fully feel his power. Judging from the aura displayed by Mutou, it was not as threatening as others.

Originally, President Netero's level was very high, and he had already reached the state of returning to his original state. He should not have been discovered by the Chimera Ant.

It's just that he just took the anti-aging potion and suddenly became nearly a hundred years younger. As his body quickly grew stronger, his momentum surged.

Some of it was too late to be restrained, and as a result, Neferpitou was shocked.

Although President Netero's peak strength was about 50 years ago. However, that was not when his body was the strongest and his mental power was the most vigorous.

It was when he had just reached the peak of his understanding of martial arts. Over the past few decades, his martial arts attainments have become deeper and deeper, but with the aging of his body, his physical strength has declined more and more, and his strength has inevitably declined.

As an old man who has seen through the world, President Netero did not look for any opportunity to rejuvenate or live forever. He is willing to age and die according to the laws of nature.

Today, if he had not personally felt that the Chimera Ants were too threatening to humans, he would not agree to take the [Witch's Rejuvenation Potion].

In fact, Netero could have taken all 100 pills. Even 100 years ago was not his strongest moment.

His life span is really too long. His current strength is already considered cheating, and it is stronger than when he was the strongest in his life.

The president only knew that this medicine came from the game [Greed Island], and it would be gone after it was used up.

He didn't know that this was actually a medicine copied by Mu Mu, and the original 100 medicines were still there intact. As many as he wanted.

So he left 10 for his little apprentice in case of emergency.

Looking at the 10 medicines taken back by Mu Mu, no one else cared, and Kurt couldn't help but have some thoughts in his mind. But she didn't have time to say it, because the danger was already here.

Feeling the power of President Netero, Neferpitou roared and summoned Owl Yapofu inside the ant nest to take her place.

Her leg muscles swelled wildly and exploded, and a huge force was emitted, and a large piece of the chimera ant nest was crushed by her.

With the force of recoil, Catwoman's body rushed quickly towards the direction of President Netero. She decided to eliminate the danger in the bud.

If she couldn't beat the opponent, she also hoped to delay the enemy and let Pofu take the chimera ant queen to move quickly.

Neferpitou has an ability called [Dancing with Black]. It is an ability she uses only when she wants to fight with all her strength. It takes only 0.1 seconds from activating the ability to attacking.

She summons the demon puppeteer by activating Dancing with Black, and the puppeteer manipulates Neferpitou's body through the telepathic string, allowing him to exert power and speed beyond the limit.

Bit, who understands the characteristics of telekinesis, knows that even if she dies. In order to protect the king, her thoughts will become stronger after death.

The ability of Dancing with Black will continue to exist, manipulating her own body, and fighting the enemy to the death with greater power.

Either the opponent completely destroys her body, or the opponent is exhausted and dies. This is the obsession of being a Chimera Ant Guard.

After Neferpitou attacked, Owl Yapofu quickly took her place and released his circle to protect the nest.

However, Owl Yapofu's circle, compared with Catwoman, has a much smaller range and can only barely cover the core part of the nest. It can't take care of the wider territory.

He is not by the queen's side, so he won't worry too much. Because at this time, Yupi was also born.

With him guarding the queen closely, it was safe, not to mention that he also had a small clone there.

Now we just have to wait for the ant king to appear. I hope Neferpito can delay enough time.

Neferpito's roar was not only heard by Pufu Yupi, Netero and his party, but also by the foreign aid surrounding the Chimera Ant Nest.

It was like a horn of attack. I don't know how these Kuroro, Illumi, and Hisoka thought of it, but they all went to the Chimera Ant Nest. Launched the final general attack.

The tacit understanding of the masters is really hard to understand. Xiao Ming, who saw everything from the clone and the parasite's vision, was a little confused.

But he still cooperated to let himself summon the cannon fodder, and the subordinates also launched a collective charge.

This doesn't need Yuan to feel. Thousands of puppets and skeleton soldiers surged in the forest, and Owl Yapufu could clearly see the army rushing to the nest. Worried.

The decisive battle between Chimera Ants and humans began abruptly when no one was prepared.

Looking at the catwoman rushing towards him like a gust of wind and lightning, President Netero knew very well that if he let her get close to him, he would be fine, but others would be easily killed by her unexpectedly.

Mo Laowu, Kate, and Nob were still reassuring, but Xiaojie, Killua, and Kurt were very dangerous.

As for Mumu, he was not considered. Netero felt that he could not figure out the strength of this kid, so he left it to him.

The president also used his energy to run his legs and rushed towards the catwoman at high speed. Keep the battlefield as far away from these people as possible.

These people were actually observing the chimera ant nest on a cliff. Catwoman and the president collided in mid-air and could not stay in the air, and fell into the forest below at the same time.

Probably because of the great increase in strength, the president was full of confidence in himself, and he might also want to save some strength to deal with the ant king, so he did not use [Hundred-style Guanyin] immediately.

Instead, he relied on his own strength to deal with Neferpitou in the forest. The aftermath of the battle between the two turned the forest upside down.

"I'll go help the president." Kate jumped off the cliff.

Unexpectedly, she was stopped by Nob. "Wait! We should attack the chimera ant nest."

"Why?" Mo Laowu and Xiaojie asked in unison, and the others obviously had the same idea.

Nob said concisely: "The chimera ant guard should not leave the king's side. She was willing to take the risk and rushed out, which means that the birth of the ant king is at the most critical moment. She is afraid that the aftermath of the battle will kill the chimera ant queen and cause the ant queen to die in her womb. Therefore, we must attack the chimera ant nest immediately."

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