Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1338 Cave Factory

In order to save his master Netero and Kate in the battle against the Chimera Ants in this secret realm, Xiao Ming consulted with several of his think tanks and gathered their ideas.

The so-called think tanks are actually his sister Xiao Jing'er, his brother Zhang Wen, the fox demon Kurama who follows the reincarnation space, and his friend Kurapika in the secret realm.

Xiao Ming can tell them the real situation in detail for the first three people, and can only give a vague introduction to Kurapika.

Of course, even if Xiao Ming told him that he was an NPC in the game, under the control of the game system, he would either be completely blocked or he would not understand it at all.

After analyzing the opinions of several people, the general conclusion is that as long as the ant king Meruem is born, the game system will probably not create another Chimera Ant Queen.

According to the news Xiao Ming has heard from various sources, it is said that after the death of President Netero, the election of the next new president will also be a wonderful drama.

He can't help but worry: if President Netero doesn't die, the main storyline will not be able to develop. Then the system is likely to kill Netero again.

Xiao Jing'er thinks that her brother doesn't need to worry too much. Instead of spending a lot of effort to kill Netero, the system might as well secretly influence President Netero to pretend to be dead.

The main plot can still proceed. And there is no need for much change. Xiao Ming thinks it makes sense, so he decided to implement it according to this policy.

That's why he gave orders to the Phantom Troupe, the Zoldyck family and other foreign aids not to kill the Chimera Ant Queen.

This is also for their own good. Before the ant king was born, the queen enjoyed the full protection of the three guards. If they go rashly, they may die miserably.

However, this group of guys are very strong, and their skills are varied and strange.

Maybe they can really bypass the three guards and kill the queen. Xiao Ming doesn't want this to happen.

Although the order has been issued, it is hard to say whether this group of unruly people will obey.

People like Hisoka and Feitan, who have extremely strange tempers, may do things that Mu Yue doesn't allow them to do, but they just want to do it.

Xiao Ming also had to send parasites and clones to follow these guys non-stop and monitor them in all directions. Lest they ruin their own plans.

Processing intelligence is not Xiao Ming's specialty, so he projected the surveillance images to Guangmingding in real time, and Kurapika and the other two were responsible for observation and analysis.

"Is this the nest of the chimera ants...?" The five people entered a cave to explore, and Xiao Jie looked at the situation in the cave and asked in disbelief.

In fact, seeing the objects of human society everywhere, even the simple Xiao Jie felt that this place was not very similar.

But there shouldn't be no one in the human base? Is the quality of the people in NGL so high? Don't lock the door at night?

Sure enough, Kate flatly denied: "No! Chimera ants don't dig holes, their nests are built with mud and feces."

Continuing to explore in depth, the five people soon found things that should never appear in NGL. Machines, guns, computer systems...

Kate said, "This is the dark side of NGL."

Kiya hesitated and asked, "The narcotics factory...?"

"Yes, this is the manufacturing factory of the popular narcotics D2. There should be narcotics raw material fields in the nearby suburbs."

Kate couldn't help but sneer, "This is called a nature reserve. It's really ridiculous."

He also understood that the real responsibility was the top management of NGL, and most ordinary people must be unaware of it.

If it were normal times, Kate would immediately destroy this narcotics factory. Then report to the Hunter Association and completely deal with NGL.

But now it's not necessary. There is no one here, which means that it has been cleaned up by the Chimera Ants. The head of NGL is either dead or fleeing.

Xiao Ming destroyed this factory in person in the reincarnation world. Killed all those who deserved to die.

Suddenly, Kate pointed to three dark holes on one side, indicating that there were enemies coming from that side. Xiao Ming had seen it a long time ago.

From the middle hole, a tall centaur-shaped Chimera Ant walked out. This form is not surprising in the hybrid population of Chimera Ants.

This guy was holding two chains with two people tied to the end of the chains. They were obviously human beings, but they were forced to crawl on the ground like dogs. It seemed that they had become the toys of the chimera ant.

Seeing this scene, Kate and his group, as well as Kurapika and the other two in Guangmingding, were all indignant. It was too much bullying! A gentleman can be killed but not humiliated, and an uncle can be tolerated but an aunt cannot be tolerated.

Of course, only Xiao Ming's anger was pretended. He was not really that angry. As a human, he was indeed a little unhappy.

But human is only one of Xiao Ming's identities. He also has several identities such as Zerg, Protoss, Dragon Warrior, and Hades. At this time, he also has the identity of a tree (Orange Xiao Ming).

From the perspective of other identities, this matter is not a big deal. What humans do to other species is much more excessive than the behavior of this chimera ant.

Even if this chimera ant is compared with these two people who were forced to be dogs. It turns out that these two people are more sinful.

Because they were both from the narcotics factory, they all had a lot of blood debts on their backs. All of them were caused by harming their own kind.

On the other hand, the chimera ant was born not long ago, so it didn't have time to do too many bad things.

Moreover, the chimera ant and humans are hostile to each other, so it can't be said that he didn't have a trace of sin in killing people, but compared with these two humans, he was much better.

Of course, judging from the character of this chimera ant, it is probably a bloodthirsty guy. If he is given enough time, he will soon be guilty of a serious crime. Even if he is killed now, it is not wrong for him.

There is nothing wrong with killing for food, but it is absolutely not right to abuse. These two humans were bullied so badly by the chimera ant.

Both of them were in tears, one of them kept trying to please the chimera ant, hoping to live a little longer; the other cried and shouted "Help" to several people.

The chimera ant was annoyed by the noise and raised its front hoof to trample the human to death. Kate was worried about a trap and stopped the impulse of others to rescue.

It doesn't matter, Mutou raised his right hand and threw a lump of something over. It was a large bomb. There are many kinds of abilities in the bomb.

There is the explosion ability that Xiao Ming initially trained, the [Voice of Life] of the bomb demon, and the ability of the bomb-dominant monster Crow. Therefore, it is extremely powerful.

There was a loud "boom!" and the whole cave seemed to shake for a few seconds. Not only were the Chimera Ants and two humans killed, but three passages were also blown down.

Two Chimera Ants were hiding at the two cave entrances nearby, and they were all affected by the bomb and died. They didn't even get a chance to appear.

Otherwise, the three of them would have died at the hands of Kate, Gon, and Killua, and the two humans would have died at the hands of the Chimera Ants. The sooner they die, the sooner they will be reborn.

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