Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 133 Special Operations Room

At the door of the special operations room, a group of people were talking and laughing, tapping on a small electronic screen beside the door.

Enter your ID, password, mission code and other information. The access control of the operations room was turned on.

When standing at the door, others might not be able to see anything, but Xiao Ming used Ning and Yuan to find that this special operations room was actually a large multiplayer game room.

After entering, it was found that the special operations room was a ring structure, and the surrounding walls were devices similar to dormant or game rooms.

In the center of the operations room was a control computer. There were also several lockers. Xiao Ming and Gu Waner took off their coats and magnetic shoes here and put them in the lockers.

Gu's great mind shocked everyone again. It made several boys bow their heads in embarrassment and muttered a few words of Amitabha.

Over there, Zhao Yongmeng, who took on the task, operated on the computer and started the task program.

Then he and all the team members who were already wearing hero suits entered the game room. Start the special task.

Originally, Xiao Ming thought that the so-called special mission should be to go to Nuwa Star collectively and experience the atmosphere of war in the bodies of soldiers.

Unexpectedly, they all entered a new secret realm together. The so-called special operation turned out to be a copy that needed to be entered in a team.

Secret realm is also good. If Xiao Ming goes to Nuwa, it seems that it will be more difficult to get through if he does not want to use the necromancy magic in front of everyone. Secret realm is much better.

Xiao Ming is wearing a security uniform, and the weapons he is equipped with are much more powerful than ordinary police.

Look at the environment he is in. This is a building full of technology. There are scientific researchers wearing white coats everywhere.

There are two rows of sophisticated laboratories on both sides of the passage. Occasionally, I peek inside through the open door of the laboratory. Wow! All kinds of high-tech equipment and instruments.

No wonder such a grand warning measure is arranged. Seeing that there are no team members around him, it seems that everyone should be dispersed.

Xiao Ming reads the system records. It turns out that he is a mercenary employed by this company called "Umbrella". Today is the first day to work here.

As an ordinary mercenary, Xiao Ming didn't know what this company was doing. He just had to obey his superiors' orders.

If he was a mercenary, would there be a fight? Would someone come to rob the company's research results soon?

Thinking of the possibility of a fight, Xiao Ming patrolled back and forth while raising his vigilance. Not only did he release the circle, but he also used Lian Ning frequently.

Then, before he had walked a few times, Xiao Ming felt a strong sense of disobedience. There were many things that made him uncomfortable on this floor alone.

First, the view of the city outside the window was fake, just a projection.

Xiao Ming could see with telekinesis: the outside was actually thick soil and rocks. This building was built underground!

Then there were the researchers coming and going. In the observation of telekinesis, almost no one's life energy color was pleasing to the eye.

Many of them were "black", and even they felt that they were full of evil. What kind of company would have so many "bad guys"?

What surprised Xiao Ming the most was the boxes transported by a team of employees and security guards. It exudes a weird and evil atmosphere. What the hell is in there!

*** Needless to say, all the readers know. This is the plot of Resident Evil. It always feels like something is missing without Resident Evil in the infinite flow.

But throwing this group of players who don't know the plot into the company building before the large-scale outbreak of the T virus, the system clearly doesn't want them to live.

The virus is about to break out, and only those who know the plot can find ways to avoid it in advance. The mortality rate of those who don't know is as high as 99.99%.

The only possible exception is Xiao Ming who has superpowers. But even if he escapes the virus, he still has to face countless zombies. Let's see his ability to adapt to changes. ***

After giving the team members time to familiarize themselves with the situation, the system immediately started the official plot. The virus leaked, and the Red Queen blocked the building and started slaughtering...

In a storage room, Xiao Ming, wearing an alien suit, and his alien clone, monitored the zombie in front of him that was stuck on the wall with several steel pipes.

This zombie was transformed from the villain in the plot-Spence Parks. One of the key figures in the outbreak of the Resident Evil.

Because of greed, he stole from the company and sneaked into the Umbrella Corporation to steal the T virus. He stole it, but he broke a bottle on purpose.

As a result, the virus spread and triggered the massacre of the Red Queen. In the end, he did not escape the fate of suffering the consequences of his own actions.

In this secret realm, his end came even faster.

Xiao Ming and other 8 team members were arranged by the system on Spence's escape route. Those who stopped Spence would definitely receive a generous reward.

The T virus and the antidote were in the box in Spence's hand. As players, the T virus used by the team members has a much greater chance of being strengthened than ordinary people.

But who would be bored enough to attack a person in a hurry without knowing the plot? —— Xiao Ming would.

Spence's disguise can deceive the human eye, but it can't deceive Xiao Ming's telekinesis. He stared at this guy at a glance. Spence, who had just done something bad, had a red breath with black.

The environment in the building was still peaceful at that time, so Xiao Ming did not take action immediately, but followed him for a while, waiting for an opportunity.

When there were few people around and they were not paying attention, the clone grabbed him and dragged him into the storage room beside him.

Although Spence was a fighting expert and was very vigilant. But he could not see the telepathic beast-alien clone, and he could not resist the power of the clone.

In the biochemical crisis secret realm, Xiao Ming's alien clone was more than 4 meters tall and very strong. Maybe it was because there were many giant beasts in this world.

How could Spence tell the truth to an Umbrella security guard? When Xiao Ming interrogated him, he pretended to be innocent and made up stories.

But Xiao Ming could not be fooled by lies, and telepathy could tell at a glance. So Xiao Ming let the alien clone controlling Spence show his figure. He almost peed his pants.

But even so, he still did not tell the whole truth, half true and half false. Spence was not afraid of death, but he did not know that Xiao Ming had the ability to distinguish between truth and lies.

So he did not say directly that he was doing it for money, but brought out the statement that he overheard to expose the conspiracy of the Umbrella Company. I want to add some points.

But it made Xiao Ming furious, and Xiao Ming's telekinesis could not distinguish so clearly.

Thinking that this kid would not change his bad habits, he gave him a kiss of death with his clone and parasitized an alien embryo in his body.

This scared him to death. Although he didn't know what it was, it was terrifying to think about it carefully. So he poured out the truth in one go.

Xiao Ming found that he seemed to be angry at the wrong point. But this guy still deserved to die.

After a while, the alien broke out of his body, which was a very appropriate punishment.

The Secret Realm of Resident Evil pays tribute to the ancestor of the infinite flow, "Infinite Horror". According to the characteristics of the protagonist of this book completely ignoring the original work, there is no need to worry about the plot being similar.

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