Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1315 Erxiao comes to the rescue

"Master~~, Brother Zhou~~, where are you~~?"

Just as Hong Qigong and Zhou Botong were gloating over the misfortune, Guo Jing's shout came over. The two hurriedly looked for the sound.

In the distance, a three-masted green sail ship came, and several people stood on the bow, two of whom were Guo Jing and Huang Rong.

Hong Qigong was overjoyed, thinking that he would have to suffer for another two or three days, but his disciples came and he was finally saved. He hurriedly responded loudly and rowed the boat over.

Guo Jing and Huang Rong were anxious, so they jumped into the water and swam over to meet the two. Since the distance was not very far, swimming was faster.

Rong'er was the fastest, and she jumped onto the boat with a fish jump. Guo Jing had a deep internal strength, and he didn't fall behind too far, and soon got on the boat.

When the master and the apprentice met, they naturally had a warm welcome. They didn't row the boat anymore, waiting for the big boat to come over by itself.

Although the mute servants on the big ship are not good people, they dare not do anything when these masters are all safe.

Besides, they have been tamed by Huang Yaoshi on Peach Blossom Island for a long time. There is a little Stockholm syndrome.

In addition, they have watched little Huang Rong grow up since they were young. Although they hate and fear Huang Yaoshi, most of the mute servants like little Huang Rong very much. Like their own children.

This kind of feeling is very wonderful. If Master Huang Yaoshi and his daughter encounter a crisis, they are likely to add insult to injury to Huang Yaoshi, but they will go to save Rong'er. This is a very wonderful feeling.

Although there are mute servants on the big ship at this time, they will not drive the ship away. (The part about mute servants does not conform to the description of the original work, but the author hopes so.)

Of course, there must be those who are extremely vicious and will vent their anger on Huang Yaoshi to Rong'er.

It's just that this type of mute servants have been cleaned up by Huang Yaoshi over the years. The owner of Peach Blossom Island also has to ensure the safety of his daughter.

The old naughty boy had just experienced three exciting events: the shipwreck crisis, the battle with sharks, and the deception of the Western Poison. He was inexplicably excited.

He pulled the two little ones and talked about it nonstop. The other three also listened obediently.

It was okay for Hong Qigong and Guo Jing to be master and apprentice, but Huang Rong liked the excitement the most. It was a pity that she didn't catch up with such a fun thing, but she had to listen to it to her heart's content.

Seeing that Rong'er listened so seriously and knew how to answer the questions at the right time to pave the way for herself.

The old naughty boy couldn't help but show his 12 points of ability and told this story very excitingly, but more than half of it was seriously distorted.

At the end, Zhou Botong was already bragging. Hong Qigong was too lazy to listen, so he asked Guo Jing how they came.

Guo Jing then told the story of Huang Yaoshi sending them out to escort. Just now, their ship and Ouyang Feng's ship were not far apart and "passed by".

Ouyang Feng's uncle and nephew were on guard at the side of the ship, guarding against the unknown ship causing trouble. The more critical the moment, the more we cannot relax. Fortunately, there was no danger.

Huang Rong hid in the dark, and seeing the unconcealable joy on the faces of Ouyang Feng's uncle and nephew, Rong'er, who originally hated them, was very upset.

So she had an idea and quietly dived into the water to do some damage to their bottom. So the ship was delayed a little to wait for Huang Rong to come back.

About a day or two later, the big ship of Baituo Mountain will be destroyed by wind and waves. However, with the ability of Ouyang Feng's uncle and nephew, they probably won't drown them. It's just a breath of relief.

At this stage, Ouyang Ke is just taking advantage of the situation and forcing Zhou Botong to give out the scriptures.

Ouyang Feng has not yet attacked Hong Qigong, so there is no hatred between them. They just don't like each other.

It's good for their uncle and nephew to die, but it doesn't matter if they don't die. If they die, how can they practice the Nine Yin Fake Sutra?

Just as everyone was celebrating their victory happily, something strange happened! Two small snakes with shiny silver scales suddenly jumped out from the corner and rushed straight to the old naughty boy Zhou Botong...

The boat was surrounded by sea water, the boat was swaying up and down, and the sea surface was also sparkling. These two small snakes seemed very hidden.

If they attacked Hong Qigong and Zhou Botong when they just boarded the boat, they would definitely not get away with it.

At that time, Hong and Zhou were very vigilant. They had just tricked the West Poison, and they must be careful whether the other party would have any tricks.

Ouyang Feng knew this very well, so he first used drugs to knock the small snakes unconscious and hid them very secretly. Two sleeping snakes naturally would not arouse the vigilance of the masters.

In addition, Guo and Huang came, but they also helped. On the one hand, it made Hong Qigong and Zhou Botong relax. The West Poison left and the rescue boat came, which meant that it was safe.

On the other hand, the four people were chatting enthusiastically, which naturally made them gradually relax their vigilance.

As time went by, the two little snakes slowly woke up from their sleep. Snakes are home-guarding animals. When they sensed other creatures nearby, they naturally launched an attack.

Hong Qigong saw a little snake shooting out from the corner of his eye and heading straight for Zhou Botong's right leg. Zhou Botong was bragging happily at this time and didn't notice it.

The Nine-Fingered Beggar reacted quickly, waving his hand and shooting out three golden needles, sending the little snake flying far away. When it fell into the sea, it was already dead.

Before he could feel lucky, he suddenly saw Zhou Botong's body shake. It turned out that another little snake jumped out from the blind spot of Hong Qigong's sight and bit Zhou Botong's neck.

The old naughty boy hurriedly used his internal energy to counter-shock and sent the snake flying out. But the next second, he only felt a coma and was shaky, and immediately knew that he might be poisoned.

At this time, Guo Jing and Huang Rong also reacted. They rushed forward to check. But the old naughty boy was already on the verge of death.

Hong Qigong had already remembered the silver snake. It was the two poisonous snakes on Ouyang Feng's snake staff. The snakes that were favored by the West Poison must be very poisonous.

The old naughty boy was also unlucky. Among the four people on this boat, he was the only one who did not practice the Changsheng Jue. Poisonous snakes would not actively attack people who practiced the Changsheng Jue, so he became the only target.

Although these two poisonous snakes were different, they should at least be highly poisonous snakes at the level of the snake king, and they might not actively attack people who practiced the Changsheng Jue.

But since there was the old naughty boy as an excellent target, the two of them still felt that the old man's bite was more "refreshing".

Fortunately, the other three responded quickly. Hong Qigong hurriedly used his internal energy to help the old naughty boy force out the venom; Guo Jing sucked the poisonous blood out of the wound with his mouth;

Huang Rong quickly took out the Nine Flowers Jade Dew Pill from her arms and gave it to Zhou Botong to take. Although this medicine has no detoxification effect, it can enhance his resistance.

The four of them all regretted secretly. How could they get so carried away? ! The West Poison is also one of the Five Great Masters of the Central Plains, and he is not a person who gets his reputation for nothing. How can he just be calculated without fighting back?

In order to harm others, he did not hesitate to use the two silver snakes that he had raised for many years on the snake staff.

It doesn't matter if Hong Qigong or the Old Boy is killed, it would be best if both of them are poisoned. In the end, only the Old Boy was poisoned, which was already considered lucky.

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