Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 129: Gold-plated and blue-plated

It has to be said that because the game can use super powers like cheats. Zhang Xiaoming has been playing this game of Magic Planet very well.

Various tricks emerge in an endless stream, and he is doing well.

The combination of holy light and undead is not a particularly new thing. Xiaoming has read several novels with this as the starting point. He is familiar with the common routines.

But Xiaoming still does not intend to play this routine in Magic Planet. Although his previous gameplay was wild, it was based on his own super powers. This is called having a bottom line in mind.

The routine of holy light plus undead seems a bit suicidal to Xiaoming. It is destined to survive in the cracks. Xiaoming has no bottom line in this extreme challenge.

The key is to make too many enemies, and they are all deadly enemies. This is not good. If you fail to play, someone will definitely come to cut the grass and root it out.

Even if you succeed in a stage, you still have to be on guard against the open and hidden arrows from all sides. What's fun then. Xiaoming doesn't want to be abused.

Maybe some players will like this kind of challenge, fighting with others, it is endless fun. And if you survive, you will definitely gain a lot.

But Xiao Ming, a otaku loser, definitely doesn't have this leisure time. It's better to catch up with the anime when you have time.

So in the end, the dead did not confirm to build the Temple of Light in Pingnan City, but chose to cancel it.

Switching to the researcher, Xiao Ming thought that Xinluo was the most likely city to allow the construction of the Temple of Light.

Who would have thought that the system would not allow it. The reason is that the Temple of Light in Xinluo City is already saturated. It turns out that the God of Light does not want his temples to compete with each other for territory.

With a nervous mood, Xiao Ming switched to the diver. Gray Rock Town is an adventure map, and I don't know if it can be done?

Fortunately, the application for the construction of the temple was approved by the system, which made Xiao Ming breathe a sigh of relief. But he didn't dare to choose to build it immediately.

Anxiously checking the system prompts, praying that the risky situation like Pingnan City would not occur.

Fortunately, Gray Rock Town is just an underwater town, and originally there was only the Temple of Poseidon. Maybe the Sea God doesn't mind being a neighbor of the God of Light.

The officials of Graystone Town are also willing to have one more temple to increase the prosperity of the town. This is good for everyone.

Since there are no negative prompts, it means that there will be no obvious negative effects.

Now Xiao Ming is finally relieved and chooses to build the Temple of Light. The system deducted 30,000 gold coins from him.

It's also unlucky. If you build on the strategic map, you can use the strategic materials there. It doesn't cost so much money.

But on the adventure map, the diver didn't accumulate much supplies, so the system collected all the gold coins. (30,000 is probably discounted.)

The holy light descended on this underwater town for the first time, and a holy Temple of Light appeared at the diver's original residence.

The diver's residence was automatically transferred to a bedroom in the temple. The builder diver also received the favor of the God of Light and became the first manager of this temple.

Spreading the holy light to the bottom of the sea is a great contribution to the God of Light. So only the first-level diver can become a manager.

This status far beyond his level of strength is a reward for his merit. Of course, it is also because there is really no one else in this Gada.

The temple relocation task is completed. Although the task itself is only a blue task, the completion rate is very good. The reward is naturally very generous.

A holy light shines on the statue, which is a gift from the God of Light. The silver statue of the God of Light has been upgraded! But this is not over yet.

A blue light also descended on the statue. Although Xiao Ming has never seen it, he also guessed that it was a gift from the God of the Sea. The statue has changed slightly again.

Do the God of the Sea and the God of Light have a good relationship? Not only does he not mind him coming to grab the territory, he even helps to add bricks and tiles. This god and human have different ideas.

After a little sigh, Xiao Ming quickly picked up the statue to check what has changed.

The statue was originally just a white jade carving with a blurred face of the God of Light, surrounded by silver light.

At this moment, the light has turned golden, mixed with a few strands of blue light. It feels much more lively.

[Golden Statue of the God of Light↑↑]: A fourth-tier strategic treasure. Faith value: 200+/100,000. Several of the original functions have also been upgraded.

First, the number of people in the strategic teleportation function has been increased to 9. And the number of teleportation coordinates that can be recorded has also been increased.

The coordinates are the destinations that can be teleported. The initial set of teleportation coordinates is automatic, which is the location where the player left the map.

When the explorer teleports from the bedroom to the strategic map, the coordinates are automatically recorded in the bedroom. When the explorer teleports back to the adventure map, he will appear at the location of the coordinates - the bedroom.

Similarly, the teleportation coordinates will also be recorded where the explorer left the strategic map, and the same location will be the next time he comes.

A set of recordable coordinates has been added, that is, in addition to the location where he left last time, the player can also record one more coordinate, which will give him one more choice when teleporting.

This makes the player more flexible in strategy and tactics. Of course, since a maximum of 9 people can be teleported, large troops cannot be carried.

The second function of the ascetic's job transfer is no longer limited to NPCs of the light race, as long as they believe in light.

Demons and undead can do it, and so can players. It takes 100 points of faith to transfer a level 1 player.

The third function has been upgraded from a simple general job transfer to a general/hero job transfer. That is, you can transfer to a general or a hero.

At the same time, similar to the changes in the second function, free NPCs who believe in light can transfer, and players can also. It's just very expensive. A level 1 player needs 1,000 points of faith to transfer.

Light Devotion is the only function that has not changed. The statue has kept the tradition of being picky. (Xiao Ming actually hopes that this can be changed.)

The last function, Light Partner 1 is upgraded to Light Partner 2. There is one more type of spiritual pet choice - birds: pigeons, ostriches, falcons.

Xiao Ming is curious: When a bird's spiritual pet possesses, can it make the owner fly? It is probably unlikely.

I have Xiaobai, and I am reluctant to give it up. Now I can't see it. I'll wait and see what the bird pets summoned by others look like in the future.

It is reasonable to upgrade to the 4th level of the golden statue. The original functions are collectively upgraded. And the gift of the sea god is reflected in the sixth function - the blessing of the sea.

Explorers can consume the faith value of the holy image to add a permanent effect to any ascetic - the blessing of the ocean.

Adding the blessing of the ocean is not divided by rank and identity, and each ascetic must consume 100 points of faith.

The blessed person gains the ability to breathe underwater and automatically becomes a believer of the sea god. Permanent underwater breathing ability! ——What a strong blessing effect.

Although you can breathe underwater, you have not turned into a fish, and the resistance and pressure of the water are still there.

If you don't have a strong body like the sea people, it's better not to enter the deep sea casually.

As for why the blessing of the ocean consumes the faith value of the God of Light, haha, they let you settle down on the seabed, don't you have to pay rent or something? !

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