Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1289 Mission World Disguiser

1940s, Shanghai beach, train station.

Mingjing's team, who had just entered the mission world, looked at each other's forms and found that they were all human beings and did not look like any other race.

After each feeling the supernatural energy in their bodies, everyone smiled bitterly. Another world without any supernatural energy.

Except for their physical fitness, which is considered to be at the peak level of special forces, everyone has no other advantages.

Look at the soldiers with guns and ammunition around the train station. No matter how high your martial arts skills are, you are still afraid of a kitchen knife; no matter how high your body is in your mouth, you will be knocked down with one shot. If one shot can't knock him down, then two shots...

In this kind of world, Mingjing's team generally can't get anything good. There is no special advantage in combat effectiveness. If there is a battle of wits, haha...

As long as this mission can be successfully passed without losing money, it will be considered good. Mingjing's team has experienced this kind of world several times, and they haven't played very well.

In the entire Mingjing team, the person with the highest IQ and EQ is probably the leader's sister Liu Xiaojing'er. To be admitted to such a good university, there must be no problem with IQ.

In terms of emotional intelligence, she is actually average. Think about it, she grew up with Xiao Ming, what can she learn? !

If I don't suffer from the problems of being lazy and homely, God has opened my eyes.

Brother Wen read out the main task 1 with a grimace. Mainly to tell Xiao Ming and his followers.

[Welcome the reincarnators to the world of "The Pretender". The background of this world is Shanghai, China during the Anti-Japanese War. Agents and spies from all forces operate frequently in Shanghai.

There are four main spy forces in the world of this mission: Japan, Wang Puppet, Chongqing, and Yan'an. Main mission 1, please choose a force to join within 30 days.

Please note that in this world, the telepathy between the reincarnator and the followers does not work. ]

The Mingjing team has been in the reincarnation space for a long time, and everyone has long been used to the various weird mission world backgrounds. I don’t think so.

The crux of the matter is that this is a battle of wits and courage with multiple professional spies. It would be strange if Team Mingjing didn't get played to death by this group of people.

"Being a spy is over now. How can we defeat those plot characters?! Otherwise, give up and find another one." Brother Wen was the first to make a pessimistic speech.

"The team invitation letter has a score of 200. It's such a pity to just give up." Zhao Jiuzhou disagreed.

"It doesn't matter, we don't care about the profit anyway. It's good to play and gain experience. If you get more plot information, maybe you can sell it for money."

Kraken is optimistic. Mainly because Zhang Xiaoming returned to the reincarnation space and his business can continue again. As for the harvest from a mission, it’s trivial.

"There is no telepathy between reincarnations and followers..." Xiao Jing'er muttered a few words, and suddenly slapped the leader (Yin Xiaoming) next to her hard, "Brother, this, isn't this tailor-made for you? world?"

Xiao Ming also reacted instantly, stretched out his hands and pointed at each other and said: "Yes, the connection between my souls is endless. I am simply a super genius as a spy!"

As soon as this statement came out, several other people also figured it out. The most difficult and easily exposed situation when being a spy is contacting and passing on intelligence.

But the spirits of Xiao Ming’s five souls are interconnected. Where else do I need to pass on information?

If one Xiao Ming here sees it, then the four Xiao Mings elsewhere will know it. Such espionage behavior is absolutely impossible to expose.

This is actually not a difficult brainteaser. I never thought of it because I didn't think about it at all.

In peaceful times, not many people want to be spies. Xiao Ming, Xiao Jing'er, and Zhang Wen are the kind of people who are not good at deceiving others. I don't even want to develop in this area.

So until little Jing'er was reminded by the reminder of the reincarnation space, she realized belatedly that the career that was most suitable for her brother turned out to be a spy.

In addition, Xiao Ming also discovered that although the telepathy with his followers was broken, the telepathy between him and Xiao Xiaoer was still there. It seems that space treats the Dragon Warrior well.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly changed from depressed to high-spirited. This is cheating to play the game. If you don't get a score of 95 or above, you will be sorry for this cheat.

Everyone quickly checked each other's identity information. In this case, the identity that space assigns to the reincarnated person is very important.

I thought that if the reincarnators were all ordinary people, it would be difficult for them to become spies even if they were given a few years. It’s not like you can knock on doors for a job.

Therefore, the space allocated to the reincarnated person’s identity is very particular. It is easier to join a certain party's forces.

Of course, this does not mean that those who are forced to reincarnate in space must choose this camp. A reincarnator can be in Cao's camp and his heart is in Han. Such spies are more valuable.

Xiao Ming has read "The Strange Man from the Far Island" and is no stranger to this world. He made the decision that the Mingjing team would join the forces in Yan'an.

The leader's sister (Liu Xiaojing), the leader (Yin Xiaoming), the young leader (Xiao Xiao'er), and his followers Xiao Hong and Xiao Lu are all students at a university in Shanghai.

That's right, Xiao Xiao'er's character is finally no longer a child, but enters the mission world as Xiao Ming's peer.

The status of students allows several people to be exposed to various ideas, and they can also deviate to any direction. Currently I am leaning towards Yan'an.

The fat guardian (Zhang Wen) is actually from Japan. He owns a small antique shop and is probably a non-staff member of Japan Special High-Tech. Currently under observation by Ttech.

The leader's vanguard (Orange Xiaoming) happened to be reincarnated as a Japanese this time. His ramen restaurant is next to Zhang Wen's shop. His followers Feiying and Xuecai are his shop assistants, and they are also Japanese.

This group of people must be mixed into the Japanese Special High Technology Department. The intelligence they can provide is estimated to be the most valuable.

Yijian Guang Hanzhao Jiuzhou, the leader's guard (Red Xiaoming), and the follower Xiaojia are currently civilians, working as low-level civil servants for the government.

Whether they can be favored by Wang Puppet Intelligence Organization No. 76 depends on the situation. Due to business relations, they have dealt with Liang Zhongchun, the director of the Operations Department, several times. But there is no deep friendship.

Kraken and the leader's left guard (Green Xiaoming) were originally soldiers of the Chongqing government troops. The team was broken up and drifted to Shanghai.

The commander died on the battlefield, and they touched two gold bars from the commander's body. So they ran to Shanghai and opened a teahouse to support their families.

The Military Control Commission thought these two guys were worth developing, and had been secretly testing them for a while. Their files were already on the desk of the Poison Bee King Tianfeng.

The leader's right guard (Huang Xiaoming) brought his follower Zangma, who had the strangest identity. He was a member of the underground gang in Shanghai.

Not only were they good at fighting, but Zangma was also good at using poison and had outstanding intelligence. They were called the Wolf and Evil Twins. They were also quite famous.

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