Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1282: Fully loaded

The Kyber crystal weapon system is such a good thing, Xiao Ming also played a difficult trick in terms of application.

He can use the copycat ability to transform himself into a huge EVA No. 3 form. This form itself does not have any weapons.

The EVA body originally had matching weapons. The power of the positron rifle is good, and the high-vibration particle knife can also deal with it. We don’t want the Longinus gun.

But the EVA No. 3 that Xiao Ming swallowed was a product of the reincarnation space. This was exchanged by the reincarnationists with a large number of task evaluations and points.

It’s already very good to get a body. There is no weapon at all. In someone’s words, “What else do you want?!”

After developing the Kyber crystal weapon system, naturally, laser guns, laser cannons, lightsabers, light shields, energy shields, engines... that are large enough to be used in the No. 3 form were made.

What is the so-called difficult trick? It’s like this. Xiao Ming has 3 advantages.

First, he knows the structure and materials of the Kyber crystal system weapons very well. Second, his body can regenerate almost infinitely. Third, he knows alchemy.

These three items combined together produce an interesting result. Xiao Ming can regenerate new limbs and flesh, and use alchemy to directly turn this part of the body into the required weapon.

In other words, Xiao Ming can make laser guns, laser cannons... various Kyber crystal weapons out of thin air without any external conditions.

Especially in the form of Unit 3, it can pick up larger and more powerful weapons. It can also add thrusters to itself at any time. It can also handle battles in outer space with ease.

Of course, doing so consumes a lot of source energy. As long as it is not a last resort, it is better to prepare weapons in advance and take them out when they are used.

Looking at his own Unit 3 form, Xiao Ming couldn't help but sigh.

It is said that driving a mecha to travel the universe is a man's dream. I never expected that I would take the initiative to turn into a mecha. It feels even better!

Suddenly, Xiao Ming's mind was impulsive, and he used the Transformers' enlightenment ability on his own Unit 3 form.

ε=(ο`*)))Alas... it's a pity that it failed. Was it because he was too fanciful?

No. This failed attempt made Xiao Ming understand a very critical piece of information.

Before using the Transformer Transformation ability on himself, Xiao Ming expected failure. But he thought the reason should be the material problem.

EVA Unit 3 is not a metal product, but a living body. It is very likely that it cannot be transformed into a Transformer.

The fact is not the case. Although the transformation was not successful, it was not because of the problem of the body structure, but the combat power of Unit 3 exceeded the upper limit of what Xiao Ming could transform.

At present, with the improvement of Xiao Ming's own ability, he can transform a Transformer with B-level combat power. He can probably get an "internal employee discount price" for transforming himself.

Despite this, his Unit 3 form is still too powerful. It is far beyond Xiao Ming's own ability to transform. Maybe he needs to use the complete fire source.

He estimated that there is probably no such thing in reality. Even the Twelve Kings Family may not have such a high-end treasure.

But it doesn't matter. After trying this result, Xiao Ming was still very happy. If it does not meet the basic conditions for enlightenment, we can say that there is no trick at all.

Since it meets the conditions, it is easy. If you can't bring the fire source into reality, you can enter the world of "Transformers" to find the fire source. This is not difficult.

Moreover, Xiao Ming has entered the world of "Transformers 1" before. He also has reincarnation props on hand, so he can choose a world he has entered before and enter it again.

This is also an important reason why Xiao Ming decided to leave the world of "Star Wars". Because he is a little anxious to turn himself into a Transformer.

Other reincarnations leave quietly, just as they come quietly. They can't bring much when they come, and their luggage may be lighter when they leave.

The normal way of playing for reincarnations is to accumulate enough props and work hard in a more suitable world.

When the props are almost consumed, they will get higher scores and higher rewards.

Moreover, the rewards that reincarnations like most are generally not substantial items, but natural treasures or props that improve personal strength.

Xiao Ming is not like that. When they came, they were huge, with 5 bodies, 6 followers, countless subordinates and supplies in the underworld and Kunlun.

When they left, they were even bigger. Although some supplies were consumed, the good things he stole from all over the galaxy far exceeded the consumption.

Even some plot characters followed Xiao Ming. Of course, they were completely unimportant plot characters.

There was no way. Xiao Ming had been in this world for ten years and did know a lot of people. There were always some who were suitable to leave with him.

One part was dozens of curious scientists. They were frustrated in the Star Wars world and didn't like the environment here.

In addition, they were very interested in the new world mentioned by the leader and others. Even if there was danger, they resolutely followed the leader.

Another part was the Geonosians, about a few hundred people. After all, if they were to operate the various factories built in the underworld, the efficiency would be higher.

When the leader's left guard (green Xiao Ming) asked them for manpower, almost all of them responded enthusiastically.

It is a great honor to follow the king. Even the lowly Bogle wanted to join.

No matter what his position was before, after being conquered by the Zerg, he was a subordinate who could be absolutely trusted.

However, Xiao Ming did not need so many people, and it was even more impossible to take Bogle, the face of the Geonosians, away. His request was rejected.

Only some people with strong bodies were selected who did not need to worry about being attacked by the death breath of the underworld. That was enough.

However, there was also such a person who took the initiative to stay because he liked the high-tech and high-quality life in this world.

This person is the phantom cat-Katie Pride. Xiao Ming had to make a new body for him in the same way.

Katie is not a girl who likes war. She prefers to play everywhere.

Originally, I thought that following Xiao Ming, I could go to many places to play, go shopping, and see the world.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Ming was too homely, and there were many clones. He always ran around with his clones, and the main body was generally too lazy to move.

Such a life made the phantom cat feel very boring. The world of Star Wars is different. There are countless planets and worlds waiting for her to explore.

And in terms of strength. She can also be considered a strong person in this world. She often enjoys a feast of spiritual power in Xiao Ming's spiritual world, and her current ability is very strong.

As long as she is not facing the top existences such as Master Yoda or Sidious, she can still run away when facing other enemies.

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