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Chapter 1264 The Effect of the Force

4【Control others' thoughts】: People who have practiced the Force more deeply can not only move objects in the physical sense, but also control others' spirits and thoughts, similar to hypnosis.

The reason why the Sith Lord Darth Sidious can have so many followers is not entirely because he is good at bewitching people. This hypnotic ability plays a big role.

In this regard, the Jedi Knights are at a great disadvantage. Their creed is that they are not allowed to control others' thoughts at will unless it is an emergency. Long-term control is an absolutely prohibited behavior.

Even if it is absolutely necessary, they can only control for a short period of time. But the Sith have no such constraints and can do whatever they want.

It is very likely that Anakin Skywalker will eventually surrender to Sidious, and he is also guided by his long-term and subtle hypnosis.

As long as the hypnotic ability is used to make an ordinary person do a bad thing, Sidious can use it as a threat in the future and slowly let the other party get deeper and deeper.

Think about those members of the parliament, how many of them are clean. It is no wonder that they will be controlled by Sidious.

Of course, the premise of this ability is that the opponent is weak-willed. If the opponent is also a force practitioner, then one's own force cultivation must be much higher than the opponent.

Anakin has been practicing the force since he was a child in the capital Coruscant. Sidious had plenty of opportunities to slowly hypnotize the then uncertain little Anakin.

Later, Anakin trusted Speaker Palpatine more than the Jedi Supreme Council. The ice is not frozen in a day.

In addition, the universe is so big that there are all kinds of wonders. Some individual species in the world of "Star Wars" are immune to this control.

For example, the Toydarians. They are short and fat, with blue skin, and a pair of small wings behind them, which can hover in the air. This race is immune.

Back then, when little Anakin was a slave, his master Watto was a Toydarian, and his mind was not controlled by Master Qui-Gon Jinn.

Otherwise, things would have been much easier at the time, and even Anakin's mother Shmi Skywalker would have been rescued, and the tragedy 10 years later would not have happened.

Xiao Ming thinks that the Jedi Knights were completely inconsiderate about this matter. Since they accepted Anakin, they should have rescued his mother as soon as possible.

Why did they let her continue to be a slave for 10 years? ! It's not that little money.

5 [Force Lightning]: This is a dark side skill of the Force. Use the Force to create lightning to attack the opponent. Sidious used this trick to kill Master Mace Windu.

Jedi Knights also have a similar light side skill: [Force Judgment]. It is said that Master Kong was good at this skill.

Since the Jedi creed believes that the Force should be used to protect oneself rather than hurt others, its power is not as good as Force Lightning, which is known as "electrical death".

Force Judgment can make people lose their combat effectiveness without harming their lives. If controlled well, it can even prevent people from getting hurt. Therefore, it is usually used to subdue opponents who hold hostages.

In addition, there are also some Jedi Knights with unique ideas who use this skill in the medical field by taking advantage of its low power and shine.

Xiao Ming felt that he could learn a thing or two. However, his own methods were rather special, and he rarely needed to use electric shock.

6 [Force Defense]: Do not use any weapons or protective gear, and directly call on the Force to defend. Only a Jedi master with extremely high cultivation can do this.

Master Yoda, who happened to teach the leader, was such a top master. In the original book, he was able to block and even bounce back the Force lightning of Count Dooku and Sidious with his bare hands.

It is said that if this move is practiced to a high level, it can resist an indestructible lightsaber with bare hands.

Xiao Ming did not know whether Master Yoda had reached this level, but he did not dare to cut him with a sword to test it. He just estimated that Master Yoda should be able to do it.

Unfortunately, Xiao Ming himself could not use this trick. His defense circle can be said to be three layers inside and three layers outside. This ability cannot be mixed in.

7 [Predict the future]: When the Force cultivation reaches a certain level, the Force practitioner will have the ability to predict the future.

However, Master Yoda solemnly reminded the leader that this ability must be treated with great caution.

Because this kind of foresight cannot know all the future, it only captures a video in the most likely future, or even just a feeling.

Without understanding the ins and outs, taking action based on this feeling alone is likely to backfire.

In general, the shorter the future, the clearer, more accurate and more reliable the feeling is. Jedi Knights have always trusted short-term predictions, which is also the guidance of the Force.

But the longer the future, the more vague the feeling will be, and the uncertainty is very large. It is best not to act casually in the face of such things.

Anakin Skywalker did so many things because he predicted the death of his wife Padme. As a result, he made mistakes and fell into the abyss of the Sith.

Even if Master Yoda did not remind him, Xiao Ming had no interest in predicting the distant future. Instead, short-term intuition brought him a lot of benefits.

Xiao Ming mastered the Force very early. He just didn't know how to apply it. In fact, he was guided by the Force many times along the way. He just thought it was his intuition.

8 [Excellent comprehension ability]: When Force practitioners learn knowledge other than the Force, they can also understand it faster than ordinary people.

Master Yoda said so, but Xiao Ming was deeply skeptical. He didn't feel his IQ had improved, and it was still the same as before.

If at this time, Master Yoda said, "Aren't you getting smarter?" Xiao Ming would be shocked.

Fortunately, he is not that kind of person. He just explained it briefly. This improvement in understanding requires time to accumulate slowly.

Generally, Jedi Knights become smarter and wiser without realizing it. They often don't feel it. Xiao Ming said, "Thank you for your words."

9 [Healing by transferring the Force]: This is the ability that Master Yoda developed independently after communicating with the leader.

There is no healing skill in the powerful Force system. Xiao Ming is also drunk.

In the process of practicing the Force with Master Yoda, Xiao Ming discussed this matter many times. He got the other party's recognition.

Master Yoda is old and experienced. It took about a year to develop such an ability.

Because it is a newly developed ability, it is inevitable that there are many shortcomings. A major disadvantage is that the consumption of the Force is particularly large.

It is far inferior to the healing technique in magic, the palm technique in ninjutsu, the Guanyin spell in Taoism... not to mention the "breath of the archangel" in the telekinesis system.

From ancient times to the present, the Jedi Knights have never developed the Force in this direction. Until today, the Jedi Knights have formal healing skills.

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