Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1262 Kawashima Yoshiko

Could it be that some reincarnation brought Kawashima Yoshiko out from some reincarnation world? Or was it some cosplay guy who deceived himself?

After checking this person's life, Xiao Ming knew that Kawashima Yoshiko was not a plot character, but a native Chinese from Pangu Star.

Of course, her real name is not Kawashima Yoshiko, nor is it Aisin-Gioro Xianyu, nor is it a name like Jin Bihui or Kawashima Dongzhen.

It's just a very ordinary name "Heng Fang". Born in a very ordinary family, the family traces back to the ancestors, and there are some Jurchen bloodlines.

This is not surprising at all. Even if the Twelve Kings Family changed the fate of the Chinese nation, it is impossible to kill all the Jurchens. They just integrated them into the Han bloodline early.

Even the Japanese were not exterminated, let alone the Jurchens. The Twelve Kings Family would not do anything to massacre a clan.

After Heng Fang was born, she has been living like an ordinary person, and she doesn't even know that she has any Jurchen bloodline.

At the age of 12, she was chosen by the reincarnation space and became a reincarnationist. A child, whose outlook on life, world view, and values ​​are not stable. If you are not careful, you will go astray.

By chance, Hengfang learned about some deeds of Kawashima Yoshiko. She actually admired her inexplicably. It was probably a natural antisocial personality.

After imitating and cosplaying for many years, she was influenced by some people and came to a conclusion. She was Kawashima Yoshiko of the Pangu Star World, born with destiny.

Since then, she abandoned her real name and named herself Kawashima Yoshiko. But this name is easy to attract the attention of mainstream families. So she changed the order, reduced one word, and called herself "Fang Zhichuan" to the outside world.

Kawashima Yoshiko has been engaged in the so-called "great cause" of subverting the Chinese regime and restoring the glory of the Jurchens. Basically, there is nothing good in what she did.

Later, she also realized a key point, that is, everything must be respected by strength. How can you compete with the Twelve Kings without strength? !

In the world of "Beyond the Aquila Rift", she took over the body of the alien Spider, which was her plan to improve her strength.

This plan was going smoothly, but she had bad luck and met Xiao Ming. Xiao Ming perfectly restrained Kawashima Yoshiko in terms of ability, and now her soul has returned to the underworld.

There are actually many people like Kawashima Yoshiko on Pangu Star, and they formed a secret organization-"Qingyuan Society".

On the surface, this name comes from a poem by Zhu Xi, asking how can it be so "clear"? Because there is a "source" of living water. It looks quite artistic.

In fact, the two words "Qingyuan" represent two dynasties established by ethnic minorities that did not appear on Pangu Star, the Qing Dynasty and the Yuan Dynasty.

All members think they are descendants of the Jurchens or Mongols, and some even think that they are Genghis Khan and Nurhaci who came into being in the world of Pangu Star...

By analogy, there are other similar organizations on Pangu Star, representing Japan, the United States, Australia... and other countries that will never appear again.

As well as some European countries that were once very powerful on the parallel world Earth, but appeared very weak on Pangu Star, England, Russia and so on were the first to bear the brunt.

The common enemy of these organizations is the Chinese countries and the Twelve Kings of Daqin behind them.

To this day, the governments of various countries in China and the Twelve Kings are also well aware of these organizations. The leaders of these organizations have basically been exposed.

Because they are wanted, they have almost been living in the reincarnation space and dare not show up on Pangu Star.

Don't underestimate these people. Although they are behind the scenes, their evil tentacles are still fanning the flames in various parts of Pangu Star through their subordinates.

Kawashima Yoshiko is not clear about how powerful they are. Her position in Qingyuan Society can only be regarded as a small middle-level leader.

She knows almost nothing about the top leaders; she knows very little about people of the same level; she knows her subordinates best.

However, her behavior of taking over the body of the spider was actually her own initiative and was not approved by the top leaders. Over the past hundred years, her connection with Qingyuan Society has been severed.

Her goal is very clear. As long as she can succeed and return to the reincarnation space as an S-level or even above S-level, Qingyuan Society will definitely treat her as a treasure.

If her own strength is not good, she will still be cannon fodder for the top leaders no matter what. It is better to fight hard and eat meat and drink soup. She never expected that the ending would be cold.

Kawashima Yoshiko believed very devoutly that she herself was Kawashima Yoshiko in this world, and her boss was Nurhachi in this world. The other people who came into being were also real.

Therefore, she came to a conclusion. Or it can be said that Qingyuan Society has such a belief. Pangu Star World was actually a reincarnation world.

I don’t know who transformed it into a private world and brought it out, changed history, and then connected it with the real world.

Qingyuan Society highly suspected that the people who did this were the group of people who were the Twelve Kings of Daqin.

Otherwise, there shouldn’t be so many people who “came into being”. It’s reasonable to have one or two similar ones. But the fact that so many of them popped up is thought-provoking.

This phenomenon can only happen in the private world. In other words, these people are characters in the plot, and there is always a chance for them to pop up.

Xiao Ming was shocked to see this statement. He really never doubted that Pangu Star World was once a reincarnation world.

This is just like the rumors that often appear on the Internet. Even some scientists' conjectures. There is not enough evidence to support it, nor is there enough evidence to refute it.

For example, there is a famous conjecture in the scientific community - "Brain in a Vat".

Simply put, all human perceptions come from the brain. If you only have one brain, all signals are provided by a machine in the outside world, which is exactly the same as the real signal.

So how do you judge whether you are a normal person or just a deceived brain?

The world of "The Matrix" that Xiao Ming once experienced is a similar situation. This conjecture is almost impossible to confirm or disprove.

It is also a conjecture that Pangu Star World is a private world. However, Qingyuan Society's conjecture still has a chance to verify it.

Whether the Twelve Kings have done such a thing, their own family may know.

In addition, the reincarnation space is probably aware of it. But they are not obliged to solve Xiao Ming's doubts.

If the reincarnation space is unwilling to answer this doubt. I don't know if my master A Cha can answer it. Or maybe she is just a plot character.

Besides, with my master A Cha's personality, even if she is willing to answer, Xiao Ming doesn't know if he can believe it.

Xiao Ming was confused after thinking about this kind of thing for a few minutes. Of course, he soon came to a conclusion.

He doesn't need to consider the nature of the world, nor does he need to inquire, just act according to his own heart. "Just do good things and don't ask about the future!"

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