Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1260: Gungans

After roughly conquering the Trade Union, Queen Amidala and Gargabin cordially invited the leader's right guard (Huang Xiaoming) to visit Naboo. It's not easy to come here, so I have to go to the ground to take a look.

Naboo, an idyllic world, is near the edge of the outer ring of the Milky Way. The humans there are called Naboo people, who love peace. The local indigenous intelligent creatures are amphibians, the Gungans.

This is the home planet of Padmé and Gargabin. It seems reasonable that the land and water support the people.

But when I think of the Sith Lord Sidious, who was also born on this planet. Xiaoming feels a sense of disobedience. It can only be said that there are many kinds of people in the same rice, and there are all kinds of birds in the forest.

The surface of Naboo is composed of swampy lakes, undulating wilderness and verdant hills. It is a real poetry and distance.

The river city of Naboo is decorated with classical buildings and greenhouses. The capital Theed is the best among them.

The Grand View Garden in Dream of Red Mansions is not even a fraction of it. After all, their technology level is extremely advanced. The construction level is also top-notch.

From Xiao Ming's perspective, it can only be compared to the city of the elves in the world of The Lord of the Rings. Spring orchids and autumn chrysanthemums each have their own merits.

The Gungan city built underwater, his "hydrostatic bubble technology" shows another style. It is not inferior at all.

Although the Gungans can survive underwater, their cities still isolate the sea water. I don't know why.

In contrast to the peace-loving human colonists on Naboo, the native Gungans are a proud and martial race.

The Gungans have a large standing armed force, known as the Gungan Army. Equipped with quite advanced energy weapons.

The energy shields used by the Jedi Order come from the Gungans. There is also a huge movable energy shield generator, which Xiao Ming is also optimistic about.

As the Jedi master who saved the Naboo galaxy, the leader's right guard made a request to purchase technology, and the Gungans agreed without hesitation. And it doesn't cost money, it's free.

Of course, it can't be said to be free. Because Xiao Ming made the decision and left a robot army for each of the Naboo and Gungan people. Help them defend and strengthen their military strength.

Although the Gungans are brave and good at fighting, they are not fools. With robots to share casualties, they are still very grateful.

To be honest, Xiao Ming's impression of the Gungans is much better than his impression of humans. As the Pluto, Xiao Ming is quite sensitive to good and evil.

Even if you don't use the power of the underworld to query, you can generally tell the degree of good and evil of a life at a glance. There are almost no bad people among the Gungans.

The geology of the planet Naboo is extremely unique. As an extremely ancient planet, Naboo does not have a molten core. There is no magma deep underground.

The planet is a gathering of a huge rock body, and there are endless caves and tunnel networks scattered inside the rock.

This allows the numerous swamp lakes on the surface of the planet to penetrate deep into the structure of the planet. Forming a huge submarine network that can even penetrate the core of the earth.

The Gungans, who live underwater, have developed a system that uses these cave networks for transportation.

However, even those brave Gungan explorers would stop if they ventured too deep into the center of the earth. Because there are a large number of huge marine beasts with amazing appetites.

In the past, Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Gargabin once drove the Gungans' underwater vehicle "Bongo" through the center of the earth. They were almost eaten by marine beasts several times.

Gargabin repeated this wonderful adventure with Xiao Ming several times on the way. It successfully aroused Xiao Ming's interest.

In Xiao Ming's view, it is a source of rich genetic information. It is very helpful for him to develop Zerg humans.

Therefore, during his stay on Naboo, Xiao Ming has driven the Bango deep into the center of the earth many times. Collecting DNA from thousands of species.

There are indeed very huge monsters underwater. The 80-meter-high EVA No. 3 is big enough, but it is just a dwarf under the water of Naboo. Some huge creatures are comparable to large spaceships in space.

Xiao Ming is not here to commit genocide. Generally, one or two of each creature is enough. For the larger the creature, the more cautious Xiao Ming should be.

Because the larger the creature, the fewer there are. After all, the ecosystem cannot support so many.

For some creatures, even if Xiao Ming only eats one, it may cause the extinction of the entire species. This is not a joke.

So for large creatures, Xiao Ming tries not to kill them. Look for pregnant female species and eat some fertilized eggs or larvae.

According to biological laws, most of the larvae of such creatures cannot reach adulthood. As long as they are adults, he simply won't touch them.

Besides, Green Xiao Ming has eaten too much and is still digesting EVA Unit 3 in the underworld. Eating more will easily cause problems.

And such huge creatures rarely provoke Xiao Ming. It's not that they feel Xiao Ming's terrible strength, but that his meat is not enough to fill the gaps between their teeth, so it's not worth the effort to eat it once.

The energy gained from eating a human being is not enough to make up for the energy they consume from killing a human being.

Although Xiao Ming "eats" very sparingly, he still eats a considerable amount of food. In addition, other Xiao Mings also "gained".

There are many corpses to absorb on the battlefield. Although Green Xiao Ming is in a deep sleep.

Huang Xiaoming and Hong Xiaoming can also use their copycat abilities to transform themselves into the form of the Insect King and absorb those corpses on his behalf. They can even lay eggs on his behalf.

A large number of insect humans were born in the underworld. Just about half a year ago, the number of insect humans officially reached 10,000.

This number includes those insect humans that already exist in the real world and the private world. As long as they are all born by Xiaoming and have not died, they are all counted together.

The third personal guard, No. 10000 insect human, is finally born.

Before, Xiaoming always felt that the personal guards of insect humans are very similar to the three guards of Chimera Ant. This is not surprising at all.

After all, Green Xiaoming combined the genetic information of aliens, chimera ants, insects, and humans to create the insect human race.

Zhang Zhong, the first personal guard No. 100, is quite similar to Owl Yapfu; not to mention Neferpitou, the second personal guard No. 1000, is the reincarnation of Neferpitou;

Xiaoming thinks that the third personal guard may be like Yupi, a muscular and simple-minded guy.

However, it was completely beyond Xiao Ming's expectation. This third guard turned out to be a familiar male insect man.

After seeing this man's ability, Xiao Ming finally remembered it after trying hard to recall it.

This person was none other than the Cancer Gold Saint Deathmask. He was reincarnated as an insect man.

This was strange, Xiao Ming didn't remember eating him before, why was this the case?

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