Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 126 Sayid

The half-orcs are a subspecies of the orcs, and their barbaric and violent nature is very similar to that of the orcs. However, their strength and physique are far weaker than those of the orcs (weaker than humans).

It is common for them to be beaten to the point of being unable to take care of themselves in a duel. The difference in physique has cultivated their racial character of bullying the weak and fearing the strong, being cunning and mean.

Among the half-orcs, there is no spirit of the orcs who would rather die in battle than surrender (orcs will never be slaves).

There are also no human-like whims and conspiracies that make up for the lack of force with wisdom.

When they meet the weak, they are more cruel and brutal than wild beasts; when they meet the strong, they will kneel and lick without dignity.

Being the lackeys and accomplices of the strong, helping them do dirty and tiring work, is the most common survival mode of this race.

Although it is despicable, this mode has greatly improved the survival rate of this race. After all, many large races need such accomplices.

So that the half-orcs gradually multiplied and grew stronger. Now the number of orcs far exceeds that of the orcs, and is almost on par with the human race with developed agricultural civilization.

The large number of people has also improved the status of the orcs a little, and they even have their own country, army and territory. In many cases, they can bully others.

However, the orcs, whose racial characteristics are too vulgar, are still a subspecies of orcs and cannot get the status of a large tribe at all. The common status is still a subordinate race.

The orcs have also established a chamber of commerce. But the orcs have no business acumen. They usually do illegal business such as human trafficking or selling stolen goods to pirates and bandits.

So it is not surprising that Admiral Li Huamei said that the people in the Orc Chamber of Commerce deserved to die. Their crimes are too numerous to list.

The Kuhn Chamber of Commerce is one of the most powerful ones. Their headquarters is in the south far away from the Ming Dynasty. There is only a branch near the Ming Dynasty.

This branch has a very close relationship with the enemy of the Li family-the Laidao pirates. The main purpose is to help the Laidao family sell stolen goods and try to set foot in the Ming Dynasty waters.

Half-orc Sayid - the first new identity of the researcher Gu·Transfiguration. He is a small leader in the branch of Kuhn Chamber of Commerce in Xinluo.

A mere 1st level 13 half-orc thief, the five attributes of 8, 7, 9, 2, 2 are really ugly.

The unequipped attributes of 100 life, 90 strength, and 10 mana are even uglier. Not as good as the magic researcher!

(NPC's adventure attribute growth is different from that of players. There is no point addition of your own choice, and it all depends on your own qualifications. This qualification is not displayed to players.)

Sayid's strength and physique are only slightly stronger than the researcher, and his agility is okay, but his intelligence and spirit are completely useless. It's okay that the physical fitness of the half-orc is a little worse.

But what's the matter with this combat skill? It's too bad, right? How can there be a thief who only has one "sneak attack" skill!

He doesn't know anything else. Could it be that he has forgotten it because of the 30% chance of transformation? It's unlikely. If he forgets one, it's the end. This guy should be a waste.

Li Huamei didn't hunt a level 2 corpse for him, but brought this waste back. There must be a sufficient reason.

Is it because this guy is a level 0, level 2 hero? I don't know what kind of luck he got to become a hero. But heroes can be useful.

Although he is a gray waste hero, he is a hero after all and can lead troops to war independently.

By the way, did Sister Li really think it through? Thinking of the admiral's impetuous look, Xiao Ming actually doubted that she just caught an enemy at random.

***Sayed's strategic profession is a barbarian. The four-dimensional attributes are 2, 1, 0, 1. The upper limit of action and command is only 80 points.

Growth is even more miserable: NPC strategic attributes do not have the power to freely add points and choose talents. (It seems that free addition of points is the advantage of players over NPCs.)

Every 5 levels: command +80, professional talent +1.

Every 10 levels: random attribute +1, action limit +40, number of troops +1.

Every level up: racial talent +1, command +80, action limit +80, number of troops +1.

He is so useless that it is speechless. And his strength is 0, can he use magic? ***

Xiao Ming checked this guy's memory and found that this Sayid is quite suitable. As a useless person, no one pays attention to him, and he has no important responsibilities.

Just do the work you should do. Most of the time, he is ignored, and his subordinates are all soldiers and creatures. Impersonating him is indeed a good choice.

(At the same time, it is also found that the loss of memory after transformation is not much, which is probably related to Xiao Ming's superpowers.)

With Sayid's own ability, it is not enough to be a small leader. It was all thanks to his flattery that he was appreciated by the boss above.

Speaking of flattery, it is also a kind of ability. In addition to his identity as a hero, the boss assigned him to be this small leader.

There is nothing to do at ordinary times, and I dare not give him serious work. Every Sunday, he needs to take his men out to sea to contact the pirates on Laidao Island.

Exchange intelligence and possibly trade some pirate spoils. Kuhn Chamber of Commerce makes a lot of money on the difference.

Of course, the only fleet he contacted was a weak squadron of the Laidao pirates, and it was not his turn to contact the main fleet.

The contact was completed this morning, and the transactions that needed to be completed were completed. No one will pay attention to Sayid until next Sunday.

But unfortunately, Li Huamei's level of killing Sayid was too high, and apart from a few gold coins, there was nothing else to gain.

Equipment, arms, and backpacks were all gone. Xiao Ming had to pay for these things out of his own pocket. This is the life of a half-orc starting from scratch!

***The pirates of Laidao are wanted in their own country and are not welcome in other countries, otherwise they would not have been skinned by the Kuhn Chamber of Commerce.

The Kuhn Chamber of Commerce wanted to enter this area of ​​waters and needed to win them over, so the exploitation of the Laidao family was not serious. Both sides got what they needed and everyone was happy. ***

Looking at the half-orc in front of her who had no resemblance to the researcher. Li Huamei was very happy. She had always been a little worried that this transformation technique was not worthy of its name.

Now there is an underground worker who can penetrate the enemy. The admiral knows how much help a good spy can help his own development.

This depends on the ability and work attitude of the researcher. Li Huamei was not very confident about this technical geek, and she definitely needed some proper instruction.

The cooldown time for the transformation technique was one hour, so Li Huamei had no choice but to discuss some details with the ugly half-orc researcher in front of her.

This appearance was very special, that is, very ugly. The beautiful lady was in pain and happy.

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