Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1248 People's War

With the return of Master Yoda, all defensive measures of the Jedi Temple are fully activated. Three layers of huge energy shields enveloped the entire temple.

Prior to this, Master Shakti also had the power to activate the temple's defenses, but some of the defensive measures had not been used for hundreds or even thousands of years. Just like this energy shield.

The Jedi Temple is located in Coruscant, the capital of the Republic, and shares a shared destiny with the Republic. If the temple was attacked, it meant that the capital was also attacked.

This kind of thing almost never happens. The temple's defensive measures have never been activated.

Fortunately, the Jedi are more disciplined, and even though they don't know how to use them, there is still no shortage of daily maintenance. So that these defense methods can still be used.

If it were any other institution in the Republic, it would have been broken long ago due to various reasons.

In the original work, Darth Vader leads his elite force, the 501st Clone Legion. Assaulted on the Jedi Temple at lightning speed.

As a result, all defensive measures were not activated in time. Otherwise, even an elite regiment like the 501 will surely suffer huge losses.

In this life, Xiao Ming blocked the clone army and captured Darth Vader alive. Gaining valuable time for the temple.

Master Shakti activated some defenses. Automatically fired laser guns and laser cannons blocked the entrances and exits around the temple.

Because of Darth Vader's early failure, the 501st Legion and subsequent supplementary forces changed their tactics.

They didn't dare to rush in stupidly. Plan to use long-range weapons to completely blow up the temple. The building of the temple is very strong, even if it is bombarded with cannon, it will take a while.

Moreover, it is impossible to place weapons such as heavy artillery in the core area of ​​the capital, and they need to be transported here from outside. It will definitely take some time.

Sidious was not worried, there shouldn't be any accidents in such a short time. Unexpectedly, the accident really happened.

The leader's [Portal] ability is beyond the imagination of Sidious. Master Yoda returned to the temple in a short time and opened the defensive shield.

Sidious, who got the news, regretted it too late. At this time, even if bombarded by artillery, the temple's defensive cover can withstand for a long time. There is certainly plenty of energy stored in the temple.

At this time, construction of the Death Star had not yet begun, and the superlaser did not exist. In the short term, the temple was impregnable.

According to Kurama's suggestion, Master Shakti no longer insists on arguing with Republic officials.

Kurama pointedly pointed out that many officials had been corrupted by Sidious. There is no use talking nonsense to them. The masses must be appealed to.

Therefore, in the name of the Jedi Temple, Shakti issued a public message to the people, military, and officials of all planets in the galaxy.

Tell everyone that Chancellor Palpatine is the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, and that the Clone Legion is Sidious's lackeys, and calls on everyone to rise up and resist.

The reputation of the temple among the people is much higher than that of the republican government. This call immediately triggered a firestorm all over the country.

Especially after Anakin took the initiative to speak out, more and more people believed the temple's announcement.

Many people who were originally on both ends of the spectrum have taken the initiative to change their ways. Anakin's failure made them scared.

They believed that in Sidious's eyes, they were certainly not as important as Darth Vader. Now that Darth Vader is like this, he is very insecure.

Although the Clone Legion is very powerful, they are simply unable to cope with the ubiquitous people's war. Kurama's advice hit the mark.

Of course, time is still short and all resistance is still hidden below the surface. Soon, the tide of people's war will break out.

Sidious, an old fox, sensed the crisis in advance. He decided to destroy the Jedi Temple before a large-scale resistance movement could begin. So he actively mobilized his troops and punished the generals.

As a result, all these efforts were in vain after Master Yoda returned and the defensive shield was opened. The situation gradually turned towards the Jedi.

Kurama's second suggestion was based on the combat effectiveness of both sides.

On the Sith side there are heavily armed clone legions, as well as an unfathomable master Sidious. There should be no one in the temple who is his opponent at the moment.

Although Xiao Ming's fighting ability should be able to give it a try, Kurama, who knew the boss's character well, did not let Xiao Ming challenge him in a one-on-one battle.

He pointed out that the Jedi Order has a considerable number of mid- to high-level warriors. Just form a combat team and use the familiar terrain of the capital. It is completely possible to deal with the clone army.

However, the purpose of the battle team is not to eliminate many clones, but to deal with those officials who have been corrupted by the Sith.

Human cloning is controlled by a chip in the brain and is not the main goal.

On the contrary, these officials with little combat effectiveness played a big role. But it's also easy to settle.

So the temple organized two such teams of ten, with Master Depa Billaba and the leader's right guard (Huang Xiaoming) each leading a team. Fight guerrillas on the periphery.

Xiao Ming was still worried and sent the leader and defender Hong Xiaoming to Master Billaba's team. With him here, it shouldn't be easy to reduce the number of people.

In Huang Xiaoming's team, he brought his follower Xiao Jia. In addition, there are Zhang Zhong and Nefebit who are at Guangmingding and can support everywhere at any time.

As long as these two teams don't encounter Sidious and are not besieged by the clone army, they will be safe.

Sidious is staying at home now, so there is no need to worry about him. As for the siege, a large area nearby is within the range of Xiao Ming's map scan. It is impossible to be besieged.

And there is another advantage of scanning the map, which is that you can distinguish the enemy and us at a glance. Who has defected to the Sith and who is still on the side of the Republic is clear at a glance.

Master Depa Billaba's team focused on clearing out these officials.

The team of the leader's right guard went to the residence of Anakin's wife Padmé Naberri Amidala as the first stop.

Xiao Ming promised Anakin that he would protect his wife and children. Naturally, he could not break his promise.

Their team quickly found Padmé, as well as the two robots R2D2 and C3PO who were with her.

In the original book, Anakin went home to explain the situation to Padmé half-truthfully after slaughtering the temple.

In this life, he was captured, so that Padmé didn't know anything at all. She only heard that the temple was attacked. She was very worried about the Jedi Knights and Anakin.

But she was unwilling to go to the temple with Xiao Ming and the others. The reason was that Anakin and Padme's union violated the Jedi creed.

She was very worried that her husband would be implicated, and she did not dare to trust the Jedi.

If Obi-Wan came, it would be better, Padme trusted Obi-Wan.

However, the Jedi who came were a group of Jedi she was not familiar with. She would not trust them easily. With Padme's identity, the Jedi did not dare to force them.

Fortunately, Xiao Ming brought a photo of Anakin, and Padme decided to go to the temple.

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