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Chapter 1245: Admiration of the Jedi Order

Bene is very anxious. The current predicament is still too heavy for a 20-year-old girl. She almost cried.

Outside the temple is besieged by an army of clones, and the temple is in danger of falling at any time. Communication with the government has been fruitless.

The bureaucracy of the Galactic Republic government is extremely serious. If they insist on arguing with the Jedi Supreme Council, a delay of ten days and a half will be short.

At this moment, Bene was a little confused when he suddenly saw the "half-cut" Anakin. Of course she knew Anakin and had always looked up to him as a role model.

Seeing that Anakin's hands and feet had been chopped off, and his body was scarred and stained with blood, the little girl was incoherent for a moment: "Ah! Ah, ah, Ana..."

I don't know how long she will be able to say "ah", and now is not the time to stutter. Master Depa Biraba immediately interrupted her. "Okay, stop it."

Turning around with an expectant expression on his face, he asked the leader: "Leader, do you think we will execute Anakin to avenge my master?"

You must know that she is a member of the Supreme Council and a Jedi Master. The leader and others were just ordinary Jedi Knights.

Logically speaking, Billaba is the one who can make the decision now. But she actually kept her attitude very low and took the initiative to seek the leader's opinion.

The reason is simple. In their eyes, the leader and others are definitely masters who hide their secrets. And they are so low-key, I have never heard of their reputation.

If the Jedi Order hadn't been in danger of annihilation today, they might still have kept a low profile. This kind of open-minded character is really admirable.

The leaders can be said to have turned the tide. Stop those smoke, fire, thunder and lightning... things like that that kill the clone legions.

The Jedi guessed that it was probably a high-tech product, some kind of military weapon such as a mine. Being able to think of burying them around the temple in advance shows that the leader and others were well prepared.

Why do they prepare in advance? In other worlds, this is hard to explain because you can't explain it clearly.

But in the world of Star Wars, that's an easy answer. The leader and others must have sensed some fragments or silhouettes of the future through the Force.

Jedi Knights all have the ability to predict or sense the future to a certain extent. Didn't Anakin just sense his wife's future death scene?

It's just that he never expected that he would try his best, even betraying the Jedi Temple, and finally discovered that his wife's death was caused by him.

In the original book, Anakin degenerated so much that in his anger, he almost strangled his pregnant wife to death, which broke the heart of Padmé Naberi Amidala.

The reason why Padmé died after giving birth to two children. It is estimated that she felt that she had no hope of life and gave up her life on her own initiative. I hope she won't be so unreasonable in this life.

The Jedi believe that the leader and the others must have sensed something, but they cannot be 100% sure.

That's why I took precautions, purchased a large number of high-tech weapons in advance, and quietly arranged them.

As for the leader's method of dealing with Anakin, it's actually easy to understand. Using the Force to move objects is something that almost all Jedi can do.

Controlling hundreds of flying swords at the same time, most Jedi knights are not at this level.

However, the Jedi Knights believed that the leader and several people were operating separately. Each person controls about twenty flying swords. Although they can be powerful, they cannot be said to be shocking.

Those purple giants (Susanoh) are not surprising at all, they are nothing more than some kind of light and shadow effect. Since they had not seen Susanoo's battle scene, it was understandable that they would think so.

People are like this. As long as something can be explained with the knowledge they know, they will rarely speculate in mysterious and unknown directions.

If they knew the true nature of those abilities, jaws would drop in the hall.

Of course, the leader's last move of drawing a circle of light and teleporting Anakin's body was really powerful.

However, it is not beyond everyone’s imagination. This kind of thing has happened before. Two Jedi warriors who have a telepathic connection can send things to each other even though they are thousands of miles apart.

The leader has just developed a similar ability, so it shouldn't be too surprising. What is truly rare is the low-key character of the leader and others.

The Jedi Order is one such team. Compared to a Jedi's combat prowess, they valued his character more.

This is also the reason why the combat effectiveness of those who have obtained the title of Jedi Master is uneven.

Even in the Supreme Council, there are a few masters who are only highly respected and not outstanding in terms of combat effectiveness. Of course it's not particularly bad.

This was one of the issues Anakin had with the Council. His combat prowess is among the best among the Jedi, but he has never been awarded the title of Master.

At such a young age, Anakin has not yet reached the stage where he can neither be happy with things nor sad with himself. They attach great importance to honor and fame. So deep down I was always angry.

Of course, Anakin's rebellion was not caused by a single factor, and it cannot all be attributed to this aspect.

This characteristic of the Jedi Order has its pros and cons. Xiao Ming couldn't tell whether it was good or bad.

However, if he knew what those Jedi were thinking, he would definitely say "misunderstood".

The reason why I have kept a low profile before is because Xiao Ming actually came into this world today. There is no real before.

These identities were arranged by the reincarnation space. Xiao Ming has taken several "fake identities". The past of these identities is of course not obvious. It has nothing to do with being low-key.

Xiao Ming couldn't make up his mind about Billaba's problem. The key is that Xiao Ming doesn't know what the creeds and rules of the Jedi Knights are, and he doesn't dare to give advice casually. What if he says something wrong, wouldn't it be troublesome?

Even if normal reincarnations say something wrong, there is a space to clean up their butts. But Xiao Ming is a VIP, equivalent to a plot character. If he says something wrong, he will have to bear it himself.

Fortunately, his follower, the fox demon Cangma, suddenly spoke. "Masters, this person cannot be killed for the time being. Think about it, this is living evidence. Doesn't the Republic government not believe it? Let's let Anakin confront him face to face and see what they can say?"

"Yes! I'll take him to Master Shaak Ti right away." Bene was the first to figure it out. She came here to ask for advice on this matter.

Kurama gave such a good suggestion, she was overjoyed, picked up the half of Anakin and ran away. The rest of the people were also happy, thinking that things should be turning around.

Taking this opportunity, Kurama continued to say several suggestions. After a brief discussion, the Jedi Knights implemented them one by one, with few objections.

In this regard, no one can compare with Kurama at this time and place. Xiao Ming also had a smile on his face. It was easy to have a subordinate with a high IQ.

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