Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1241 Order No. 66

When Xiao Ming first came, he knew nothing about the war between the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Knights. But now it is not the case.

Thousands of clone soldiers and officers died at Xiao Ming's hands. The soldiers knew less, but the officers knew some inside information.

At the beginning, Xiao Ming used telepathy to obtain some information. But then, the souls of these soldiers and officers were taken into his own underworld. That's easy.

The judges in the underworld, that is, the 36 Hades warriors of the Tiangang Star, can read their life stories.

In the past, there were many creatures on Kuafu Star, and the underworld was busy all the time, so there was little time to check the life of a certain dead person.

This is actually a very "loss" thing for Xiao Ming, the Hades. Checking the life of the dead can increase the experience of the civil servants in the underworld.

Without spending decades to go through someone else's life, you can gain the other person's life experience. Although it is second-hand, it is very helpful to improve the realm of civil servants.

Other Hades and Judges were promoted step by step, and they were always at ease. The territory they were in charge of was not too large. They had time to learn these experiences.

But Xiao Ming... was a nouveau riche. He skipped the previous steps and was directly promoted to Hades.

At the same time, he skipped the process of gradually expanding his territory and took charge of the reincarnation work of an entire planet.

He ate a fat man in one bite, and now he can't digest it at all. He did get a lot of merit, but his realm experience was improved very slowly.

If this continues, I really don't know how long it will take for Xiao Ming to be familiar with his work and gain experience from it.

Coincidentally, he entered the reincarnation space at this time. The work became easy all of a sudden.

Because in the reincarnation space, the outside world is equivalent to being still. There are no more large numbers of Kuafu star dead souls pouring into the underworld. Many ghost messenger clones are idle.

In the world of "Star Wars 3", Xiao Ming's underworld will only absorb the dead souls nearby. Those who are farther away are not taken care of.

At this time, only the souls of more than a thousand clones and some other creatures who died in the hour or so were sucked into the underworld. For example, small animals affected by the war, flowers, birds, fish, insects and so on. The number is very limited.

Therefore, Xiao Ming's ghost clones have enough time to handle the business. For intelligence, the clones will naturally check the life of the clones.

What's more convenient is that the life of clone soldiers is much simpler than that of normal people. Because they are people made by Kamino people using cloning technology.

Ordinary soldiers need 20 years of growth and training. But clone soldiers only need 10 years of cultivation. Their combat literacy is more comprehensive than that of natural soldiers.

And they still retain a certain degree of independent and innovative thinking, which makes them far more suitable for solving various situations in war than robots.

At the same time, this also means that there is almost nothing else in their minds except combat knowledge, and there is not much life experience to speak of.

Xiao Ming can easily check the information they know. Especially those officers know more.

The most critical information is that all clones have secretly implanted organic chips in their brains to ensure their loyalty. And this chip is Sidious's conspiracy.

Order 66 is hidden in it. The directive identifies the Jedi Order as traitors to the Republic, and they must be eliminated without delay and without hesitation.

As Sidious's conspiracy fully surfaced, he used the widely covered communication network to contact the loyal clone commander and issued Order 66.

The clones instantly turned their guns on their Jedi generals. They fired at the Jedi Knights who were unaware of the truth and killed more than 90% of the Jedi Knights. Only two people survived the Supreme Council. Anakin had already betrayed, so it didn't count.

In this reincarnation world, this order is also a death warrant for the reincarnations. Almost no reincarnations survived. Who made the main mission this time so difficult?

Even if someone found the chip, they would only think it was a means to ensure the loyalty of the army and would not suspect other aspects.

With so many clone soldiers, it is impossible for the chip in their brains not to be discovered.

Therefore, Sidious could not set the chip to only obey his own orders, otherwise he would have been exposed long ago.

He had to set the loyalty of the Clone Corps to the Republic Parliament. Only then could he pass the ball and sneak in.

At this time, Sidious, as the Speaker of the Galactic Republic, had the power to issue orders. Without the identity of the Speaker, he could not activate Order 66.

Even when he ascended the throne and became emperor later, he did not launch a military rebellion, but buried democracy with the most democratic means.

The reorganization resolution was passed with a high vote in the parliament, and the Galactic Republic was reorganized into the Galactic Empire, so that the Clone Corps could be smoothly transformed into the army of the Galactic Empire.

The whole conspiracy was linked together. Xiao Ming understood and guessed most of it from the life of the clones. Including Order 66.

But there were some things he still didn't know.

Before, it was actually Anakin Skywalker who discovered that Speaker Palpatine was actually the Sith Lord Darth Sidious.

At that time, he still had a little conscience and reported the matter to Master Mace Windu who stayed in the temple.

Mace Windu immediately led Master Sas Teen, as well as Jedi Knights Kit Fisto and Agen Kolar, to capture Chancellor Palpatine.

This behavior is legal. Because the Sith are the enemies of the Galactic Republic.

It was only because Anakin turned against the enemy that Mace Windu and four others were killed. Sidious took the opportunity to activate Order 66 and strangled all Jedi Knights.

At this time, 99% of the Jedi Knights were in the dark. The same was true for everyone in the temple.

Fortunately, Mace Windu was not the only one who knew that Chancellor Palpatine was the Sith Lord.

Among the Jedi Knights who stayed in the temple, there were two others who knew. Master Windu did not need to keep this secret. It was just that he was confident in his strength and did not publicize it.

In fact, he did seriously injure Sidious and even disfigured him. There was a reason why Sidious deliberately showed weakness.

However, Master Windu's strength is also unquestionable. It's a pity that no one expected Anakin to suddenly turn against him, which led to his unfortunate death.

The two insiders who stayed in the temple were not very senior characters, and their ability to adapt to changes was too poor.

Besides, Master Mace Windu did not leave instructions in advance, and they did not expect Mace Windu to fail.

As a result, in the original book, the Jedi Temple missed the golden time for counterattack. All of them died in the battle to defend the temple.

Of course, this cannot be blamed on them. After all, the Jedi Knights are mainly to cultivate their character, and most of them are novices in politics.

Even the masters of the Supreme Council are only slightly experienced. When it comes to conspiracy and intrigue, they are no match for Sidious.

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