Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1230: Treating Diseases and Saving Lives

Xiao Ming quit the game and came to Batra's luxurious villa according to the agreement with Juezi Juela.

Batra was moved by Juezjuela's persuasion and came to see Mu Mu in person. Tell him the truth about what he wants.

Of course Batra had heard of the name of the Hunter Association. Being a disciple of the President is enough to attract his attention.

From Batra's point of view, even if this kid has nothing to say and is not reliable in his work, this is still a connection. It's best to pass the wood, please ask the president of the association.

Before coming, Xiao Ming was a little worried. For such a rich man, would he have any perverted wishes, such as immortality? In that case, Xiao Ming wouldn't be able to handle it either.

Unexpectedly, this rich man turned out to be a man of temperament. He fell in love with a girl who was old enough to be his granddaughter.

The girl returned all the expensive gifts from Batra, preferring instead the crude photo frames he made. They vowed to dispose of all their property and stay together for the rest of their lives. It seems like true love.

However, the girl encountered an accident and fell into a coma. All the doctors said that they could only maintain the current vegetative state and there was no way to save her.

Just when the old man was desperate, he heard about the Greed Island game. I learned that it contains spells that can cure all diseases and potions that can rejuvenate youth.

Batra's hope was renewed. If you can get these two things, use a spell to save your girlfriend, and rejuvenate yourself, you can really stay together for a lifetime.

These two things do exist, and Juez Juela has already helped the old man verify them.

No.17【Archangel's Breath】SS level card. He can heal serious injuries and incurable diseases that are close to death with just one breath, but he will only appear once.

No.65 [Witch’s Rejuvenation Potion] S-level card. There are one hundred pills in a bottle. If you take one pill, you will lose one year of your age. The impact is only physical, the knowledge and memories will remain. Be careful, you will die if you eat more than your age.

This made Xiao Ming look at the game makers with admiration. Since these two are designated pocket cards, it means they can indeed be brought into effect in reality. It is also said that some of the game makers have similar telekinesis abilities. Maybe he is Xiaojie's father.

Xiao Ming could tell through telepathy that Batra was indeed sincere. For this matter, he not only offered a high reward of 50 billion.

He also spent hundreds of billions of dollars acquiring almost all Greed Island game consoles. He didn't even compete with Killua's second brother who beat him up.

He just doesn't know that the girl he loves is sincere? Or high-end green tea. Let’s take a look at the situation first.

"Mr. Batra, can I go see the patient?" Xiao Ming asked.

"Of course, of course, please come with me, Mr. Wood." After that, he led everyone to a bedroom. There was a young girl lying on the beautiful big bed. There are many medical instruments and medicines connected to the body.

That girl's appearance can't be said to be so charming, she's just a beautiful girl from a small family. Batra probably also sees beauty in the eye of the beholder.

In the world of full-time hunters, medicine is still very advanced. Moreover, Batra is extremely rich, and he can afford to hire some hunters with healing abilities.

Probably only the top ones he can't afford, or he can't get in touch with or talk to. Therefore, the girl's condition is still quite serious.

As far as Xiao Ming knows, Chidor Yorkshire, one of the twelve earthly branches, is a three-star incurable disease hunter. If we can invite her, it shouldn't be a big problem.

But with Xiao Ming’s ability, it’s a bit hard to say. Give it a try first.

Xiao Ming put all his medical abilities to use. Magic, ninjutsu, Taoism...all were used.

Unfortunately, the special life skill [Angel Gate] of the main game character Explorer cannot be used in the secret realm. Otherwise, kill this woman first and then resurrect her. On the contrary, the success rate is higher. Otherwise, transforming her into an undead creature is also a way.

However, although Xiao Ming did not save the girl, the effect was still quite gratifying. Medical equipment showed that her physical signs were much better.

If nothing else, it can at least last a few more years.

Recently, this girl has shown signs of dying, and Batra is very worried that she will not be able to complete the game. He was already ecstatic about the healing effects of wood. Batra was grateful for the wood. Extremely enthusiastic. Several people left the room to discuss further.

Xiao Ming greeted Batra for a few words, and then asked Juez Juela: "Mr. Juez Juela, can I ask you a question?"

"Mr. Wood, please speak. I know everything I can say."

"That's right. If I can smuggle this girl to the Greed Island, can I use the breath of the archangel?"

Juezi Juela and the other three team members looked at each other, thought about it and replied:

"It should be possible. But it's not easy. Someone has done this before. They boarded a boat from the sea to Greed Island. But the game administrator discovered it right away.

The manager rushed to the stowaway in a short time and used his own magic card to drive him away. Even if your combat power is stronger than your opponent's, you can't fight against magic cards. "

Mu Mu smiled slightly and said confidently: "That's it, that's easy. This time is enough. Do you have the card of Archangel's Breath?"

"Of course." Juezjuela seemed to see hope. Batra's eyes even shone.

So the smuggling plan was formally established. Everyone discussed the details and started to implement it. The steps are very simple.

The first step is to put Battra and his girlfriend into Guangmingding. Guangmingding has a lot of space inside, and there are many compartments. Just don't let them meet the Phantom Troupe Bomb Demon and others.

The second step is that Mu Tou and Jue Zi Jue La log in to the game together. Jue Zi Jue La gave Mu Tou two cards, the Archangel's Breath and the Witch's Rejuvenation Potion.

The person who violated the rules only needs to have Mu Tou. There is no need to let Jue Zi Jue La and others take risks.

The third step is that Mu Tou released the two on Greed Island, used the Archangel's Breath on his girlfriend, and used a proper amount of the Witch's Rejuvenation Potion on Battra.

Sure enough, the girl miraculously recovered her health, and Battra also miraculously recovered her youth.

Just as they were gradually recovering, Lei Zha suddenly flew here. Seeing this scene, especially seeing Mu Tou's presence. He was also a little dumbfounded.

Lei Zha came really fast, and the archangel who treated the girl had not disappeared yet. It's clear what happened.

Xiao Ming is not worried that these effects will disappear after leaving Greed Island.

Imagine a player gets injured in a fight on the island, and then uses the breath of an archangel to heal him. After leaving the game and returning to the real world, the card effect disappears and the player dies again. How can that be? ! The game will be criticized.

So Bartra's goal must have been achieved. The question is, what kind of punishment will he receive from the game producer.

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