Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 123 Memory Infusion

This little girl is called Song Xiaofeng, and she is from Xinluo. She is probably a genius in cultivation (her own words).

Or maybe she is just lucky. In short, when she was very young, she was spotted by a Taoist master and accepted as a disciple, starting her journey of cultivation.

But Xiaofeng was very favored because she was too young. The master and the brothers loved and indulged her very much, but they didn't expect that after a while, they spoiled her and got into trouble.

This time she got into trouble and was finally scolded by the master. The little girl, who had never been scolded, was ashamed and angry, and she ran away secretly because of her childish temper.

Xiaofeng, who left the master's door, was embarrassed to go home. She thought she was very capable, so she ran to the capital Xinluo to play. It was a rare opportunity, and the little girl played crazy.

Not long after, she caused a commotion in the market because she used the magic she was not proficient in. In a hurry, she ran away and bumped into Li Huamei and others.

How could the Li family embarrass a little girl? They comforted her and then parted ways. (As a pirate, it seems that it is not right to take the initiative to send her home.)

When she learned that these people were pirates, the 14-year-old Xiaofeng was not afraid, but became attached to them and strongly requested to follow the ship.

(It is estimated that she felt that if she followed the ship, she could stay away from her master. More importantly, she felt that the way these people looked at her was quite similar to that of her master and his brothers.)

Somehow, Li Huamei also liked her and accepted her to everyone's surprise. Although pirates don't care about this, it's not good to employ child labor, right?

The Li family's ship arrived in Xinluo City this morning. Li Huamei came to Xinluo specifically, of course, she had something to do, so she took James and a few sailors with her.

The researchers and others can move freely. When they heard that they could move freely, the sailors dispersed and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Xinluo is the capital of the Xinluo Kingdom, a city of capital level. Although it can't be compared with the Song Dynasty's Bianliang City, its level is here.

If it weren't for being a general under Li Huamei, the researcher would not have the qualifications to enter this city. Today, he finally got in, so why not have fun.

Under the operation of the intelligent program Xiaoer, the researcher took Lin Shen to spend money in various shops in Xinluo and buy various local unique products.

Most of these capitals are inhabited by many races, especially Xinluo.

All major races may be encountered, including the undead. So Lin Shen, a skeleton, is not an eyesore when walking on the street.

To say that Xiaoer's intelligent program is really good, as long as the goods he sees are novel, unseen, and not too expensive, he will buy some.

When Xiao Ming comes online, these goods can be used as reference for him. In the process of purchasing, the experienced Lin Shen helped Xiaoer a lot.

In the afternoon, Li Huamei had finished her work and gathered everyone for a picnic in the wild.

Picnics don't seem like something pirates would do, let alone something Li Huamei would do. Could there be some hidden secret?

However, Xiao Ming had no intention to explore Li Huamei's secret. Even when the little Loli was teased by the Li family, Xiao Ming did not pay attention or participate.

He had just switched over and did not understand the situation. He was looking through the memories in his mind.

In order to allow players to use multiple characters freely without being in a hurry.

When switching characters, the system must inform the player of what the program did when the player was not there.

Although players can check the system records themselves, the Magic Planet game still chooses to directly instill memories into the player's brain.

This is definitely not for the ultimate gaming experience for players. It is obvious that this is to test the technology of [Memory Instillation]. It is the same as the inheritance orb in the game.

This kind of memory instillation in the game system must be very gentle, and it will not rush into the player's brain all at once, causing confusion.

It will be like a faucet, with a limiting valve, allowing new memories to be instilled at a very gentle speed.

This technology has basically taken shape and is widely used in the military. But temporary users all have their own special circumstances.

For the active military clones on the battlefield of Nuwa Star, combat skills are all instilled in memory. They are cannon fodder, so there is no need to worry about damaging their brains.

Xiao Ming, Xiao Liang and other clone reserve members in the Huangdi Galaxy have their entire life memories instilled in the dormant chamber. Because there is plenty of time, they are all input slowly.

Natural soldiers or other people are generally instilled with some knowledge about certain skills only in the learning machine. The learning machine is also relatively safe.

Only in extreme environments, when they are dying, will natural people forcefully and quickly instill memories regardless of anything. It's just a one in ten thousand chance.

For the sake of caution, this technology has not been widely used on natural people in the military, let alone in the civilian market.

Major research institutions headed by the New Han Royal Academy of Sciences are still cautiously researching and developing this technology. After all, the prospects of this technology are too broad.

Xiao Ming began to pay attention to this matter after receiving the inheritance gem to instill the Naga swordsmanship.

Some of the skills in Magic Planet are fundamentally different from those in other games.

In other games, players don't really learn those skills. When the player character uses a skill, it is the game's built-in program that uses it. The player just chooses it.

But in the magic planet, many skills are learned by the players themselves. Although there are built-in programs in the game, they play an auxiliary role.

Of course, many times, due to the immersive game, the players did not realize that they had learned it.

Zhang Xiaoming has been possessing superpowers for decades and is sensitive to energy. He only found out that he had learned magic at the beginning of the game.

But due to the special nature of magic, Xiao Ming only associated it with the special situation of the Yanhuang Three Star System. He did not pay much attention to the matter of being instilled with skills.

The Naga swordsmanship he learned this time really shocked him and thought of the key. This is the technological version of the jade slip for passing on skills.

When it comes to using memory infusion, Xiao Ming has an advantage that others cannot match: his resistance to this kind of damage is stronger than most people.

After using the original liquid of life, it’s okay to have a stronger physical fitness, which is still in the category of ordinary people. The key point is that the mental power is much stronger, beyond the limit of ordinary people.

And his superpowers can repair any damage-including brain damage that is most likely to be caused by memory infusion.

This allows Xiao Ming to learn more skills and knowledge with this technology.

Of course, what Xiao Ming has learned through this kind of indoctrination still needs constant practice to consolidate, but it is impressive enough.

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