Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1214 Jedi Knight

Xiao Ming has already dealt with this kind of hidden profession in the Magic Planet game. It can be said that the current hidden professions are basically opened by him.

Naruto, Hunter x Hunter, Saint Seiya, Jedi Knight... There are probably many more, such as Death God.

After all, the top level of players is only level 3, and level 4 is still a long way off. Players at this level are still a little short of opening hidden professions.

Mainly because the players are having fun playing with each other. This has caused the phenomenon of slowing down the upgrade speed of the large forces. Even if there are occasional fast upgrades, they will be envied by other players and drag him down.

Hidden professions usually appear in the position of the second profession. For example, the second profession of the researcher is Naruto; the second profession of the diver and the informant is Hunter x Hunter.

Even the explorer had a second profession earlier. That is the Taoist profession obtained after worshipping Gongsun Sheng as a teacher. This profession originally existed in the Magic Planet game.

For this reason, Xiao Ming is not worried. After the task is completed, there will definitely be a reward for opening the Jedi Knight profession in the system rewards. What will happen then?

Is there a third profession? The effect of the second profession has been reduced. The career upgrade no longer improves the player's five attributes, but only grants new career skills. What if it becomes the third profession? If the Jedi Knight's skills are discounted again, how much meaning will it have?

After this enhancement, it is equivalent to merging the Jedi Knight profession into the first profession, the Ascetic. As a result, Xiao Ming created a BUG in this way.

In theory, it takes a while before the system confirms that the Jedi Knight profession appears in the main game, and the task of the Explorer to be promoted to level 3 is completed.

However, Xiao Ming forcibly added the Jedi Knight profession to the Ascetic suit. The system had to be led by the nose.

Not only did this profession officially take root, but the Explorer was also directly promoted to level 3 due to the completion of the task. This is not over yet. The Ascetic Group also successfully obtained the practice inheritance of the Jedi Knight.

Of course, this inheritance was not learned by a few high-ranking ascetics, but by the ascetics' suits and canes.

As mentioned in the previous article, the ascetics' basic skill inheritance is automatically recorded in the suit. Whenever the ascetics are upgraded to a certain level, they will automatically obtain skills from the suit.

So, because of this convenient condition. Some Jedi inheritances automatically appeared in the explorer's suit. Of course, they are all basic, because the explorer is only level 3.

The explorer's master, Mr. Guo, is still in the exploratory stage.

Some people may ask. Don't Guo Jinsong and his fellow brothers and sisters and the others also have ascetic suits and canes? How can there be no inheritance of the Force?

That's because their suit titles have not yet received the prefix "Jedi Knight", that is, they have not officially taken office as Jedi Knights, so they have not obtained inheritance.

The original design of the game system must be gradual. Take the Jedi Knight as an example. The Force comes from the secret realm of the "Star Wars" series.

In the first step, players must complete tasks in these worlds and obtain certain universal items. In this way, players can open the Force for their characters or NPCs in other worlds.

In the second step, when there are enough players and NPCs with the Force, the system will start the task chain that introduces the Jedi Knight profession into the main game.

After that, there must be a series of tasks: the third, fourth, fifth... steps. After the tasks are completed, the Jedi Knight profession will truly "take root" in the main game.

This is not even the end. The inheritance of the profession that has just "taken root" is generally very primitive, and there will be various tasks for players to improve this profession.

As a result, Xiao Ming used the source energy plug-in and the characteristics of the ascetic suit to complete this task in one step.

Fortunately, the task that the explorer took was [Ascetic Status], and the goal of this task was not particularly clear, because the upper limit of the task completion was very high and the lower limit was also very low. Only in this way can the explorer get a relatively powerful reward.

If it is a task with a very clear goal, such as the system asking players to open the Force for several NPCs, then no matter how much the explorer does, the task reward will be the same. The part that is completed in excess is equivalent to useless work, which is a waste of time.

Of course, introducing a new profession in the main game is a hidden task, which still has certain benefits.

What does the game master think about Xiao Ming's "destroying the balance of the game"? The Nine-Tailed Fox said: ... The more the better!

Why? Because every time Xiao Ming does this, he will provide a lot of source energy to the system. This is the Nine-Tailed Fox's favorite thing. Why did she work so hard to make such a game? Isn't it just for high-quality energy! This is called seeking benevolence and getting benevolence.

With Xiao Ming's input of these source energies, many "sleeping" companions are gradually waking up. Therefore, the rewards given by the system are quite generous, tempting Xiao Ming to do this more times in the future.

This time, Xiao Ming strengthened the ascetic suit and forcibly created the Jedi Knight profession, which is equivalent to completing two tasks.

One is to successfully introduce a new profession to the main game. This is a hidden task. Every time it is completed, the system will automatically give a corresponding reward.

This reward is generally not too much, because introducing a new profession is not a particularly difficult thing. There will be more tasks to gradually improve the new profession in the future.

Since Xiao Ming has brought the basic heritage of the Jedi Knight into the main game, the rewards will be much higher accordingly.

Second, he completed the task of [Ascetic Status] on the surface. Think about the status of Jedi Knights!

Xiao Ming has heard of it. In the world of Star Wars, Jedi Knights are a noble group composed of protectors who believe in and respect the Force.

Its birth can be traced back to a more civilized and classical era in the history of the Milky Way. The Jedi Knights are very old and have continued for more than a thousand generations.

During the centuries of prosperity and development of the Galactic Republic, Jedi Knights have been serving the Republic as guardians of peace and justice.

Although they serve the Republic, they are not a subordinate agency of the government, but a relatively independent organization.

In terms of status, they compete with the central government. In the minds of many people, they are even more respected than the government.

Now that the Ascetic Group has obtained this profession, in time, what a noble existence will the status of Ascetic Knights become!

It can be said that after Xiao Ming completed this task, there is no need to find a way to improve the status of Ascetic Knights.

After a period of time, when there are several Jedi elders among the high-level officials, the profession of ascetic will be able to compete with any other profession, and may even surpass it.

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