Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1205 Landing on Peach Blossom Island

Taohua Island is indeed worthy of its reputation. As the boat approached the island, Nan Xiren could smell the fragrance of flowers in the sea breeze.

From a distance, the island was lush and green, with a ball of green, a ball of red, a ball of yellow, and a ball of purple. It was indeed a brocade of flowers, beautiful beyond words.

In the secret realm, Taohua Island is probably more beautiful than Jin Dada himself thought. Because the game system can "Photoshop photos".

Moreover, in the secret realm, the peach blossoms on the island are not only not harmed by snakes, insects, rats and ants, but also can adjust the time of flowering. It always makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Nan Xiren went to the island and threw a lot of silver to the boatman, asking him not to take a risk in vain. Then he stepped into the peach blossom formation on the island.

Xiao Ming did learn Qimen numerology for a period of time, but his achievements were very limited. The formation of Taohua Island was arranged by Huang Yaoshi himself, which was very magical and Xiao Ming could not crack it at all.

However, Nan Xiren had a stupid idea. Guo Jing and Huang Rong should have just arrived here, and their footprints could still be seen. He would naturally find people by following the footprints.

It would be great if he brought the dogs raised with the Changsheng Jue Qi. They could follow Guo Jing's scent, double insurance. Unfortunately, in order to save time, Nan Xiren came at full speed, how could he bring a dog with him!

At this time, the sky was bright, and no flute sound was heard. It is estimated that the plot in which Huang Yaoshi used the flute to force the old naughty boy, but was rescued by Guo Jing, should have passed.

Nan Xiren followed Guo Jing's footprints. First, he found the tomb of Feng Heng, the wife of Huang Yaoshi. This is also an admirable and extraordinary woman, and it is a pity that she died.

The dead are great, Xiao Ming bowed to her tomb several times. I hope Huang Yaoshi is peeking, and I can get extra points.

Then Nan Xiren continued to follow the footprints, looking for Guo Jing's traces, and finally found the cave where the old naughty boy Zhou Botong was hiding.

It's a pity to miss the part of rescuing the old naughty boy. If he could replace Guo Jing to rescue Zhou Botong, then Nan Xiren would probably be the one who swore brotherhood with the old naughty boy.

However, Xiao Ming didn't feel particularly sorry. He had a friendship with Huang Yaoshi, but he didn't know the old naughty boy. When Huang Yaoshi was about to subdue the old naughty boy, he shouldn't have taken action.

Guo Jing was his apprentice, and he made friends with the old naughty boy and learned a lot of skills. Xiao Ming would naturally not compete with his apprentice for such a good thing.

Besides, even if he saved the old naughty boy, with his high martial arts, the old naughty boy might not teach him. He might think that Nan Xiren didn't need to learn more martial arts. It's better now.

Originally, Xiao Ming thought he could arrive earlier. For his sake, Huang Yaoshi would be able to reconcile with the old naughty boy. The matter of "Nine Yin Manual" is also easy to handle.

Although he is a little late now, it doesn't matter. It's still the beginning stage, and there are still many things that can be done.

Not far outside the cave, Nan Xiren and a deaf-mute old servant carrying a food box met face to face.

The old servant was startled and fled. This was probably the servant who brought food to the old naughty boy Guo Jing in the original book.

Nan Xiren ignored him and continued to walk towards the cave. He seemed to hear Guo Jing's voice. But it was gone soon.

He took two steps forward and heard someone ask: "Who is outside? Huang Lao Xie? No, not Huang Lao Xie, who are you?! You came to Peach Blossom Island, and Huang Lao Xie didn't deal with you?"

It turned out that the old naughty boy found Nan Xiren. In the original book, Huang Lao Xie hid outside the cave and listened to Zhou and Guo talking, and was not discovered by the old naughty boy. But he was exposed as soon as he came over. It seems that he is still not as good as Huang Lao Xie in hiding his tracks.

He then said loudly: "I am Nan Xiren, the fourth of the Seven Freaks of Jiangnan, and the current elder of the Beggars' Sect..."

"Ah! Fourth Master!" Guo Jing was overjoyed and shouted out when Nan Xiren was halfway through his words.

He had just met Zhou Botong and was forced to become his sworn brother. Guo Jing was quite nervous because he was not familiar with the character of the Old Boy. It was great that the Fourth Master came! He rushed out of the cave like a puff of smoke and greeted Nan Xiren.

The Old Boy had just tested Guo Jing's kung fu and knew that this silly boy's internal skills were extremely exquisite, even better than the internal skills of the Quanzhen Sect.

When Guo Jing said that he was the apprentice of the Seven Freaks of Jiangnan and that his internal skills were taught by the fourth master, Nan Xiren, the Old Boy did not quite believe it at the time.

He had also heard of the name of the Seven Freaks of Jiangnan and knew that they were not masters. It was really strange that these people could have such powerful internal skills.

At this time, Zhou Botong believed it half. Because even if he only heard Nan Xiren's footsteps, he could roughly judge that Nan Xiren was a master.

Nan Xiren rubbed Guo Jing's head and asked, "Jing'er, why did you run out alone? Aren't you afraid that the masters will worry?" Guo Jing blushed and didn't know how to answer.

As the saying goes, heroes are hard to resist beauty. At that time, Huang Rong came to him secretly, and he wanted to report to the masters first, but he was pulled away by Huang Rong, and he couldn't bear to disobey.

Of course, deep down, Guo Jing knew that this matter was not a big deal. If it was an important matter, he would never obey Huang Rong.

Nan Xiren would naturally not really blame him. In Xiao Ming's view, this was clearly the system proofreading the plot.

Guo Jing took the fourth master into the cave, and Nan Xiren and Zhou Botong informed each other of their names and got to know each other.

The old naughty boy loved to listen to people telling stories. He was just listening to Guo Jing talking about the desert. He was listening to the fight between the white eagle and the black eagle, and he thought it was very exciting. He pestered Guo Jing to continue telling.

Guo Jing glanced at his fourth master, and when he saw Nan Xiren nod, he continued to tell the story to the Old Boy.

The old naughty boy had been holding back for too long, and he felt unsatisfied after only listening to Guo Jing's life story. He shouted to Nan Xiren:

"My brother's master, you are late, and you have to drink three cups of wine as punishment. There is no wine here, so I punish you to tell a story too."

This is simply nonsense. If you say it to others, it will probably make enemies. Nan Xiren knows the personality of the old naughty boy very well, and he is not angry at all.

As a player, if an important NPC wants you to tell a story, this is a good opportunity to improve your favorability. How can Xiao Ming miss it.

It just so happens that Xiao Ming has read all of Jin Dada's books several times a few days ago, and it is most appropriate to tell the old naughty boy as a story.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Ming got a little stuck as soon as he started to talk about "The Untold Story". Because remembering a book and being able to tell the book are two different skills.

Xiao Ming's storytelling ability is really not very good, and he can't remember some small details.

In order to improve his favorability, he simply arranged a Seven Star Shadow clone to find the book. On the other side, the clone was reading the book; on this side, Nan Xiren was repeating it.

Although it was not brilliant, it was much more interesting than what Guo Jing had just said. The silly brother and the naughty boy Guo Jing were attracted by the plot of the book and were dazzled by it.

The naughty boy liked to interrupt from time to time, and he was really not a good listener.

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