Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 119 Xiao Hei in Reality

Lifting the lid of the game room, Xiao Ming climbed out. He looked at the other game room in the bedroom that was still unused.

Well, Xiao Jing'er hadn't come back yet. How could the young girls go shopping together in their prime and go home in half a day? It's common to stay up all night.

Xiao Ming felt a little regretful, and also felt relieved. This is a very subtle and contradictory mentality.

On the one hand, Xiao Ming knew clearly that what happened in the past ten hours could not and should not be told to others.

The matter of the original liquid of life, the matter of Zhang Xiaoliang, the matter of "Far Island Strange Man", the matter of the alien clone... all could not be told. Not even to his sister.

But on the other hand, too many things piled up in Xiao Ming's heart at once. It made him a little difficult to breathe.

Although he had become a man, Xiao Ming still couldn't bear it and wanted to find someone to share it with.

The best person to talk to was Xiao Jing'er. It didn't need to be said clearly, just vaguely reveal a little bit of everything.

‘I heard’ something, ‘it seems’ something… talking about reality and fantasy in this way can greatly reduce Xiao Ming’s pressure.

But by doing this, his clever little sister is likely to guess the truth. It also adds unnecessary burden and danger to Xiao Jing’er.

So Xiao Ming was very nervous in the few seconds when he looked at Xiao Jing’s game cabin.

If Xiao Jing’er was at home, Xiao Ming would probably find it difficult to suppress the urge to confide.

Seeing that his sister hadn’t come back yet, the dust had settled. If you miss this opportunity, you will miss it.

After a while, Xiao Ming will be able to accept the reality. This desire to confide will also recede like the tide.

(PS: If it cannot recede, and it is too suppressed, if it is strongly stimulated again, it may become a derivative personality. Although the possibility is close to zero)

After understanding Xiao Hei’s ability in the game, Xiao Ming felt that his mind beast clone was as powerful as a foul—the terrible potential and power of the alien lord.

Xiao Hei's foundation is Xiao Ming's telekinesis. As Xiao Ming's telekinesis continues to improve, Xiao Hei will also become stronger and stronger.

And telekinesis can be used in the real world. What would happen if Xiao Hei appeared on Pangu Star? This is the issue that Xiao Ming cares about most at the moment.

Sitting cross-legged on the bedroom floor, Xiao Ming posed with his five hearts facing the sky, silently combing the various breaths and powers in his body.

Time is like a trickle, quietly flowing by Xiao Ming's side, 5 minutes, 10 minutes,...

Half an hour has passed, and under the coordination of superpowers, Xiao Ming's whole body's breath has been coordinated to a good state.

Opening his eyes tacitly. Xiao Ming and the alien clone opposite him look at each other. He looks at the different self opposite him, but he is not looking in the mirror.

Suddenly, the original body and the clone grinned together. Not for anything else, just for the strange posture of the alien clone.

We know that the alien has a long tail, so the standard standing posture should be to lean forward with the tail swinging behind to maintain balance.

Xiao Ming is a human being, and it is awkward to pose in that posture. And deep down, Xiao Ming was a little worried that he might end up with a real-life version of a HD toddler.

He tried his best to learn the movements of the alien, but he couldn't walk with a normal human body. So he suddenly had an idea and took a kangaroo pose.

He lowered his tail to the ground as a third leg, and stood as steady as a mountain. It was steady enough, but very funny. ^_~

The normal standing alien was a killing machine ready to go. The posture of Xiao Ming's clone was just a fool.

Xiao Ming didn't care, the best one was the one that suited him. For the application of the alien clone, Xiao Ming needed to find his own way.

In reality, Xiao Hei is about 1.8 meters tall, about the same as a human, much taller than Xiao Ming, who is 1.7 meters tall with shoes. The only difference is the length of his tail.

The ability is the same as in the game, which means that Xiao Hei can also breed 10 alien warriors. Their height is proportionally reduced to the height of a child.

Xiao Ming's mind wandered, and he thought of a scene: he and his clone were running side by side in the sunset, and the alien children were following them. What a warm scene.

If Brother Wen saw this, he would definitely laugh at them for being a family, and then make faces and ask him how he felt about being with the alien...

Uh~~ Xiao Ming and his clone shuddered all over. It was too scary! And this kind of horror seemed unavoidable.

Zhang Wen was a telepath. When the potential of the otaku was fully developed, he would definitely see Xiao Hei and the others in the future. Not to mention the future, he could see them now, just by concentrating.

Xiao Ming secretly made up his mind. In order to avoid that terrible situation. Xiao Ming would increase his efforts to train his telepathy. Try to make Xiao Hei's body bigger as soon as possible.

But improving ability is not easy. Training can only be done step by step.

In the short term, if you want to make a big improvement, you may need to get some natural treasures in fantasy novels. That is even more rare.

The reason why Xiao Hei is so big now is that Xiao Ming drank the life essence, which greatly improved his physical fitness.

If Xiao Ming's total telekinesis was used as the basis, Xiao Hei would probably be only the size of a puppy, which would be much cuter. The timing was wrong, and it was stuck at the right moment.

Now we can only take it one step at a time. Before Xiao Hei's body changes significantly, he will never let him appear in front of Zhang Wen. ——Xiao Ming secretly swore.

Back to the original question, how to make his consciousness more coordinated with Xiao Hei's body?

Xiao Ming began to search in his mind. Recalling the movement characteristics of various creatures, including various existing or imaginary ones. All kinds of ideas can be used as reference.

With the stronger mental power after the upgrade, Xiao Ming is able to retrieve so much information in his mind.

Unfortunately, the nature of otaku is not a wise man with extremely high intelligence. After thinking about it, Xiao Ming only figured out a stupid way-if the mountain doesn't come to me, I will go to the mountain.

It's okay for the main body and the clone to be the same! Xiao Ming thinks that the alien clone must act according to the structure of the body.

In order to avoid the incoordination between the main body and the clone, why not add a tail to the main body! Isn't this consistent.

Adding a tail is really not difficult. Xiao Ming's superpowers and telekinesis can easily do it.

In fact, Xiao Ming has been exploring this direction for a long time, and he has had several like-minded talks with Brother Wen. Why?

Because beast girls are the eternal pain in the hearts of otakus. Uniform temptation may appear in reality, but beast girls can only exist in fantasy.

(Uniform temptation is also a daydream, okay, you guys should wake up.)

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