Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1186 The Trouble with Followers

After completing the main storyline of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", the most unexpected reward for Zhang Xiaoming is the third reward, which allows players to choose a plot character in the secret realm as their follower.

The follower can follow Xiaoming to other secret realms and do things for Xiaoming. In a martial arts planet game where clones cannot be used, having a follower is definitely helpful.

Of course, the prerequisite is that the follower has a high enough favorability with Zhang Xiaoming and asks for the other party's opinion.

If the other party disagrees, the system will erase his related memories and let him continue to live normally in The Legend of the Condor Heroes

If the other party agrees, after becoming a follower, he will be loyal to Zhang Xiaoming.

Xiaoming can also arrange this follower to live in any secret realm he has logged into.

He can also be transferred from one secret realm to another at any time, or even put in the main game. The condition is that Xiaoming must have logged in.

This follower and other NPCs will not have any doubts about this kind of crossing, and Xiaoming can use it with confidence.

Xiaoming can imagine why the game is set up like this.

The secret realm is for players to accumulate their own martial arts and subordinates. With high martial arts and more followers, they can return to "The Legend of the Two Heroes of the Tang Dynasty" with a large army.

This inspiration is probably learned from the reincarnation space.

The system did not prompt Xiao Ming whether there were any restrictions on the martial arts level of the followers he chose. In other words, he could take the top master Di Yun with him.

But Xiao Ming guessed that it was because he "single-handedly" broke through the main story line of Liancheng Jue and greatly changed the plot, and his contribution was great, so he was given such preferential treatment.

If it were someone else, the followers he could choose would definitely be limited. It is impossible to allow all NPCs with high martial arts to choose. It's just that Xiao Ming's choice range is too large this time, and even Di Yun, the top master, is included.

Unfortunately, Di Yun and Qi Fang have such a deep relationship that he would never agree to follow Xiao Ming.

It's a pity that his martial arts skills are a bit bad, but Di Yun's brain is not very good, and he can't stand alone unless Qi Fang is with him.

But Di Yun and Qi Fang definitely don't want to be separated, not to mention that there are cabbages to raise. Xiao Ming can no longer use this family.

ε=(ο`*))) Alas, if there were 2, no, 3 places, it would be great.

The characteristic of followers being able to travel freely would be of great help if used properly.

Because in different secret realms of martial arts planets, the speed of time is different due to different game progress.

In "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", Xiao Ming once had a situation where 10 days in reality advanced 10 years in the secret realm.

Originally, the Seven Freaks of Jiangnan practiced the Changsheng Jue together, but after 10 days, Xiao Ming had not practiced it yet, and the Seven Freaks of Jiangnan had 10 years of Changsheng Jue skills.

All of them surpassed Xiao Ming, and the main storyline was still being deduced, which made Xiao Ming feel overwhelmed.

He was forced to go to the reincarnation world for 15 years, and practiced 30 years of Changsheng Jue skills with 2 bodies before he dared to go online again, the king returned.

Due to the timeline gap, Xiao Ming immediately thought of finding a suitable follower and teaching him advanced martial arts.

Then choose a secret realm with a long initial time span like The Legend of the Condor Heroes. Throw him in.

As an NPC, he follows the time of the secret realm. In this way, he will become a master of a certain level in a short period of time.

With such a master, he travels back and forth between the secret realms and the main game to help himself. It seems quite exciting.

However, it is also necessary to pay attention to a very important point, that is, this follower cannot live forever, and he also has a lifespan limit. Be careful not to let him die of old age.

This is not difficult. As long as the follower's martial arts are fully developed, put him in the secret realm of Liancheng Jue. The time here is the same as the real world, so there is no need to worry about him dying of old age.

The biggest problem is the selection of people, who is more suitable to be a follower.

There are many NPCs to choose from in Liancheng Jue, but few are useful. The only ones who can really be used are Nan Siqi or Shui Sheng.

Nan Siqi's martial arts are good, and each of them has rich experience in the martial arts world, and can help Xiao Ming do a lot of things. But they have already mastered the internal skills, so it may be difficult to change to the Changsheng Jue.

Shui Sheng is still young, so she can find a suitable secret realm to stay for 10 years to practice the Changsheng Jue internal skills. She will be very powerful.

However, this little girl is too simple-minded. Even if she practices martial arts, she probably can't help herself. It's not very useful.

It really makes Xiao Ming very difficult. Moreover, he has to hurry up to choose. Because there are not many opportunities, and they are fleeting.

Let's count which secret realms have such opportunities to slip through many years in the blink of an eye? The Condor Heroes trilogy can. However, Guo Jing's early growth period in the Condor Heroes has passed.

In "The Return of the Condor Heroes", Yang Guo spent some time in the ancient tomb in his early years; later, Xiaolongnu jumped off the cliff, and another 16 years flashed by. In "The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber", Zhang Wuji also had a growth period in his early years.

Other secret realms that still have opportunities are "The Sword of Blood and Jade" and "The Snow Mountain Flying Fox". Yuan Chengzhi and Hu Fei also had the experience of growing up from a teenager. As for the other secret realms, there should be no chance.

However, Xiaoming is not sure what stage these four secret realms have developed to. He still needs to ask the Shen family.

So Huang Xiaoming left the game cabin and came out to find Shen Ping. He basically took care of all the affairs of the Shennong 2 spacecraft. It is estimated that the affairs in the game are the same, so it is right to ask him.

For such a big event as Zhang Xiaoming breaking through Liancheng Jue, the people of the Xin family in the secret realm had spread the news long ago.

At this time, even Xin Ku and Xin Shui might know about it. After all, Xiao Ming watched the Changsheng Jue map for 3 hours. It was not just after he cleared the level.

Hearing Xiao Ming asking about the progress of each secret realm, Xin Ping did not dare to take the initiative and said that he needed to ask Captain Xin Ku for instructions. He would notify Xiao Ming after getting the news.

Deep down, he didn't think it was a big deal. With the relationship between the leader and the Xin family, Xin Ku would definitely agree. But as a housekeeper, he must stick to his duties and not interfere.

At the end, Xin Ping casually asked why the leader wanted to know these things. This must be inquired.

If Xiao Ming told it, Xin Ku would decide whether to help; if Xiao Ming hid it and refused to say it, that would be another situation. The Xin family should also treat it differently.

Xiao Ming didn't want to show off, but then he thought, he was asking for information from others, how could he hide it? So he told them about the system being given to the follower.

Xin Ping was surprised, but he didn't show it on the surface. He complimented Xiao Ming a few words and left. Xiao Ming smiled and returned to the game cabin.

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