Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1183 Still couldn’t escape

After completing the task of burying Ding Dian and Ling Shuanghua together, the five returned to Zhang Xiaoming's mansion, which is the residence of Changshengmen, without any trouble.

This large manor was bought by Nan Siqi for Xiaoming. It has all kinds of useful items and people. And it is on the same street as Shui Sheng's house.

For some reason, this always reminds Xiaoming of Ningguo Mansion and Rongguo Mansion.

Everyone just came back, and there is no need to arrange how to deal with Ling Tuisi, Wan Zhenshan and others immediately. It is really important to coax Kong Xincai first.

The little girl is a little shy in a new environment. Shui Sheng had to hold her all day long.

Not only Shui Sheng likes Kong Xincai, but even her father Shui Dai, Liu Chengfeng who is recuperating here, Hua Tiegan who takes care of Liu Chengfeng, and others, also like this little girl very much.

They obviously remembered that Shui Sheng was so cute when she was young. When she grows up, she will not be clingy.

Now there is a little princess, which makes several old guys very happy. Shui Sheng is almost jealous of the water spinach.

It’s okay to lie to outsiders about Qi Fang’s marriage to Wan Gui, but it must not be concealed from the four southern wonders.

Xiao Ming told them frankly, and several people expressed sympathy. They are all martial artists, without the bad habits of scholars, and will not look down on Qi Fang.

As the eldest disciple of Changshengmen, Di Yun is a hot commodity. Many people are eyeing him, and Shui Sheng is obviously interested in him.

For this reason, Hua Tiegan is still a little worried. He is afraid that the power and inheritance of Changshengmen will fall into the hands of the Shui family in the future.

Now that Di Yun has married Qi Fang, his concerns have been dispelled. Hua Tiegan is of course in favor.

Shui Dai felt a little pity and was a little worried about his daughter. However, the feelings of young people come and go quickly, so there is no need to worry too much.

Everyone was busy helping Qi Fang and Di Yun prepare for their wedding. Zhang Xiaoming found an excuse to leave temporarily, and this time he did not bring anyone with him.

Pretending to be an ordinary person in the martial arts world, he rushed all the way to Jiangling.

He planned to destroy Tianning Temple. Let the hidden gold and silver treasures disappear completely. These things are always a trap there.

Seeing that Jiangling was not far away, Xiao Ming found some farmers in the countryside to inquire about the location of Tianning Temple.

After asking several people, they all said they didn't know. Finally, an old farmer gave Xiao Ming directions. Xiao Ming left a little money and set off to Tianning Temple to see the situation.

This Tianning Temple is located in a remote area and has been in disrepair for many years. No one takes care of the temple. It is indeed a good place to hide treasures.

However, what Xiao Ming never expected was that even though he destroyed all the Liancheng Sword Manuals. Several people still found this place.

It was Ling Tuisi, Wan Zhenshan, Yan Daping, and Qi Changfa. Wan Gui was not seen in the temple, and he thought he had died of poison.

Xiao Ming quietly hid in the distance and listened to the wall. It took a long time to figure out the whole story. No need to ask, it must be the system's fault.

Here's what happened. The burial of Ling Zhifu's daughter was known by a "Gold-Mocking Lieutenant".

How many burial objects could a prefect's daughter have? ! He originally looked down on such a small business.

However, this time, for some unknown reason, he went to rob the tomb. It was before Di Yun and others went to bury the deceased.

The coffin was originally smeared with the poison of "Jinbo Xunhua". However, it was all cleaned up when it was buried. Otherwise, those who were responsible for carrying the coffin and burying the deceased died, and Ling Zhifu would have a hard time explaining it.

The Gold-Mocking Lieutenant dug the grave smoothly and opened the coffin, but found that there was not even a single valuable burial object in the coffin.

Even the shroud, bedding and other general burial objects were missing, and Miss Ling was only wearing a single piece of clothing.

That would have been fine. When the coffin was opened, Miss Ling's hands were raised high. The Gold-Mocking Lieutenant was so scared that his soul flew away. He thought it was a fake corpse.

He is not Di Yun. He did not expect Miss Ling to be buried alive. He thought that such a strange thing happened because Miss Ling had some unfulfilled wish.

As a tomb robber, tomb robbing is an offense to the dead, but they also have a set of theories and methods to "respect" the dead. I wonder if this should be considered a thief's code of conduct or crocodile tears?

Since Miss Ling had an unfulfilled wish, the tomb robber wanted to help her solve it. So as not to be entangled by her ghost in the future.

What exactly was the wish? He searched for it and saw the last words and numbers on the coffin board. He hurriedly wrote them down solemnly, and then properly restored the tomb to its original state.

He did not know about the Liancheng Sword Manual, and could not guess the meaning of the string of numbers for a while.

Originally, the most effective way was to go to Miss Ling's father, Ling Zhifu. However, as a tomb robber, how could he dare to see the Zhifu? !

What should I say if I go? I robbed your daughter's tomb and saw these numbers. Can you, as a father, help me explain it?

Isn't this stupid? ! People with an IQ of 70 or above probably wouldn't do this.

The tomb robber quietly asked around to see if anyone could figure out the meaning.

The tomb robbers were all very cautious people. After a while, this matter was treated as a joke and gradually became known to people, and spread to the ears of Ling, Wan, Yan, and Qi.

How could it be so coincidental that they almost figured out the meaning at the same time: [In the south-west of Jiangling City, there is a Buddha statue in the main hall of Tianning Temple. Worship it devoutly, pray through the spirit, and the Tathagata will bless you and you will be reborn in paradise. ]

Ling Tui Si didn't know Tang poetry and swordsmanship, but he and Wan Zhenshan had already colluded with each other. Come together to hunt for treasure.

Foot before and after, Yan Daping and Qi Changfa also arrived. The four of them were temporarily deadlocked here.

Why didn't they bring a large force? It's easy to understand. Because these four people don't intend to share the treasure with anyone.

In the original book, Wan Zhenshan and his son first got the "Selected Tang Poems" and analyzed the four words "South of Jiangling City". As a result, it was heard by Wan Zhenshan's apprentice, and then it spread throughout the world.

Countless people from the world ran to the vicinity of Jiangling. Ling Tui Si couldn't do it alone, so he had to bring officials and yamen runners to take the treasure.

Now the news has not spread, Ling Tui Si didn't bring officials, and Wan Zhenshan didn't bring his apprentice.

The two people had the same idea in their hearts, first looking for treasures together, and when they found the treasure, they immediately killed each other and took the treasures alone.

Unexpectedly, Yan Daping and Qi Changfa also came. Faced with the combination of Ling Tui Si and Wan Zhenshan, Yan and Qi naturally joined together, and a big melee between the four was about to break out.

Seeing this, Xiao Ming was a little amused. The system is really good at playing.

He thought he had eliminated all possibilities, but he didn't expect that these four people still knew where the treasure was. He still couldn't avoid the finale.

However, since only the four of them found the treasure, Xiao Ming didn't care. These four people deserved to die, as long as other people didn't know about it.

I think with the caution of the four people, the secret should not be easily known to others.

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