Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1181 Wan Mansion

Master Xiaoming and his two disciples set off. Xiangxi and Jingzhou are not far apart. After a few days (in the game), they arrived in Jingzhou.

At the second watch that night, Di Yun quietly went to Wan Mansion and saw Qi Fang and her daughter Bao Xincai burning incense and praying in the back garden.

Ask God to bless her husband Wan Gui, her father Qi Changfa, and her senior brother Di Yun with good health, longevity, and everything.

Seeing that his junior sister still remembered him, Di Yun was very moved. At the same time, Xiao Ming took Shui Sheng to search the mansion, and indeed could not find the main characters such as Wan Zhenshan and Wan Gui.

The next day, the [Wan Mansion Treatment] dungeon was opened. Di Yun and his two friends pretended to be quack doctors and were recruited into the mansion by Wan Zhenshan's sixth disciple Wu Kan. The dungeon was officially opened.

Similarly, Di Yun quickly entered Wan Mansion, but Xiao Ming and Shui Sheng were seen through. The disciples and servants of Wan Mansion began to stop them.

It was still illogical. These NPCs only cared about stopping Xiao Ming and Shui Sheng, but still regarded Di Yun as a doctor. The system was designed in this copy.

This time, Xiao Ming made preparations early. He put soft armor on Shui Sheng and prepared a belt around her waist.

Xiao Ming tied Shui Sheng on his back and carried her into the Wan Mansion. This way, the speed was very fast, and he quickly rushed to Wan Gui's ward.

At this time, Qi Fang was still begging Di Yun, who was pretending to be a doctor, for help. Wu Kan was also pretending to help.

Di Yun had no way to deal with Qi Fang. In the original book, he obediently gave the antidote. But Di Yun couldn't do it in this life.

Why? Because the bottle of antidote was not with Di Yun, it was confiscated by Xiao Ming, and it was actually destroyed secretly.

Unless the Wan Mansion can invite Yan Daping, and Yan Daping is willing to help with the treatment, otherwise Wan Gui will definitely not be saved.

At this moment, Xiao Ming rushed into the house with Shui Sheng on his back and subdued Wu Kan.

This guy knew all the bad things that the Wan family had done, and he was involved in most of them. Xiao Ming threatened him with his life and ordered him to tell everything.

These guys are really bad. No wonder they were so familiar with framing Di Yun. It turns out that they have done this kind of thing countless times.

Although Qi Fang still said that she didn't believe it, she actually believed it in her heart.

What kind of character is Wan Gui, and what kind of character is her father-in-law? After so many years of getting along, Qi Fang is very smart and has already noticed it.

But she can only accept her fate. Fortunately, her daughter is smart, well-behaved and cute, which gives Qi Fang hope for her life.

Now she knows. It turns out that all the injustice and harm suffered by her senior brother were because her husband Wan Gui coveted her appearance.

This fact was too horrible. Qi Fang cried bitterly while holding her daughter, which frightened her daughter to the point of being at a loss. She stretched out her little hands to touch Qi Fang's face and cried, "Mom, don't cry, Mom, don't cry."

With her daughter's buffer, Qi Fang finally stopped her sadness temporarily. She was also afraid of frightening her daughter. Water spinach is her lifeblood.

At that moment, Xiao Ming wanted to take Qi Fang and Chinese cabbage away from Wan Mansion. But how could Qi Fang take her daughter with a stranger, let alone a young man.

Even though this person helped her expose a big scam, she couldn't just leave with him like that, right? Don't you want to save face? No, she didn't trust Xiao Ming, and she was a little reluctant to leave her husband.

No matter how Xiao Ming and Shui Sheng persuaded her, she still refused to give in, and Xiao Ming was so angry that he wanted to kidnap her and her mother.

Or Di Yun couldn't stand it anymore, and took the initiative to tear off the disguise on his face and showed his true face to Qi Fang...

There is no need to say more about what happened afterwards. After meeting her senior brother, Qi Fang was finally willing to leave with the others.

In fact, her feelings for Di Yun were very sincere and strong. Perhaps even deeper than Shui Sheng's.

In the process of leaving Wan Mansion, there were still NPCs blocking the way, but at this time, there was no need to worry about the speed, and Xiao Ming didn't have to carry Shui Sheng on his back.

Shui Sheng's little face still had a bit of a lonely expression. She was riding the master's brand BMW just now, and she was a bit excited to say. What a naughty child.

Qi Fang had a certain foundation in martial arts. She protected her daughter, Di Yun and Shui Sheng protected the mother and daughter, and Xiao Ming coordinated and dealt with all enemies. Several people killed their way out of Wan Mansion.

Wu Kan told the truth, which was also a bit of credit. Xiao Ming didn't kill him, but just abolished his martial arts, and then ignored him.

If he was smart, he would take advantage of the chaos to escape; if he stayed in Wan Mansion with a brain full of water, it is estimated that Wan Zhenshan would not leave him alive.

Along the way, the system arranged a lot of people to intercept, and some people shot cold arrows and hidden weapons, trying to launch a certain attack on Qi Fang. But they were all blocked by Xiao Ming.

Among the people who blocked the road, Wan Zhenshan also appeared, but he disappeared in a flash. Xiao Ming didn't have time to chase him.

After all, Xiao Ming's martial arts were strong enough to break through the test of the system. After rushing out of Wan Mansion, the copy was successfully completed, and Qi Fang's life was finally saved.

After rescuing Qi Fang and Bao Xincai, the five people quickly left Jingzhou in plain clothes and found a remote place outside the city to live. With Xiao Ming's martial arts, no one can follow in this secret realm.

They are highly skilled in martial arts, so it is natural that there is no problem taking care of Bao Xincai, a little girl.

Shui Sheng is still a girl, young and playful, and she likes Bao Xincai very much. She hugs her all day long.

Bao Xincai is also strange. She met Shui Sheng for the first time, but she is very close. She sticks to Shui Sheng and is unwilling to leave. She even ignores her mother.

Just in time to not interrupt Di Yun and Qi Fang's world of two. They chatted in the corner for a long time before coming to greet Xiao Ming.

It is estimated that Di Yun told Qi Fang everything that happened in the past few years. Di Yun has no secrets from Qi Fang.

Qi Fang already loved Di Yun deeply. Knowing that Di Yun had suffered so much in the past few years, she felt pity and her love became even more intense.

Looking at the eyes that they couldn't leave each other, Xiao Ming knew that their marriage was almost certain.

As for the death of her husband Wan Gui, although the master was also a little responsible. But in the end, Wan Gui had his own faults. Qi Fang didn't vent her anger randomly.

She knew that Di Yun's good fortune and even became a famous figure in the martial arts world were all thanks to her master Zhang Xiaoming;

This time, he came to expose the scam and save himself, and it was also because of the master's efforts. Qi Fang followed Di Yun and called Xiao Ming master, without any hesitation.

Xiao Ming did not accept Qi Fang to teach martial arts, because she had Di Yun, so Xiao Ming did not need to interfere.

Suddenly, Xiao Ming saw Qi Fang holding the "Selected Tang Poems" in her hand, which was naturally given to her by Di Yun.

Since the plot has changed so much, Xiao Ming was not polite and simply revealed the secret of Liancheng Sword Manual.

The three brothers Wan Zhenshan, Yan Daping and Qi Changfa studied this sword manual for many days, but they could not figure out the secret.

In fact, the book will show the words when it is soaked in water. It is strange that the three old Jianghu masters could not think of such a common routine.

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