Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1175 Soaking Head Curse

After learning about the difficulties of the Brunei Chinese nation-building mission, Xiao Ming knew that his three tricks could basically solve all the problems.

We have no shortage of gold coins. In terms of military strength, we can almost push the mission to the end by taking out several large ships and adding our own strong strength.

Nowadays, although European forces have infiltrated Southeast Asia and even East Asia, their military strength here is still insufficient.

After all, the regular armies of various countries rarely go so far. Most of the people who come to Southeast Asia are pirates and merchants. The difference between the two is not big.

Their warships are not particularly powerful, and Xiao Ming's large warships can still be powerful for a while.

But doing so would be a bit of a distraction. It is estimated that more than 80% of the benefits of this mission will be taken away by myself, which is not appropriate.

The Song Wang family, whose ancestors have made great contributions to the Chinese, is now an important force to maintain the dominant position of the Chinese in Pangu Star. It is very powerful in itself.

The strength of Zhao Ang alone is already S-level. Facing him, I can only maintain an undefeated state at most.

Xiao Ming neither dared nor wanted to offend such a family.

Zhao Rui was a straightforward girl with no bad intentions, and Xiao Ming didn't dislike her. Why did she want to snatch the tasks that others had been running for a long time! ?

Therefore, Xiao Ming's arrangement was like this. He took out 2 million gold coins and sold them to Zhao Rui, so that she could quickly develop her own strength.

At the same time, he left the fleet of Old Shoelace near Brunei to play as pirates for a while, and accepted Zhao Rui's dispatch on major matters.

With these help, if Zhao Rui still couldn't open up the situation, then he wouldn't say anything.

The diver himself couldn't stay here. If he stayed, if he couldn't control himself and made two or three shots casually, he might steal the limelight.

Xiao Ming also knew his own problem of being impatient.

Seeing that this kid surnamed Zhang was so discerning, Han Ben gave Xiao Ming several thumbs up in his heart. He also looked much more relaxed.

It was mainly due to the power of Brother Kong Fang. Han Ben knew very well that they had plenty of money on their books, but they could not buy too many gold coins. This severely limited the speed of development.

Even his family could not get so many gold coins, but Mr. Zhang could take out 2 million at once, which was also worthy of a high look.

From beginning to end, the diver did not come to meet Zhao Rui. After selling the gold coins, Xiao Ming opened the aperture and took Charlie Old Ice Cream on board the Flying Dutchman.

Without the cover of the Old Shoelace Fleet, Xiao Ming had to let the Flying Dutchman hatch out of the water as a surface force. The other four medium-sized warships of the sea clan were still underwater.

As for Charlie, his various firearms experiments could not be separated from Xiao Ming's support, so he must follow the diver.

But what if the Flying Dutchman needs to dive?

The new friend Zhao Rui taught Zhang Xiaoming a simple solution-"Bubble-Head Charm".

This magic comes from the Harry Potter world and requires a wand to cast. This spell will create a large bubble around a person's head.

It looks like a goldfish bowl is turned upside down on the head. It can be used for underwater breathing or to isolate the surrounding dirty air. (Specially for going to the toilet)

Just such a simple magic can solve the problem that Charlie can't breathe underwater.

With Xiao Ming's magic power, he can even use bubbles to protect Charlie's firearms so that firearms can fire underwater.

However, whether it is bullets or shells, they will be slowed down by the sea water after they rush out of the bubble and enter the water.

So it can only be used at close range, and it will not work if it is a little further away.

Xiao Ming is very happy to learn new magic, but it is also a bit troublesome.

That is, only when the diver is operated by himself, can magic be used to protect Charlie. Once the smart program is used to operate, it is still not possible to dive casually.

Xiao Ming thought about it, and the bubble head spell gave him inspiration. If it is a short-term dive, there are other ways.

You can buy a certain number of leather bags filled with air, which can also play a similar role. And it is simpler.

This method is still a little troublesome to implement in the game. In the game, you can't just make a leather bag and fill it with air to breathe underwater.

As a prop, this air bag must have corresponding properties to play such a role. Otherwise, it is not allowed by the system.

This matter is easy to solve. Because there are such props in the NPC mall.

There are always some tasks in the game that involve diving, and the system can just recycle gold coins by issuing such props. Of course, Xiao Ming has a more convenient way.

The explorer's good friend, Liu Xiaomei, is a senior tailor. Making [Underwater Breathing Air Bag] should be the business scope of the tailor.

It just so happened that Xiao Ming left the Seven Yaoying clone in Wushan Town and went directly to his own mansion to find Liu Xiaomei to place an order. Of course, if there is money, it will be earned by yourself, and it can be much cheaper.

The business is going well. Every week, Liu Xiaomei will take the initiative to make some air bags and give them to the clone. So this clone simply lives in his own house.

After arranging this matter, the diver's fleet left Brunei and went to Jakarta.

In fact, with the sea chart obtained from Anthony, the divers can sail further. The sea clan fleet basically does not need any supplements when sailing underwater.

It is a bit too much to say that diving directly to Europe, but it is no problem to cross Southeast Asia and go directly to India.

However, Xiao Ming still plans to stop at famous cities along the way. At least he can do business and make money. He just spent 2 million gold coins, and he has to earn it back.

By the way, he will also try to see if any system tasks will be triggered. If he hadn't gone to Jiading, how could he get Charlie, such a good helper!

In addition, the identity of the sea tribe of divers is quite good. There is no war relationship with any ethnic country on land. It is basically allowed to do business in the port.

Zhao Rui was a little reluctant to let Zhang Xiaoming leave. There was no other meaning, just that she was a little lonely in the game.

There were only two players in Brunei, her and Han Ben. If you look at them, they are all NPCs, and it is not easy to communicate.

It's rare to have a "similar age" friend who can communicate freely, and he is also a reincarnation, so there is no need to hide many things. Zhao Rui really wants to spend more days with Xiao Ming.

Han Ben has already told her the reason why Xiao Ming left in a hurry. She felt a little guilty and a little grateful, but it was not easy to stop him. She could only watch Xiao Ming's clone disappear.

The Seven Yao Shadow clones have high authority and can accept missions. If Xiao Ming leaves the clones behind, it will be no different from leaving them alone. So when the diver left, he cancelled all the clones and left cleanly and thoroughly.

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