Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 117 Is this also considered a pet?

The explorer and all his subordinates, as long as they believe in the God of Light, can restore the faith value of the [Silver Statue of the God of Light] every day through prayer.

The results of prayer vary from person to person. The factors that may affect it include: the depth of faith, the difference in occupation, the level, the length of prayer time, etc.

Generally speaking, free NPCs all have their own personalities, and different life experiences will cause huge differences.

Take Han Dong and Qiu Santong, two childhood friends who grew up together. The effects of their daily prayers will be very different.

Han Dong is a hero, and he has his own title - [A person who yearns for light in the dark].

His belief in the God of Light has been tested by the power of darkness, so the results of his daily prayers will be several times better than Qiu Santong.

Therefore, regarding the effects of free NPC prayers, the system generally calculates and collects them in real time.

According to the explorer's subordinates, when the explorer himself, Han Dong, and Qiu Santong pray, the faith value of the statue will be replenished immediately.

The soldiers are completely different, because they have lower intelligence and fewer individual differences, so the effect of prayer is basically the same.

The calculation of the faith value provided by the soldiers is simple and direct - it is calculated and collected immediately when logging in every day. (Today is the first day, so it is collected immediately.)

Ordinary level 1 soldiers can provide about 1 point of faith every day; level 2 soldiers can provide 2 points every day; level 3 soldiers can provide 4 points; and so on.

The faith value provided by light professions such as priests, ascetics, and paladins every day will have several times the effect of soldiers of the same level.

It is for this reason that there are faith values ​​in the Holy Statue of Light now, because the system has collected the faith values ​​of all the soldiers and creatures of Xiao Ming today.

As for why there are hundreds of points? It must be that the system has also counted the peasants brought by Han Dong.

Although those people are nominally friendly forces, they will almost certainly be civilians or even soldiers in the explorer's territory in the future because they have received assistance from Han Dong's troops.

It is normal that some faith values ​​have to be "surrendered" by the explorer's subordinates Han Dong's protection.

With these hundreds of faith points, Xiao Ming couldn't hold back his impulse immediately - there's something fun!

The first thing to do is to summon a spirit pet for yourself. I really want to get a dog to play with.

When using the statue to summon, Xiao Ming felt that his breath was a little strange.

How to describe it? It's probably because his mind ability has achieved a certain achievement, and he's eager to show off.

I don't seem to be developing any new abilities recently? Can this mind ability be developed by myself?

Among my mind beasts, teachers and witches do have certain research and development capabilities, and can study and analyze some things, and then develop some things.

However, when I don't actively use them, they will only be in a state of research, and will not develop new projects on their own.

Who is this feeling in my consciousness? What are you doing? Xiao Ming said with some anticipation in his heart.

In a moment, in the faint light, two "non-living things" one big and one small appeared in front of the explorer, staring at each other with big eyes and grinning at each other.

One is a pure white dog that is about the same height as him. It looks a bit like the big white wolf in a fantasy movie, very handsome. - But this is the smaller one.

The other one is too familiar. Its standing posture is very similar to that of a velociraptor. It has a shiny black exoskeleton, a narrow head, a streamlined body, and a long tail.

It is extremely weird and hideous. This is not an alien! Where did you run from, buddy? Did you go to the wrong set? Is this TNND also a pet?

If you look closely, this alien is a bit arrogant. It is no less than four meters tall, and its length from head to tail is more than ten meters.

This is not the size of a normal alien, is it? It is much larger than an ordinary alien, and much smaller than the queen. What is this thing?

The explorer in brown linen stared at this terrifying monster that should not appear; frowned (;¬д¬): What's wrong with you?

The pitch-black alien stared at the cute pet dog; confused (-?): Can I eat this?

The white spirit dog looked at the monster, then at the owner, shaking his head back and forth, at a loss (@_@;): Woo, so scary, I want to go home, master, let's run together?

Soon, a feeling of telepathy connected the consciousness of the three together.

The spirit dog was undoubtedly summoned by the statue. The alien was a trick created by Xiao Ming's mind ability.

In the morning, Xiao Ming borrowed Xiao Liang's special game cabin to enter the secret realm of the alien fighting the Iron Warrior.

At the end, Xiao Ming used his spare "soul consciousness" and the help of mind ability and superpowers to "take over" a transforming alien. Then the system forced the secret realm to stop.

With Xiao Ming's ability, the chance of success in taking over is very high, and the game system cannot ignore this.

After calculation, the system concluded that the result was that Xiao Ming's telekinesis ability devoured and assimilated the alien, and transformed it into Zhang Xiao Ming's "telekinesis beast clone" - the alien lord.

Xiao Liang's character has the ability of clone = Xiao Ming's original body can also have this ability = all Xiao Ming's characters who can use telekinesis can have it.

So when summoning the spirit dog again, this telekinesis beast clone couldn't stand the loneliness in Xiao Ming's subconscious mind, and took the initiative to run out and show up.

As the name suggests, "mind beast clones" are mind beasts that are completely controlled by Xiao Ming's own consciousness.

Unlike the uniform mind beast series, those mind beasts have their own personalities and expertise.

As clones, the alien lords share the same consciousness with Xiao Ming, so they are clones. They are not really pets.

To put it in a more vivid way, a few people have multiple personalities. One main personality, multiple secondary personalities or derivative personalities.

Most normal people also have the buds of multiple personalities in their subconscious, but lack the opportunity to form a truly semi-independent derivative personality.

So normal people will occasionally go crazy and do something out of the ordinary, as if they have become a different person.

Part of Zhang Xiaoming's mind ability is integrated with the derivative personality. The derivative personality and the main personality can actually be separated and semi-independent.

Xiao Ming's uniform series mind beasts are operated by the derivative personality. And this alien clone is under the control of the main personality just like the original body.

The issue of split personality and derivative personality is an extremely complicated thing in academia, so the author will not discuss it superficially, but only talk about his own settings.

The setting of this book is that a person has hundreds of seeds of various derivative personalities in his subconscious.

Most of these seeds will never grow into derivative personalities. Nen ability is generally related to the seeds of a person's main personality or derivative personality.

Some of Xiao Ming's Nen abilities are integrated with the seeds of his derivative personality.

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