Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1152 Alien 2 Secret Realm

On a spaceship heading to the planet LV-426, the heroine of this film, Ellen Ripley, was on board.

After her last encounter with the alien, she became the last survivor. After drifting in space for 57 years, she was fortunately found by a search and rescue team.

Then, her identity was found out. However, Ripley's experience was not accepted by Weyland Company, and she was punished.

But not long after, the colony established by the company on the planet LV-426 lost contact with the company.

At this time, the company remembered the words of the heroine, so it sent a marine corps to accompany the company's supervisor to the colony to check the situation.

The supervisor who was sent to the colony tried every means to pull the heroine into the team.

He was very eloquent, and the heroine who was scared of the alien was really convinced by him.

This is the background information of the secret realm that Long Aotian Studio is about to carry out.

Except for a few important personnel in the marine corps, all other cannon fodders were replaced by players of Long Aotian Studio.

Speaking of the bosses of the studio, it is rare for them to meet Zhang Xiaoming. Everyone has a figurine made by Xiaoming at home, and everyone is very familiar with each other.

After the welcoming banquet, they took the initiative to invite Xiaoming and Mengmeng to play for a while. Let's have a collective action in the studio.

What fun can these people have? They can only play games. And they form a team to explore the secret realm.

Now it has just passed noon on September 24th, and the main game is still running. It is not impossible to organize a collective activity.

But the problem is that the levels of everyone's characters in the main game are uneven, and their locations are even more far-flung, so it is difficult to get together.

It is more convenient to go to the secret realm. Not only can these people participate in the banquet, but even Zhang Wen, who is far away in Dongdu, can be pulled in.

In this way, five bosses, two old employees, two new employees, and Ruan Mengmeng, exactly ten people.

With so many people, an alien in "Alien 1" is no match at all. The game system directly assigned the secret realm of "Alien 2" to them.

Aliens are very unique monsters. As long as there are hot weapons, players can kill a lot of them even if they are not strong.

If the player is very strong, there will be groups of aliens in Alien 2 waiting for you to destroy them. You can also do it if you want to brush the score.

The prerequisite is that the player must know what he is facing in advance. If you don't understand the characteristics of the alien, you will die very ugly.

Fortunately, the system gives players a chance. The initial scene of this secret realm is in the cabin of the spacecraft, where the heroine Ripley is introducing the monster of the alien to everyone.

The group of arrogant cannon fodder in the original book did not use this time to carefully understand the information of the enemy/alien.

Instead, they sneered at the heroine, which was simply a group of brain-dead. Later, their death was really not unfair at all.

Sun Tzu's Art of War said: Know yourself and know the enemy, and you will never be in danger in a hundred battles. No matter how confident you are in yourself, it is always important to know the enemy's information.

The Marines did not take the aliens seriously at all. If they don't die, who will die?

Of course, this may also be a plot killing. The director just wants them to be cannon fodder, so he arranges them to be arrogant and careless.

Players will not make such a mistake. Although they have just entered the secret realm, they can't tell who is the protagonist.

But Ripley, the only one who has fought with the alien, will definitely not be let go. Everyone surrounded the heroine in the middle, flattering her and asking various questions.

The words she said almost made the captain, commander and other plot characters sick to vomit. Anyway, otaku flattery definitely has this effect.

The benefits are naturally obvious. Ripley is a very cool woman who doesn't like flattery. But she can't stand the good words of the otakus.

She put on an impatient look on her face, but answered the players' questions in great detail.

The players basically restored the plot of "Alien 1". They also have a more comprehensive understanding of monsters like aliens.

What does the alien look like, how does it attack, what are its physical attributes, how tall it is, how much it weighs...

The information players get is even more thorough than a mother-in-law knows her son-in-law. A lot of it is analyzed by Ripley's words.

Among them, the two newcomers, Sanye and Zhonger, played a big role. As expected of professional players, they really have a way to analyze intelligence.

At the beginning, Carter Burke, the head of Weyland, William Gorman, the commander of the Marine Corps, and Al Apong, the captain of the Marine Corps, all sneered at the players' behavior.

They thought that these soldiers were making a fuss. No matter how powerful the monster is, it can be easily dealt with by the firepower of the Marine Corps. Why ask so much in detail? It's unnecessary.

But as the players asked and Ripley repeated, the image of this monster became more and more full.

It can be described in such detail without any contradictions. It is obvious that Ripley could not be lying. This monster is indeed very scary.

The three supervisors looked at each other. There was a cautious look in their eyes.

Carter Burke felt a little regretful. Previously, the management of Weyland Company was too arrogant during the hearing of Ripley and did not accept Ripley's answer.

If those idle managers could be as meticulous as these Marines, they would not completely distrust Ripley.

After understanding the characteristics of the alien, everyone discussed with Ripley how to deal with it.

At this time, other characters in the story also joined the discussion. They began to formulate various corresponding combat plans.

In this process, Commander William Gorman played a good role.

This person was probably a top student in the military school, otherwise he would not be a commander. It's just that his actual combat experience is extremely rare.

In the original movie, his improper command and slow response led to the innocent deaths of a large number of soldiers. The ones who died were the cannon fodder replaced by the players.

However, William's military theory is quite good. After understanding the characteristics of the aliens and the number of possible appearances.

When he formulated the combat plan, he played a decisive role.

As a commander who was airborne to the Marine Corps, the soldiers didn't think much of him.

After this process of specifying the plan. Instead, everyone looked at him with admiration. Anyway, no one else in the team could formulate such an excellent plan.

Even as the heroine, who had fought with the aliens with real swords and guns, she didn't have such a complicated mind.

From the beginning, the players changed the attitude of the human side in the secret realm. From arrogance to caution.

If there were only one or two players, it would be difficult to achieve such a change, but with the efforts of ten players, the quantitative change finally led to a qualitative change.

In other words, they met the conditions preset by the system, and the human leadership began to treat this task seriously.

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