Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1149 The Forgotten Resident

Without even an ID card, it is actually quite difficult for Ruan Mengmeng② to go to school.

Fortunately, Xiao Ming had already told Sister Hongchao about his intention to let Ruan Mengmeng live a normal life.

Sister persuaded him at that time. Normal reincarnationists smuggle plot characters into the real world. It costs resources every day to maintain.

Plot characters in the private world are relatively cheaper, but they cannot be placed in the real world casually. Some points and props must be spent.

Therefore, reincarnationists are very cautious about such things, and they cannot spend money carelessly. Only very valuable plot characters are worthy of such treatment.

Obviously, Ruan Mengmeng is not worth it. Hongchao naturally hopes that his brother will give up this idea.

Xiao Ming then realized that ordinary reincarnationists have to face such things. The reincarnation space is addicted to charging.

According to his own experience, no matter how many people and things are smuggled, the reincarnation space has never charged. It is estimated that it is free of charge because of the status of gold VIP.

For this reason, Xiao Ming can only say that he doesn't care about the money. The way of showing off wealth makes Hongchao headache.

Knowing that Xiao Ming would not give up the idea, Hongchao could only let him go. He also helped Ruan Mengmeng to complete the legal procedures overnight. On the morning of September 24, someone was sent to Xiao Ming's home.

From now on, Ruan Mengmeng can live normally in Xinhan Country as an ordinary citizen of Xinhan Country.

Mengmeng looked at the ID card left and right, and smiled from time to time. Xiao Ming made a special call to Hongchao's sister to express his gratitude. The sister said that she wished her brother to get rid of poverty as soon as possible.

Xiao Ming really has no experience in these procedural matters. Then he will go out to find a cram school.

Of course, it is better to entrust such things to Hongchao, or ask the Li family or the Tan family for help, which is better than going out blindly.

However, just when Xiao Ming wanted to outsource this job, an idea suddenly popped up in his mind.

It seems that it is also interesting to go out with Mengmeng. You can experience the life of ordinary people. By the way, Mengmeng can also get familiar with this small city.

The two of them bought a map and walked around the town for a whole morning. Apart from wandering around, they did almost nothing. But both of them were very happy.

When they looked up, huh? I don't know how, they actually wandered to the vicinity of Magic Dragon Aotian Studio.

The buffet meat bone shop is still open. The aroma of meat bones permeates the air. Xiao Ming is fine, but Meng Meng is drooling a little.

Since we are here, let's go in. Just as he was about to step in, someone suddenly greeted him from behind: "Brother Xiao Ming, you are here too? Boss He also invited you?"

Looking back, it was Liu Zhicheng, the only employee in the studio. Seeing him, Xiao Ming suddenly remembered the last time he met him.

That was last month. He and his classmate Ye Yunong came to find him together, saying that they wanted to be reincarnations. At that time, Xiao Ming refused.

When he left, he was accidentally possessed by a ghost reincarnation.

Xiao Ming called that ghost reincarnation the possessed brother. He locked him in his own moon reading space.

Occasionally, he would be shown the outside world, and he would be provided with the spiritual energy he needed to survive.

In the eyes of the possessed brother, possessing other people was too troublesome. Ordinary people could not bear him for long, and they needed to change people frequently. Xiao Ming, who had extremely strong spiritual power, was the best.

He lived with Xiao Ming, and it looked like he was in prison, but it was actually the same as staying in a hotel. He didn't charge money and provided food. He had no worries about food and drink.

All this person needed was some spiritual power. It might be a burden to others, but Xiao Ming's spiritual power was always overflowing, so just giving him a little was enough.

Gradually, Xiao Ming also forgot about this person. The possessed brother noticed this, but did not take the initiative to remind Xiao Ming.

He had already regarded Xiao Ming as an excellent long-term meal ticket. What if Xiao Ming expelled him after reminding him? Where to find the next meal ticket? !

Some people might ask, wouldn't he be bored living in the world of Tsukuyomi? Of course he would be bored after a long time.

But he was a reincarnationist. He would go out on a reincarnation mission every week. With this interruption, you won't be bored at all.

Staying in Tsukuyomi, you have food and drink, and it is very suitable for practicing spiritual power. Why not? !

If it was the previous Xiao Ming, it would not be easy to ignore a ghost living in the spiritual world.

However, just a few days later, a more conspicuous prisoner came to the Tsukuyomi space-Fang Zhichuan. He was a bad guy caught from the world of "Outside the Aquila Rift".

His spiritual power is relatively strong, and the Tsukuyomi space is still attacking his spiritual defense. Compared with him, the possessed brother is extremely inconspicuous.

Later, Hong Xiaoming obtained the body of the Protoss, and a large number of light spirits lived in Kunlun. Xiao Ming's "hotel" has more and more residents.

With so many "residents" distracting his attention, Xiao Ming has completely forgotten the possessed brother.

Another reason is that the possessed brother has mastered the ability to hide himself.

When he parasitizes others, he sometimes encounters masters, because he cannot occupy a dominant position, so he has to hide inside the spiritual world of others.

How can you do without a strong hiding skill! That's why Xiao Ming couldn't remember him.

Today, when I met Liu Zhicheng, I suddenly remembered that there was such a person.

Xiao Ming's mental power swept and "saw" that the possessed brother was hiding in the corner of the Tsukuyomi space to practice.

Feeling that he was being watched by the "host", the possessed brother showed an awkward smile. After hiding for more than a month, he was still discovered.

Xiao Ming could see through his thoughts directly, and he was also a little amused.

Although this person only has a soul, he did not turn into a ghost after death, but gained a strange "Geass" ability. So he cannot be sent to the underworld to reincarnate.

And he must parasitize in the host's spiritual world to survive. Driving him away is equivalent to killing him. He is not a bad person, so it is not appropriate to kill him. Instead of letting him parasitize others, it is better to let him parasitize himself.

At least his mental power is given by the Zerg Spiritual Sea. It is really too huge and can never be used up.

The huge mental power makes the "space" of the Tsukuyomi world very huge. If not, the possessed brother would not have been able to hide for so long without being discovered by Xiao Ming.

From this, it can be seen that there is still a difference between the abilities cultivated by oneself and the abilities given by others. The degree of control over the abilities is completely different.

Xiao Ming's mental power comes from the Zerg Spiritual Sea, and the deeper root is the Mind Gem.

Xiao Ming could only use such a powerful force to a certain extent and could not control the overall situation. This is a loophole.

Fortunately, the possessed man had no bad intentions and was just hiding in the moonlight. If this loophole was used by some masters of spiritual power, Xiao Ming might suffer a great loss.

Looking at the possessed man, Xiao Ming felt that he should thank him.

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