Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1137 Which secret realm should I stay in next?

Has already received the first pass reward for the Snow Mountain dungeon. According to the storyline of Liancheng Jue, there will probably be no dungeons with good rewards for a long time.

I'm afraid that only in the final stage will there be a decent reward. The most urgent matter for the Xin family is now settled.

If they can't get the first pass of this dungeon, the next step for the enemies of the Xin family will become very troublesome.

Because it will take some time to push the main plot of Liancheng Jue to the finale.

During this time, those who messed with them, that is, the veterans and insect people under Xiao Ming, will definitely catch up.

It is definitely a hell-level task to get the best reward in the finale dungeon. In this way, the advantages they have accumulated in Liancheng Jue will not work.

Xiao Ming guessed that they would probably completely disperse their forces next, transport personnel to the five improved secret realms, or even rush to the ultimate secret realm to make trouble everywhere.

Anyway, the Xin family obviously knows what they have done now, and the enemy is not worried about being exposed, so they can completely let go of the confrontation.

Fight for various resources, destroy the game environment, and try to corrupt the hearts of the immigrants on the Shennong. If the hearts of the people are scattered, it will be difficult for the Xin family to do this immigration work.

Who exactly is this hostile force? Why do they have such a big grudge against the Xin family? Xiao Ming doesn't know.

Or they are simply jealous and don't like the fact that the Xin family has obtained a planet. They want to make trouble.

Xin Ku probably knows these situations in his heart, but he didn't tell Xiao Ming in detail. This is also a secret of the Xin family.

Once their personnel are dispersed, we don't know which secret realm they will focus on. It is difficult to block all the other party's ways.

But Xiao Ming is not worried. Because time is actually on his side.

As more and more insect humans enter the martial arts planet game. Our forces will become stronger and stronger, and we can completely defend every secret realm.

In addition, some monsters in the private world Yu Yu Hakusho have begun to join Xiao Ming, and some of them have also joined in to play games. Xiao Ming's power is getting stronger and stronger.

The enemy may only cause greater damage in the short term, and in the long run, it must be stronger.

It may even surpass the local snake Xin family and become the overlord in the martial arts planet game. I wonder if the Xin family has considered this possibility.

Xiao Ming also made corresponding arrangements for the enemy's next move.

The intelligence work was handed over to the veterans group led by Zhu Xinxiu. They were divided into groups and dispersed into 5 secret realms to collect intelligence and detect the enemy's movements.

The insect humans and monsters are the real main force of our side. They are mainly responsible for enhancing the strength of the characters and attacking the plot dungeons.

Xiao Ming quickly conveyed this matter through the Seven Yao Shadow Clone, and also handed over the copied martial arts secrets to the insect humans.

I really want to see what kind of funny effect the insect humans will have when using martial arts.

At present, Xiao Ming faces a difficult choice: The Legend of the Condor Heroes and the Untold Story, which one should he deal with first?

Both secret realms are in the stage between dungeons, and there are also some important things.

The main plot has undergone major changes, and the system may be adjusted, so you need to be careful.

For example, in the Liancheng Jue secret realm, the system may cause trouble, kill the three heroes who survived by chance, and let Hua Tiegan turn evil.

In the Legend of the Condor Heroes secret realm, we should also pay attention to the fact that Yang Kang may turn evil and rebel at any time, and there is also the matter of the Nine Yin Manual that needs to be dealt with.

If I don't go back, maybe Zhu Cong will pick up the Nine Yin Manual at some point, and then be taken away by the silly boy Guo Jing.

Xiao Ming pondered for a while and felt that the matter on the Liancheng Jue side was more dangerous.

After all, I have been running the Legend of the Condor Heroes secret realm for a long time, and the martial arts of the Seven Freaks of Jiangnan are really good. 1 Hong Qigong + 6 Qiu Chuji, it is not easy to get into danger.

Even if Yang Kang turns evil, it is not a big deal; and the Nine Yin Manual is not so attractive to me either.

For Xiao Ming, is the martial arts in the manual important? Not necessarily.

On the contrary, the Liancheng Jue secret realm is more dangerous, and Xiao Ming really wants to save the lives of Lu Tianshu, Liu Chengfeng, and Shui Dai.

As for whether Hua Tiegan will turn evil, Xiao Ming doesn't care. The same is true of his attitude towards Yang Kang.

He really hopes that Yang Kang and Hua Tiegan can be good people, even if it is because of fear.

In fact, most people abide by the law because the cost of committing crimes is too high. Xiao Ming will not force people to do this.

Of course, if they must turn evil, Xiao Ming does not mind killing them.

Xiao Ming is a ghost messenger, not a bodhisattva. He does not have so much compassion.

Since seeing the martial arts planet game, Xiao Ming has read Jin Dada's books several times in order to play the game. Especially the secret realm that is being promoted.

Although I have read it many times before, it is the kind of reading method that does not seek to understand it thoroughly.

And I always pick the places I like to read, and I can't remember other details.

This is not surprising at all. I think that Xiao Ming read the Romance of the Three Kingdoms seriously because he was attracted by the Three Kingdoms game.

Therefore, on the way here, Xiao Ming prepared a lot of things that might be useful for his character.

For example, this time he must be trapped in the valley. If he wants to cross the mountains and ridges to get out, martial arts alone is not enough.

You have to know that Di Yun's internal strength is now very advanced, and he is probably only slightly inferior to Xiao Ming. But even so, he can't leave the valley.

If he can't get out, Xiao Ming probably can't get out either. Therefore, Xiao Ming prepared several pairs of flying claws, several long and strong ropes, and iron chisels and hammers.

In addition, he was worried that the system would play tricks. Even with the preparations, he still couldn't get out of the valley, so he needed to solve the problem of eating for several people. Without food, Hua Tiegan would definitely turn evil.

Therefore, Xiao Ming also prepared hunting tools such as bows and arrows and large nets, as well as flints and other items for making fire. It's hard for him to carry so many things with him.

It's rare that Zhang Xiaoming has the same fighting power as Huang Yaoshi and Hong Qigong, but as a result, his body is bulging with things, which makes the peerless master lose face.

Just kidding, it's not that bad. In the game, the system arranges storage space for players.

It's just that the space is very small, probably just the things that the character can carry with him.

With Xiao Ming's strength, the storage space is slightly larger, and those things are not really hung on his body. It's embarrassing.

In the game, if the player is in a hungry state, it will only cause the character's physical fitness to decline, and it will not really make the player starve to death.

But it will starve the player's character to death. There are places to log off and log in again in this valley, but there is no resurrection point. If you die, you may not be able to come back.

So these things are prepared for any eventuality. With these, you can leave the valley quickly when you enter, and you can live well in the valley when you retreat.

After preparing to this extent, Xiao Ming couldn't help but feel complacent, and finally looked like a professional player.

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