Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1122: Delighted at the Prey

Duan Tiande here has been blaming Wanyan Honglie. Although it is true, Yang Kang is not willing to listen.

Xiao Ming saw that Yang Kang's anger level exploded, and he estimated that the next moment would be the same as the original plot, and he would kill Duan Tiande.

But you can't let him kill this person, you have to show your martial arts. Show it to the spying Huang Yaoshi, don't treat us Jiangnan Seven Monsters as salted fish.

So Nan Xiren took the lead and struck out with a palm of his right hand, which was the famous move in the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms [A strong dragon has regrets].

Xiao Ming's palm skills were far inferior to Hong Qigong in terms of subtlety, but his inner strength was still stronger than Hong Qigong's. This palm was extremely powerful.

Blood spurted out from Duan Tiande's mouth, and he was killed in mid-air by his palm. The corpse was knocked ten feet away, and fell to the ground with broken bones and tendons.

"What a great palm technique! Fourth brother, is this the famous Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms? Your internal strength..."

Zhu Cong reacted the fastest and cheered loudly. Nan Xiren and Guo Jing had learned the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, and just now Guo Jing quietly reported it to several masters.

Only when I saw it with my own eyes did I realize that it was indeed a powerful martial arts. It is indeed the famous trick of the Five Ultimate Skills of the Central Plains.

Moreover, looking at this power, Zhu Cong knew that in the past two or three years, the fourth brother's internal strength of the longevity secret had greatly improved.

When the fourth brother left the desert with Yin Zhiping, his internal strength was still inferior to that of himself and others.

Unexpectedly, in just over 2 years since they were separated, the fourth brother's internal strength has already surpassed that of himself and others, and has reached an extremely high level.

The fourth brother is indeed a person favored by God. The speed of this internal strength improvement is so terrifying. No wonder I had such an unexpected encounter and obtained the Secret of Immortality back then.

It's just a matter of internal strength. It's hard to talk about it in front of so many people, so Zhu Cong kept his mouth shut as soon as he mentioned it.

Ke Zhen'e and others reacted a little slowly, but they had exactly the same idea as Zhu Cong. They are all happy for their brothers.

Little did they know that it took Xiao Ming not two years to develop this skill, but it took 15 years for both bodies to develop it.

Added together, that’s 30 years of skill. He has just caught up with the Five Ultimates of the Central Plains.

Lu Chengfeng had already known that Nanxi Ren had great internal strength, but this was also the first time he saw Nanxi Ren attack with all his strength, and he was shocked by the unparalleled palm power.

Not to mention the juniors like Guo, Huang, Mu, Lu, and Yang. Everyone was stunned.

Fortunately for Guo Jing, Huang Rong, and Mu Nianci, they had watched Hong Qigong and Nan Xiren practice the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms more than once.

However, this was the first time that the three of them saw Nan Xiren attack with all his strength and kill another living person. The scene was indeed shocking.

Not to mention Lu Guanying and Yang Kang. They had never seen such a powerful palm in their lives.

Lu Guanying was immediately excited that he had a good master, while Yang Kang remained silent and felt uneasy.

This level of force was too much of a deterrent to him. He had originally planned to save Wanyan Honglie, but now he was a little at a loss.

At this moment, I heard someone talking in the distance: "What a great palm technique! What a great internal strength! How about I give you a lesson."

As soon as he finished saying this short sentence, he had already arrived in the hall at an extremely fast speed.

The man was tall and thin, wearing a blue cloth robe and a human skin mask on his face. He looked like an evil ghost and was very scary.

This human skin mask was originally not easy to see through. Xiao Ming had known it for a long time, and the Seven Jiangnan Monsters had deep enough internal skills to see it.

If they were still the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan 18 years ago, they would not have noticed that this person was actually wearing a mask.

If this person is not Huang Yaoshi, who could he be? !

Xiao Ming plays Nan Xiren, showing the same skill as the Five Great Masters of the Central Plains, and his original intention is to suppress Huang Yaoshi.

Otherwise, it would be too troublesome if he doesn't show mercy to the Jiangnan Seven Monsters because of Chen Xuanfeng's affairs.

Therefore, before Huang Yaoshi learned that the seven monsters had killed Chen Xuanfeng, he had to show great strength.

In the original work, Huang Yaoshi wanted to kill the Seven Jiangnan Monsters several times for Chen Xuanfeng.

Mainly because the Seven Monsters were not good at martial arts and could not kill someone in a fair duel. He felt that Chen Xuanfeng's death was a bit unfair.

Now I see that each of the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan is as good as Chen Xuanfeng, and this Nan Xiren even has the ability to rival herself.

If Chen Xuanfeng died in their hands, it would not be considered unlucky. It can only be said to be the normal fate of those who practice martial arts.

Faced with such Jiangnan Seven Monsters, Huang Yaoshi did not dare to utter wild words.

Besides, if others cannot kill people from Peach Blossom Island, then it would be inappropriate.

What's more, at this time, Huang Yaoshi didn't know that Chen Xuanfeng died at the hands of the Jiangnan Seven Monsters.

At this time, Huang Yaoshi still had a good impression of the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan.

First of all, Nancy Ren took the lead and left a good first impression. After all, it was Xinglin's holy hand that healed Lu Chengfeng's legs. Huang Yaoshi knew that he still needed help from him.

Secondly, Ke Zhene and others treat their daughter Huang Rong very well.

The Seven Freaks of Jiangnan and Zhang Ning'er have been together for a long time, and they still have some unique skills in pleasing little girls.

Besides, everyone has not seen Zhang Ning'er for a long time. Now that they meet Huang Rong, it is inevitable that their love for Zhang Ning'er will be transferred to Huang Rong.

As the father-in-law, Huang Yaoshi was a little disgusted with Guo Jing, the "neither son-in-law", and felt that he had robbed his daughter.

But the Jiangnan Seven Monsters treat his daughter as a junior, so he won't have that annoying mentality. The difference between these is still very subtle.

In fact, he had just secretly learned a few tricks to coax his daughter from Zhu Cong and others. He was thinking about how to try them out in the future.

Once again, the story that Nan Xiren just told moved him.

Although Huang Yaoshi didn't say it, he admired the Seven Freaks of Jiangnan for their righteous act of traveling to the desert for eighteen years for the orphan of the hero.

Finally, the palm strike by Nan Xiren determined the tone of Huang Yaoshi's treatment of the Seven Freaks of Jiangnan. These are people who can stand on equal footing with him.

Among the Five Great Masters of the Central Plains, Wang Chongyang is dead, and Huang Yaoshi has seen the martial arts of the other three.

Huang Laoxie was delighted to see such a strong newcomer suddenly appear, so he took the initiative to run out and ask for a competition.

Huang Yaoshi had seen the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms used by Nan Xiren.

However, when the Huashan Sword Contest was held, Hong Qigong had not yet mastered this palm method. Huang Yaoshi had never seen the full version.

Seeing Nan Xiren use it today, the power is strong and the palm technique is exquisite, Dong Xie can't help but feel itchy, and he must try it.

In addition, he also wants Nan Xiren to see the exquisite skills of Peach Blossom Island, so that he can use this to lure Nan Xiren to help.

As for Mei Chaofeng, before Huang Yaoshi appeared, he used the finger magic to shoot stones and hit Mei Chaofeng's acupuncture points, causing her to fall under the tree and unable to move.

After that, he ignored her. Let this evil disciple be bitten by various snakes, insects, rats and ants in the grass for a while, which is not a big deal.

It won't be too late to deal with Mei Chaofeng after he fights with Nan Xiren.

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