Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1119: Really good Qinggong

Thinking of his younger brother Qiu Qianren's words, Qiu Qianzhang already felt guilty. When he saw Nan Xiren, who was tall and imposing, he was even more nervous.

Qiu Qianzhang pretended to be his younger brother, so he was not afraid of anything. But he was afraid of those top masters. That is, those whose martial arts were not inferior to his younger brother.

When masters of equal strength meet, they often exchanged their skills, which could not be faked.

In the past, he was always able to avoid meeting these masters, but he didn't expect to be so unlucky this time. He actually met Nan Xiren, and it happened when he was bragging.

If he had known this, he should not have come to Lujiazhuang.

Qiu Qianzhang and Qiu Qianren are twin brothers. They look exactly the same, but their skills are very different.

The younger brother Qiu Qianren is a master of the generation second only to the Five Wonders of the Central Plains, while the older brother Qiu Qianzhang is a second-rate person who cheats everywhere under the name of his younger brother.

He has no pursuit in his life, he just loves to show off in front of others.

Today, he saw martial artists frequently appearing near Lujiazhuang, so he wanted to take the opportunity to show off his power.

In the original novel, he had another mission in Jiangnan, which was to build momentum for the Jin Kingdom after being recruited by Wanyan Honglie.

In this life, Wanyan Honglie could no longer do such tricks against the Southern Song Dynasty. The Iron Palm Gang was not recruited by the Zhao Palace and remained neutral.

In fact, due to the personal visit of Hong Qigong and Nan Xiren, the relationship between the Iron Palm Gang and the Beggar Gang became much closer. It was slightly biased towards the right path.

In the previous banquet, Qiu Qianzhang did not mention the surrender to the Jin Kingdom, but just boasted, so everyone did not dislike him particularly.

Only when he said that he was not afraid of the Five Great Masters of the Central Plains, Huang Rong felt dissatisfied when she saw that he looked down on her father. If Nan Xiren had not spoken first, she would have made a few ridicules.

In the original novel, Huang Rong and the Seven Freaks of Jiangnan did not get along well when they first met.

Mainly because her father Huang Yaoshi was the master of the Black Wind Twins. There was hatred between the two sides.

But in this life, without the plot of Prince Zhao's Mansion, the relationship between Huang Rong and Mei Chaofeng was not exposed.

Besides, in the desert, the Seven Freaks fought against the Black Wind Twins. They killed Chen Xuanfeng and blinded Mei Chaofeng. In fact, the revenge has been taken.

If Mei Chaofeng was in good health, the Seven Freaks of Jiangnan would naturally be more vigilant and ready to deal with Mei Chaofeng's sneak attacks at any time.

Now she has become blind and most of her martial arts have been wasted, and these people have made great progress in their skills. In fact, several people have let Mei Chaofeng go in their hearts.

Little Huang Rong is smart and clever, and wandering away from home alone is pitiful. She is really loved by everyone and flowers bloom when she sees them.

Guo Jing did not have a so-called engagement at this time, and Ke Zhenwu and others were also happy to see that this stupid apprentice could find a girlfriend on his own.

There is another important change in the mood of the four monsters, that is, in the past ten years, they have eaten too much dog food from their fifth brother Zhang Asheng and seventh sister Han Xiaoying.

In addition, teasing little Zhang Ning'er softened their hearts a lot. For the little girl, even the eldest brother Ke Zhenwu, who has the worst temper, is not particularly annoying.

Huang Rong is younger than Guo Jing and only 3 years older than Zhang Ning'er. Seeing her, the four of them all thought of Zhang Ning'er at the same time, so how could they have a bad face.

Receiving such care from Brother Jing's masters, Huang Rong is now grateful and angry with her father.

Look at how good Brother Jing's masters are, they are so kind to herself. Unlike her own father, who has such a bad temper.

Little did they know that the seven monsters treated her kindly, but it was just love for her. Only Huang Yaoshi had the most selfless fatherly love for her. It was a pity that she was still young and didn't understand these.

The seven monsters of Jiangnan met, and there were still several apprentices to introduce, which took most of the day.

Zhu Cong and others were also secretly amazed. Guo Jing and Nan Xiren in the past are actually very similar. Both are taciturn and very determined.

These two taciturn guys ventured into the world alone, and everyone thought they would hit a wall. Unexpectedly, they both did well.

Not only did Guo Jing bring back a girlfriend, but Nan Xiren also recruited two excellent disciples.

Moreover, these two people actually got the true teachings of the famous Northern Beggar Hong Qigong, and both learned the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, which was amazing.

Nan Xiren hadn't met his brothers for too long, and when everyone started chatting, they didn't care about many things.

When the few people finished talking, they looked again, and Qiu Qianzhang was no longer here.

Lu Chengfeng smiled and explained that Senior Qiu felt unwell and had just left. This guy slipped away quickly. His lightness skills were really good.

Xiao Ming had of course discovered it a long time ago, but he just didn't say it on purpose. It would be bad for anyone to point it out.

If we really beat this guy up, it would not look good in Qiu Qianren's eyes. It would be best if he slipped away.

Everyone sat down again, and Nan Xiren explained the situation of Qiu Qianren and Qiu Qianzhang, the twin brothers, and everyone suddenly realized it.

Xiao Ming said this mainly to Guo Jing and Huang Rong. So that they would not be careless in the future.

When facing Qiu Qianren, it would be too late to regret if you treat your opponent as Qiu Qianzhang.

In the original novel, Huang Rong was seriously injured by Qiu Qianren because she underestimated the enemy, so she went to Dali to seek help from Master Yideng, the Southern Emperor.

In this life, Xiao Ming still plans to avoid this from happening. It is unbearable to let a little girl get so badly injured.

The Southern Emperor still needs to be seen, and he will take Guo Jing and Huang Rong there when he has time. There is no need to go to heal the wound.

During the dinner, Lu Guanying talked about the master's grand event of capturing the little prince of the Kingdom of Jin tonight. Xiao Ming then thought that it was time to do this.

So he ordered his servants to bring Yang Kang and Duan Tiande over. Everyone was surprised to see that the prince of the Kingdom of Jin was not tied up.

Suddenly, Xiao Ming heard the sound of leaves around him, and he quietly glanced at it from the corner of his eye and saw Mei Chaofeng hiding in the tree.

Because she heard Yang Kang being taken out, her body swayed slightly, and she made a slight sound.

She thought it was late at night, and with the cover of the branches and leaves of the trees, it should not be easy for others to find her.

But she didn't know that Xiao Ming had been waiting for her to arrive. With full concentration, he noticed the slightest movement.

Of course, Xiao Ming was not on guard against her, but on guard against the East Evil Huang Yaoshi who came with her. That was a difficult character to deal with. At this moment, he must be observing nearby.

However, Xiao Ming could only find Mei Chaofeng at most, and it was impossible to find where Huang Yaoshi was hiding.

He pondered for a moment, stood up and said loudly: "Master Lu, big brother, second brother, are you willing to listen to my story about an old story 18 years ago?"

These people naturally would not say no, so they had to listen to Xiao Ming's heroic deeds of Yang Tiexin and Guo Xiaotian.

And the story of how they were framed by villains and their families were destroyed. Xiao Ming deliberately exaggerated the righteous image of Guo and Yang.

Although Huang Yaoshi was evil, he was not bad at being upright. Huang Yaoshi would still look up to loyal people like Guo and Yang.

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