Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1110 Strange Zombies

If Xiao Ming wants to solve the problem, he can send a large number of clones and mind beasts to sneak into the cave. Thoroughly clean the entire zombie cave.

These people who came with me were not of high rank, and there would be no problem if I did anything in front of them.

It's just that this matter is really not an urgent matter. Even if the zombie cave is left alone, there will be no trouble in ten or twenty years.

Even if high-level zombies appear in the future, how strong will they be? The end of Class A. How could Xiao Ming be afraid of A-level zombies?

(Of course, he would never dare to say this kind of truth in front of Sister Hongchao, an A-level zombie.)

At that time, a lot of troubles will turn into a few troubles, wouldn't it be easier to deal with.

In addition, if the zombie reaches level B or above, becoming intelligent is not necessarily a bad thing.

If a reasonable zombie appears, it's still a good thing to save everything. Maybe we can discuss it with him and solve the problem.

And this is also a situation that Mushroom Hall doesn’t want to see. Cultivate a zombie with a brain, and Mushroom Hall's hands and feet may be exposed.

Several other companies are not willing to gamble on such odds. Because the appearance of a high-level zombie is equivalent to a high-level talent. It may lead to competition among multiple forces.

Zombies with brains and the possibility of becoming big bad guys are also afraid that the common people will not be able to bear it.

Rather than having disputes among various families when the time comes, it is better to nip it in the bud to avoid future troubles. So when the League of Legends encounters something like this, it just eliminates it directly.

Since the matter is not urgent, there is no need for Xiao Ming to take it upon himself. It's like visiting a haunted house.

In this zombie cave, the zombies do not cooperate with each other. Otherwise, with so many dozen people coming, they would not be opponents at all.

Zombies regard each other as food reserves. All the previously living creatures in the cave have been eaten up long ago.

With the infection of Yin Qi for hundreds of years, no living creatures can survive here.

When zombies are hungry, they can only eat each other. After eating, everyone went about their own business. Rarely cliques.

So, after Xiao Ming and his party came in. Only zombies that are close enough to smell a human scent or see a living person will take the initiative to rush over to prey.

The other zombies were completely unmoved. This will facilitate the clean-up work.

If it were like the game, where the zombies were all in one group, swarming up and cooperating with each other, then Xiao Ming and the others would be in trouble.

In the early days of clearing the caves, this phenomenon did not exist. But later, some signs gradually emerged.

Zombies are also supernatural "creatures." They use Yin Qi, the aura of death, to strengthen themselves.

Most zombies use yin energy to enhance their physical properties, making themselves bigger, faster, and stronger.

Only a very small number of zombies will strengthen their mental power. This can be regarded as a kind of mutation.

Zombies with increased mental power usually have the ability to control other zombies. There is also the possibility of cooperation between them.

So more or less, the cave gradually encountered the phenomenon of multiple zombies cooperating.

In the beginning, this collaborative phenomenon was primitive. It's nothing more than sticking together when taking action. Can't afford any waves.

Occasionally, zombies with strengthened mental power can use Yin Qi to perform some tricks they have figured out. Mostly useless.

The intelligence of zombies is not very high, and they have no inheritance. They are just tricks that they have figured out by themselves. How do you think they can be stronger?

But this is not absolute. Just like what appeared in front of Xiao Ming now, a group of walking and dancing zombies were very powerful.

Dance King Zombie is an advanced zombie that appears in the Plants vs. Zombies system. Xiao Ming once did it, but then he gave up because it wasn't fun.

In the original game, the Dance King Zombie has the ability to summon. He can summon 4 dancing zombies by taking a few steps and dancing.

It is impossible for the system to provide zombies that can always summon zombies. If we keep calling like this, isn't it the end of the world? !

Therefore, the system modified the skill of the Dance King Zombie from summoning to persuading surrender. When he dances, he will attract 4 nearby zombies to actively dance with him and become his subordinates.

This is also a good skill. It's a pity that Xiao Ming himself is more capable of recruiting zombies and doesn't need this superfluous ability.

I can’t even appreciate the dancing of King of Dance Zombie. I haven't done much research on this kind of zombie.

Now it's obvious that Mushroom Hall also placed Dance King Zombies in the cave. Moreover, this zombie survived and its abilities have made great progress.

I saw nearly a hundred zombies in front of me, dancing Thriller dance as they approached Xiao Ming and his group. Everyone is not afraid, but they are a little confused.

At this time, Xiao Ming is taking the lead. He should take action to destroy these zombies. But Xiao Ming was stunned and didn't move for a while.

Captain Cherry was behind and said proactively: "Mr. Zhang, if you can't bear to do it, why don't I throw a few bombs over there."

Xiao Ming rubbed his temples and said with a smile: "Well, it's not that I can't bear it, I just think... tsk... it would be a pity to kill him."

This is what he means. Can control hundreds of zombies to dance in a neat formation. This is talent... a talent! It really feels like a pity to kill him.

Xiao Ming gritted his teeth. Anyway, his ability to recruit undead soldiers before the battle was demonstrated once on Nuwa Planet.

Although these people who came with him may not be informed. But the forces behind them must know. There is no need to hide it.

In fact, the reason why Hongchao agreed to let Xiao Ming participate in this mission was because of Xiao Ming's attainments in undead magic. He would definitely not suffer any loss in dealing with zombies.

Xiao Ming released his mental power to the group of zombies. In a blink of an eye, a total of 96 zombies, including the dancing zombie in the center of the team, stopped dancing and surrendered to Xiao Ming.

It just so happens that we can use zombies to control zombies. This army of dancing zombies immediately turned back collectively, dancing while moving forward, and set up a front for Xiao Ming and others. They beat up any zombies they met along the way.

Xiao Ming didn't want them to dance. But he felt the deep desire in the heart of the dancing zombie.

If he suppressed people's passion, Xiao Ming himself would have a sense of déjà vu of a bad parent.

Forget it, if he is so willing to dance, let him dance. It's not a big deal. Do you still want him to go to college? !

In order to protect them, Xiao Ming's Tiangang Beidou Skeleton Sword Formation also mixed into the team. They can also help to clean up the enemy when they encounter it.

This time, there is no need to rotate. Since there is a large army of zombies to clear the way, there is no reason for humans to continue to take risks.

Everyone simply gathered together and followed our zombie team, watching the excitement all the way forward.

Apart from anything else, this team of zombies will help Xiao Ming improve his grades. This time, Xiao Ming is sure to win.

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