Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1102: Strange Undead

Xiao Ming's parasites are too inconspicuous, especially in an environment like the sea, where a few small black dots will not be noticed at all.

However, each parasite carries Xiao Ming's various supernatural energies, but the amount is very small.

The barrier here allows entry but not exit, and does not prevent parasites from flying in. However, it is the visit of these small parasites that has brought huge changes to this place.

Countless souls trapped in this cursed land in the sea of ​​death, when they come into contact with Xiao Ming's spiritual power, they feel like they are called by God.

Thousands of strange undead spirits swarmed and rushed towards the parasites, scaring Xiao Ming.

These undead spirits look very strange, all of them are incomplete human images.

Although their bodies are incomplete, even with only a few small pieces of their bodies, they can still move freely.

It's as if there is actually a complete person, but except for these few pieces of the body, everything else is transparent, which is amazing.

Xiao Ming thought they were the guards of this place, and they were very sensitive. Even the invasion of small insects would be completely eliminated.

But it was not the case. When these undead spirits approached to a certain extent, their souls left their bodies and entered Xiao Ming's spiritual world; and the remaining broken bodies turned into ashes in an instant.

Catching shrimp households, such a strong sense of déjà vu. When I passed the secret realm of A Chinese Ghost Story two days ago, it was the same when I was saving those female ghosts.

Xiao Ming understood immediately. These are not normal undead soldiers in the main game. Normal undead soldiers will not be directly saved because of contact with Xiao Ming's spiritual power.

Because in theory, normal undead soldiers are undead created by guys like necromancers after the consent of the god of death.

The magic or skills of the salvation type will cause greater damage to them, but the undead soldiers will not dissipate so easily.

This group of undead here is not like this. They became this kind of strange undead because their souls were cursed after death and were cut off from the connection with the god of death.

As a ghost messenger, Xiao Ming is the nemesis of this type of NPC, and of course, he can also be regarded as a savior. You can understand it in any way.

In addition, this is not a unique ability of ghost messengers. High-level priests, necromancers, Taoist priests, and monks can all save this type of NPC.

However, the premise is that the player has trained the level high enough. At the current level of less than 4th level, it is definitely powerless.

Xiao Ming's spiritual world is just a transit station for these souls.

They basically didn't stay for long, using Xiao Ming's spiritual world as a springboard and turned around and directly plunged into the underworld in the game.

In the end, in this dark sea, there was only a strange big ship and a strange undead on the ship.

First of all, the ship is really weird. It has no bottom.

It looks like a big centipede, with two rows of legs wrapped under the body, which is considered a ship. No matter how much water it leaks.

Moreover, this ship is not just a ship, it is already a living thing. It's just that its soul was created later and is not dead yet. So he didn't react to the ghost.

To be precise, he should be regarded as the captain's pet. And the captain of this ship is that strange undead.

Maybe it's because of the deep curse, or maybe it's because of the strong personal obsession, the captain's body is almost intact, but there are some cracks on his face, and his black hair is always flowing.

The clothes he wears vaguely look like military uniforms. Before his death, he was probably a naval general of a certain country. This ship used to be a warship.

Only his soul, with strong resentment, is determined not to join the underworld. There he shouted loudly:

"Who on earth robbed the crew of my Silent Mary? Come out, you damn pirates, let the great Captain Sela Tea kill you-"

Xiao Ming confirmed that this guy who called himself Captain Sela Tea was probably a little brain-dead. How could someone who could take away souls be a pirate?

Either he really couldn't tell who was the enemy; or he had a strong hostility towards pirates. Anyone who opposed him was a pirate in his eyes.

This guy should be at level 6B, but his mental power is only level 4, which doesn't seem to be very strong.

Xiao Ming thought about it and didn't dare to use Tsukuyomi to deal with him.

In his situation, there might be a great god behind him. If he casually pulled him into his spiritual world, it might not cause any trouble.

Since he felt the power of the ancient giant octopus, Xiao Ming dared not underestimate the high-end existence in the game.

He was a guy above level A but not S level, just starting out.

He took away all the souls here, leaving only the Silent Mary and Captain Salacha. Xiao Ming didn't want to let them go.

One reason was that the life energy of Captain Salacha was too violent, and he was not a good thing.

Many of the undead he took away were killed by Salacha and his gang after they strayed into this place.

If someone comes in again in the future, he may suffer from his poisonous hands. Xiao Ming plans to try to see if he can deal with him remotely.

Anyway, the researcher will not enter this barrier anyway.

This salad tea is not a problem, the level 6 guy can handle it by himself. Xiao Ming is afraid that he will not be able to get out.

He dispersed all the parasites and surrounded the salad tea and the Bloody Mary. A teleportation aperture can be opened near each insect.

Whenever an aperture is opened, he would use Taoist magic to save the dead from a distance, or use Bing Xin Jue.

Occasionally, he would also use healing magic, and light magic such as the Great Light Ball. The damage to Selacha and his men was not low.

Then he would quickly close the aperture, go to another location to open a new aperture, and throw out the next wave of attack skills. He would shoot and move to another location.

These skills are actually not the abilities of the researcher, but the skills that Xiao Ming has mastered, and any character can use them.

Selacha was not a pushover either. After being beaten several times, he discovered the pattern.

Whenever a small golden aperture appeared, an attack came from the aperture, but how could he deal with a short-handed melee?

Selacha waved her hand, and the figurehead of the Silent Mary, a wooden sculpture of a female warrior, came to life and broke free from the hull.

She threw the spear in her hand towards the aperture, and Xiao Ming closed the aperture in time, and the spear flew away.

The female warrior statue was not discouraged. She picked up rocks one by one and threw them again when she saw the aperture open.

She was very strong, but her accuracy was average. The one holding the spear was obviously a melee soldier, and the ranged one was not accurate.

With good luck, she could throw a rock through the aperture and crash it into the researcher's mental shield, which posed no threat at all.

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