Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1098 The Final Decision

The two sides were fighting fiercely, and the arrows in the sky brought everyone's "greetings" to the enemy. Those who were "greeted cordially" were often moved to the ground. There were also many soldiers lying on the Li Yuanji.

At the command of Datang Changsun Chong, 4 catapults turned around and threw huge stones at the location where the elf archers gathered.

This power was too strong. After only 4 or 5 rounds of throwing stones, the elf archers had already been defeated.

The long-range soldiers of the Datang Guild took the opportunity to add insult to injury and shot at the remnants of the defeated army.

In a short while, all the elf archers were killed, and only a few high-level elves escaped.

Without the assistance of the archers, the centaurs attacking under the warships also fell into despair.

They were soaked in the water and too close to the Li Yuanji. Even if they turned around and ran away collectively, few of them would escape in the end.

In the end, this group of centaurs launched a crazy attack and were collectively buried under the warships.

Seeing that the enemy's living forces had been eliminated, a group of players were eager to try and wanted to take advantage of the victory and kill into the dead wood arch. There was no need for the cannon to bombard time and effort.

Long Wu was very calm. He raised his hand, stopped everyone's actions, and ordered: "Be careful of fraud. Peony, Peony, look at how many enemies are there in the arch."

Datang Peony and Datang Peony are twin sisters. Their adventure profession is magician, and they probably learned some reconnaissance magic.

The two used magic to scout and reported in unison: "There are more than 60 elves, more than 40 centaurs, 3 Pegasus knights, and more than 250 tree people in the arch."

This number made everyone's mind clear at once. Apart from anything else, more than 250 dead wood warriors at the level of 5 are not something they can deal with. There must be a conspiracy.

It turned out that the opponent's commander found that under the bombardment of the cannon, the dead wood arch would be dismantled bit by bit. It is impossible to hold on for a long time.

So they took the initiative to send hundreds of elven archers and hundreds of centaurs to die, in order to make the players think that the arch was empty and ready to attack.

If they attacked rashly, they would definitely fall into an ambush and be wiped out.

The opponent's idea was good, but they forgot that this building was called "Deadwood Arch", so there must be a large number of deadwood warriors here.

If a certain number of tree people were not sent to die, how could the players be fooled?!

It's not that the elven commander didn't want to send them, but the deadwood warriors were good in every way, but they moved very slowly. It takes a lot of time to take root and pull the roots out of the ground.

Just now, when they were bombarded, all the deadwood warriors planted their roots to help the arch resist the artillery. They wanted to move, but it was too late.

With the speed of the tree people, they haven't walked out of the arch yet, and the elves and centaurs over there have all died.

Besides, with the speed of the tree people, walking on the road, they are completely live targets for the cannon. It's better not to send them.

Seeing that the players were not fooled, the Elf Commander made another move, and three Pegasus Knights took off and flew in different directions. No need to ask, this is to get reinforcements.

If the players cannot end the battle within a certain period of time, the Elf army will attack, and the Datang Guild will be in trouble.

But Datang Changsun Chong didn't care at all. This is during the mission. Even if reinforcements come, it's just the second wave of enemies and the remnants of the first wave of enemies.

As long as they can't fly, they can't do anything with large warships. Even if the Datang Guild is hard-pressed, it can still wear down the elves.

It can be said that as long as the Li Yuanji is there, the elves will inevitably evacuate the vicinity of Qinghai Lake. At least they have to evacuate beyond the range of the cannon.

Xiao Ming thought about it, and quietly took action, secretly releasing hundreds of parasites to fly to the dead wood arch.

This is the ability he got after "swallowing" the hive of the aliens in the small world. It is not a problem to use it in the game, the difficulty of this ability is too low.

In the rumbling of gunfire and smoke, such a small flying insect is really inconspicuous. Whether it is a player or an NPC, the naked eye will not notice it.

The sisters Peony and Peony have just used the detection magic, and now they need to take a break.

Taking advantage of this gap, a large number of parasites flew into the dead wood arch. They drilled into the bodies of the dead wood warriors, including the trees that formed the arch, and gnawed from the inside out.

The tree people are not afraid of anything except insects. They have no way to deal with the insects that drill into their bodies.

Even if they ask the elves for help, the elves can't do anything. If it is an insect close to the bark, they can still dig it out. The tree man will not lose much vitality.

But Xiao Ming is so smart that he controls the parasites to go deep into the tree man and only gnaw the tree man's core. If the elves want to dig them out, it will inevitably cause serious damage to the tree man.

Although Xiao Ming's parasites are small in size, they are numerous, powerful, and chew very fast. In just one cup of tea, more than a dozen level 5 dead wood warriors have died.

The others have also been invaded by parasites, and death is only a matter of time. The tree people would rather die in battle than be eaten alive like this. Too miserable!

In desperation, the commander of the elves stood up and shouted, expressing his willingness to surrender. He only asked the adventurers to spare the remaining elves.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Ming's parasites actually played a decisive role.

Long Wu was naturally a little skeptical. In his opinion, the other party was obviously not at the end of their rope. Could it be another trick? Fake surrender or delay time?

Take another look at the system records, this is actually true. This wave of elves really announced conditional surrender.

As long as the Tang Dynasty Guild accepts the conditions. They will give up the dead wood archway, and the remaining elves, centaurs and tree people will retreat. They will not join the next wave of elves' attack.

Even because of the player's "kindness", the next wave of attack will be reduced by 1/4, which is easier to deal with.

Such a good thing is hard to come by, Long Wu immediately ordered a ceasefire, and the Tang Dynasty Guild accepted the other party's surrender.

The elves retreated under the leadership of the commander, and before leaving, they expressed their gratitude for the "kindness" of the Tang Dynasty Guild.

Xiao Ming's parasites also drilled out of the tree man's body and quietly dispersed into the surrounding environment, waiting for the next battle to come.

Long Wu actually considered it more deeply. According to the nature of the game system. Letting go of this group of elves will definitely have more impact.

At least among the elves of the Tubo tribes, the branch where these tree people are located will retain a certain goodwill towards the Tang Dynasty Guild.

This is the wealth of the future. If the operation is done well, from this angle, it can also open up the relationship with the elves.

Xiao Ming can only guess one-tenth of his thoughts without telepathy.

Miss Nine Li Songrui knows nothing. While other players are busy taking over the arch and setting up a defensive line.

She is sending messages to her family and friends to show off. What a child who never grows up.

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