Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1095 Guild Station Mission

Xiao Ming's luck was pretty good, and it might be that his intuition, which was blessed by the Force, played a huge role.

Before each time and space jump, Xiao Ming would feel it carefully. If it was not very comfortable, he would not jump for the time being and wait for 3 or 5 minutes to feel it again. He would activate the skill only when he felt good.

This did work much better. The experiment started in the evening of September 12, and finally jumped to the territory of the Song Dynasty at noon on September 13.

Of course, it was not particularly good, although the final goal was achieved. But Xiao Ming's idea of ​​passing through Europe in the strategic map and leaving a record was not realized.

The last temple mark of the researcher on the strategic map was still left in the Americas, the place where he left.

Although the researcher did return to the Song Dynasty, the location was in the Meizhou area of ​​the Jiangnan West Road of the Song Dynasty. It was far away from Lanzhou.

But it was good to be able to do this. At least in the same country, he spent more money and used the teleportation array to get there. If he went to the post station and used a carriage, it would be nonsense.

Tens of thousands of gold coins were spent at once, and this was just the teleportation cost of the researcher alone. The two elven noble guards could not follow, otherwise it would cost more.

And the money could not be reimbursed by the Tang Dynasty Guild, Xiao Ming just felt so distressed. Even if it was sold, it would cost nearly one million Chinese yuan.

After leaving the teleportation array, many members of the Tang Dynasty Guild were waiting for him here.

With so many people watching, Li Songrui, who was wearing a helmet and armor, was embarrassed to dive into the researcher's arms.

Fortunately, she did not do that, otherwise there was a lightning rod on her helmet, and if she dived in, she would have stabbed Xiao Ming through the heart.

After a while of polite words, everyone came to the Tang Dynasty BBQ shop.

Tang Dynasty BBQ was originally just a merchant of the Tang Dynasty Guild in Wushan Town. Because he was on good terms with Xiao Ming's character and did some connection work in the middle, he was appreciated.

Now he is the chief merchant of the Lanzhou branch of the Tang Dynasty Guild. And he opened his own shop in Lanzhou City. Specializing in the products of the players of the Lanzhou branch.

With his slick means and the connections he made when reselling Xiao Ming's products in the early days, he is now doing very well.

With a shop opened by his family, he no longer needs to book a room in the system's inn for meetings.

In the internal meeting room of the Datang BBQ shop, several main figures of the Datang Guild and researchers discussed the specific matters of this mission.

[Pulling teeth from the tiger's mouth] Orange epic task, the system asked the Datang Guild to establish the base of the Lanzhou branch outside the national border as a bridgehead for foreign wars.

There are a total of 3 optional locations, 2 of which are just north of Lanzhou, in the territory of Xixia; and 1 is in the territory of the Tubo tribes, which is a little far away.

The Xixia Kingdom in the game is mainly composed of several tribes of the Orcs, which have risen strongly in the northwest of the Song Dynasty.

From the "Far Island Strange People" series of books, we know that in the parallel world, Xixia caused countless troubles to the Song Dynasty regime.

The Tubo tribes in the game are the joint regime of many elf tribes. Games are different from reality.

To build the guild's base in another country, no wonder this is an epic mission.

This location is very dangerous and often attacked by enemy countries. If you are not strong enough, you can't hold on.

Ordinary guilds are probably not qualified to accept such a mission. The Tang Dynasty Guild is quite capable.

Of course, other guilds don't envy this. They don't want to build their bases in such a dangerous place.

Little did they know that war is the main theme at the intersection of the three tribes. If you don't get involved in the war, how can NPC look down on your guild? Little Loli hit the jackpot.

There are some enemies stationed in the 3 optional locations. This mission is divided into 2 major steps.

After choosing the target, the first step is to take it down first. If you can't take it down, then there is nothing to say.

Once it is taken down, the nearby enemies will definitely counterattack. The second step is to withstand it. Holding on is victory.

After all, this place is the border area of ​​the three tribes. The so-called border line is actually very vague. It is common for them to invade each other slightly.

When the Tang Dynasty Guild tried it for the first time, it completed the first step and did take it down.

But it failed to hold the second step. The opponent's counterattack was very strong. There were 10 6th-level soldiers-Cyclops.

The most annoying thing is that these Cyclops are also long-range soldiers, throwing stones at people.

Moreover, their stones can also destroy buildings and smash the temporary defense facilities built by the Tang Dynasty Guild. Naturally, the chance of winning is reduced when there is no defense.

The Lanzhou branch is actually very strong. Relying on the strength of the troops and some special props, it managed to defeat half of the Cyclops, and then the whole army was wiped out.

This is the power of long-range and high-level soldiers. If it were not for the long-range, the Tang Dynasty Guild would still have a 30% chance of completing the task.

Why is there only a 30% chance? Because the system also knows the strength of long-range soldiers, if it changes to melee soldiers, the number may increase accordingly, but it still can't be passed.

This type of task is not threatening to Xiao Ming. It's just 10 level 6 soldiers, Xiao Ming can handle it easily.

The only problem is that I can't do the task alone this time without letting people from the Tang Dynasty Guild participate. But doing the task together will expose my strength.

It's better to let others know than to see. Long Wu analyzed Xiao Ming's strength, but he didn't know the specific situation.

If you use N Susanoo in front of Long Wu,... hehe, it's not a good thing no matter how you think about it. What should I do?

Suddenly, Xiao Ming's eyes lit up, and he pointed to one of the three locations and asked:

"This location seems good, but it's a bit far away. If we take this place, will the Tang Dynasty Guild accept it?"

Everyone took a look at the location and took a breath. It is near Qinghai Lake. It belongs to Tubo.

Lanzhou goes west and passes through Xining Prefecture to reach Qinghai Lake. If the base is built there, the Lanzhou branch will have to deal with Xining Prefecture in the future.

But this is not a problem. The northwest area is the activity range of the Lanzhou branch. Xining Prefecture is also included.

If it can really be taken down, it will not have much impact on the activities of the Lanzhou branch. Now as long as there is a base, it will be fine. The Tang Dynasty Guild will not be picky.

The reason why Qinghai Lake was not chosen the first time was mainly because they were worried that it could not be taken down.

The place to be attacked is a powerful army nest-[Deadwood Arch]. The Deadwood Arch produces the 5th level troop of the elves, the Deadwood Warrior, also known as the Treeman.

Although it is called a 5th level troop, the Treeman is actually very tenacious and has a very high defense, making it very difficult to deal with.

In the adventure mission, members of the Tang Dynasty Guild once encountered a Treeman. If the Deadwood Warrior takes root in the water, it can recover its life relatively quickly.

Qinghai Lake is full of water. It is not reliable to fight a Treeman by the lake!

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