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Chapter 1066: The Skipped Zhao Palace Story

The Jiangnan Seven Monsters and Li Ping had already begun secret preparations. Just wait for Guo Jing to grow up.

Guo Jing is eighteen years old this year, and his internal strength has already been fully developed. The internal strength of the Jiangnan Seven Monsters and Guo Jing have reached the top level among the Quanzhen Seven Sons.

It's just that at this level, the advancement of internal strength begins to slow down. Those who were slightly worse gradually caught up.

Although Li Ping has no qualifications, the Seven Monsters often help her circulate the vitality of the Secret of Immortality in her body.

After all these years, my internal strength has become quite good. It is comparable to the level of the Seven Strangers of Jiangnan.

Li Ping had suffered so much with Guo Jing before, and secretly regretted that she had not learned some martial arts from her husband for self-defense. Otherwise Duan Tiande would not be able to hold her hostage.

If one learns from one's mistakes, one may gain wisdom, and there may not be any disasters in the future. After all, everyone wants to escape from Mongolia. With martial arts skills, the chance of success is higher.

Your own life and death is a trivial matter, and it would be bad if you drag your son down. Maternal love occupied Li Ping's entire body and mind.

After she achieved some internal strength, she began to work hard to learn martial arts. It’s just that he is too old and his achievements are still not high. Not as good as Zhang Ning'er.

Zhang Ning'er, the daughter of Zhang Asheng and Han Xiaoying, is a character who does not appear in the original work.

Although he is only 12 years old, his internal strength is already very deep. It's just that her body hasn't grown up yet and her strength is smaller.

Now I mainly practice hidden weapons and swordsmanship. to make up for the lack of physical strength.

Ke Zhen'e, Zhu Cong and others have made all preparations, and everyone is divided into two groups.

The first group left openly, and the second group left secretly. The whole process went very smoothly.

Everyone is not greedy for money and tries to leave as lightly as possible. The family’s furniture, tents, vehicles, horses, and hundreds of cattle and sheep were all left behind. Only eighteen sheepdogs were taken.

Originally we didn't have so many dogs. Because later Guo Jing's shepherd dog defeated Sangkun's leopard and became famous. Many Mongolian princes, nobles, and generals came to buy it.

Finally, they knew that Li Ping, Guo Jing, mother and son had made great contributions and were valued by Temujin, so they were too embarrassed to snatch them away. But it definitely won’t work if you don’t sell a few.

Simply, the Seven Freaks of Jiangnan started a business of training shepherd dogs. Breed puppies and sell them to these Mongols.

As long as the puppy is raised with the vitality of the Immortality Secret for half a year, the puppy will be very powerful when it grows up. It is enough to satisfy those who want to buy it.

By the way, the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan can also practice the use of Qi.

Of course, many puppies died because of this. After all, not everyone has Nancy Ren's ability to control Qi.

This is quite consistent with the understanding of those Mongolian big shots. If it weren't for such a mortality rate, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to breed such good shepherd dogs.

The Jiangnan Seven Monsters' own dog pack is getting bigger and bigger, and they can't take them all away this time. It would attract too much attention. In the end, I only took away 18 items.

Because the itinerary was very comprehensive and meticulous, and the Mongolians really didn't guard against the Seven Jiangnan Monsters, everyone escaped without anyone chasing them.

It's a pity that Hua Zheng was feeding the two white eagles, so they couldn't take them away this time. However, when Bai Diao was a child, he was also nourished by the Seven Devils using the True Temperature of the Secret of Immortality.

After leaving Mongolia, everyone gathered together and entered the Kingdom of Jin.

On the way, I met Ouyang Ke's subordinates from Baituoshan and several of his concubines.

Although at this time, Wanyan Honglie was already "controlled" by Nan Xiren. Naturally, he did not dare to invite Ouyang Ke again.

What does it mean to invite a master of this level over? Do you want to plot against Nancy Ren secretly? Wanyan Honglie has the heart, but does not have the courage.

Ouyang Ke's entry into the Central Plains was entirely a systematic arrangement. With the plot reaching this point, how could he not come?

He joined Prince Zhao's Mansion just for fun. This time, he came to stand in front of his uncle Ouyang Feng to explore the martial arts situation in the Central Plains.

Like the original work, the Seven Monsters thought it was necessary to investigate, so they arranged for Guo Jing to go to Jiaxing alone, with the intention of training him.

The rest of the people were divided into two groups. Ke Zhen'e, Zhu Cong, and Quan Jinfa went to find out the origins of this group of people from the Western Regions;

Han Baoju, Zhang Asheng, Han Xiaoying, Li Ping and Zhang Ning'er returned to Niujiacun first.

According to the opinions of the Seven Monsters, even if they settle in the Song Dynasty, they should find a better place to live in seclusion.

Going back to live in Niujia Village, you have to deal with the officials of the Song Dynasty, which is not interesting.

Li Ping obviously agreed. She just wanted to go back to her hometown this time.

Next, Guo Jing met Huang Rong and fell in love with each other. But this time there was no conflict with Prince Zhao's Mansion.

After all, Mu Nianci and Yang Tiexin no longer competed for marriage; Yang Kang went into hiding; and the heroes of Prince Zhao's palace restrained their talents and focused on doing great things. The two sides have no intersection at all.

Even if they met, Sha Tongtian and others would be scared to their knees when they heard that this was the disciple of the Seven Jiangnan Monsters. The system did not force them together.

Guo Jing actually met with Wang Chuyi, Ma Yu and Qiu Chuji. The bet was about to take place and Qiu Chuji had to come. For the sake of Nancy Ren, the others had to come to support him.

It's just that seven people don't have to be together all the time. Each of us can find something to do, and then we can all gather together.

Guo and Huang were able to meet these three people because of the system's care.

Although there is no master-disciple relationship between Ma Yu and Guo Jing in this life, Guo Jing's honest, responsible, chivalrous and upright character impressed the three Quanzhen sons.

Ma Yu and others also noticed that Guo Jing's internal strength was not inferior to the three of them, and he seemed to be from the Taoist lineage, so they felt closer to him.

In fact, two years ago, when Nan Xiren visited Chongyang Palace, several people felt the similarities between the internal power of Quanzhen Sect and the internal power of Changsheng Jue.

It was just that Nan Xiren's internal power was still low at that time. The seven disciples didn't care too much. There are more Taoist skills than Quanzhen.

Unexpectedly, two years later, the internal power of Nan Xiren's apprentice was so high! Is it reasonable?

Although Qiu Chuji didn't say it, he knew that his apprentice Yang Kang was far inferior to this nephew Guo Jing. This was true in both martial arts and character.

The old friend Guo Xiaotian must have rested in peace in the underworld to have such a son.

Qiu Chuji was happy for his old friend, and at the same time he lamented that when he and the Jiangnan Seven Freaks chose people, he clearly made the wrong choice.

It's a pity that none of the Jiangnan Seven Freaks were here at this time, otherwise Qiu Chuji would have admitted defeat directly.

He couldn't admit defeat to a junior at this moment. Besides, it wasn't Guo Jing who made a bet with him.

In this life, Qiu Chuji didn't meet Yang Tiexin and Mu Nianci, so he naturally couldn't remember the marriage arranged by the Guo and Yang families.

Huang Rong is smart and cute. Anyone who sees her will like her unless they have preconceived ideas.

The same is true for the three Quanzhen disciples. When they met for the first time, they were very harmonious.

After they separated, Guo Jing and Huang Rong went out to play together, no, they went to the rivers and lakes together. They did some chivalrous things. They went all the way south and came to the Song Dynasty.

The main plot of the Zhao Palace did not happen before, and they met Hong Qigong earlier than in the original book.

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