Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1053 Crow Mouth is Very Common

Xiao Ming naturally wants to thoroughly clean up this maze and not miss any good things. He can also practice the operation of the Sand Ninja Puppet.

The researcher strolled in the maze, and a large number of shadow clones, mind beasts, and Sand Ninja puppets controlled by the shadow clones quickly dispersed and poured into each fork in the road.

These 0-1 level puppets are not very good at fighting, but they are indeed the best for exploring, blocking guns, stepping on mines, and stepping on traps.

No matter how many die, they don't feel bad. They are made of the lowest-level wood, which is too cheap.

When they really encounter a battle, they can also block guns for the clones and mind beasts. They are definitely excellent cannon fodder.

In fact, the shadow clones and mind beasts are also cannon fodder, but their level is slightly higher than that of the puppets.

There are several core forces in each team that can make the final decision. The core is composed of the Seven Stars Shadow Clones and the Alien King Kong.

Under normal circumstances, this is all B-level/6th-order combat power, not to mention that the Seven Yao Shadow Clone can also summon the 7th-order [Susanoo].

The Alien King Kong has also practiced the telekinesis of the Heart Source Flow, so their combat power should not be underestimated.

Of course, the core power is used to guarantee the bottom line. If other arms can handle it, they don't have to take action.

In the final analysis, Xiao Ming's main purpose in this battle, in addition to completing the task, is to practice multi-line operation of puppets.

If you always use high-level combat power to push forward, you will reduce the opportunity to exercise and lose a lot of fun in the game.

Xiao Ming even regretted that he shouldn't have used [Circle] before.

After seeing the situation of the entire maze, it was less fun to fight.

It's just that it has become Xiao Ming's fixed habit to open the circle and [Spirit Shield] for a long time.

It helps to prevent sneak attacks, and saving lives is the first priority. It's also wrong not to open it.

You can consider deliberately reducing the range of the circle. Just reduce the reconnaissance radius to about 100 meters around you.

It's hard to do this, and it's not important at all.

Therefore, Xiao Ming often deliberately narrows the scope of the circle when he thinks of it, and slowly lets it go once he doesn't pay attention.

From the outside, it looks like blowing up and deflating a balloon. It's a bit funny.

"Moo~, captain, listen to the sound, the mechanism in front has been triggered, do you want to go and take a look?"

"Look at it! There's a patrol!"

"Moo~, captain, listen to the sound, the patrol seems to be in a bad situation, do you want to help?"

"Help it! Don't fall into their trap of moving the 'cow' away from the mountain. We can't move."

"Moo~, captain, listen to the sound, it seems to be rushing over?"

"Listen to it! I can see it with my eyes, TNND crow mouth, you push it up for me--"


In a certain minotaur guard team, there is a gifted soldier who is good at lying on the ground and listening to various sounds.

If this skill can be upgraded to several thousand levels, it can probably evolve into the legendary beast [Di Ting].

I don’t know if the Di Ting beast really existed. Or is it just another human brain impersonating it.

This soldier has been reporting what he heard to his team leader and making various suggestions.

Although his intelligence is very accurate and his suggestions are actually reasonable, it really annoys his boss.

Until the end, the army of shadow clones + mind beasts + sand ninja puppets sent by Xiao Ming appeared in front of him.

He still lay on the ground while listening and talking. He has no sense at all.

Before, his suggestions were actually correct. This is also a feature of this mission copy.

His boss - the leader of this guard team - the fifth-level minotaur, will not listen to his suggestions most of the time.

But occasionally there is a probability that he will listen once and lead his troops to attack.

This is not only an emergency that players find very difficult to deal with, but also an opportunity.

After all, this team gave up its advantageous defensive facilities and took the initiative to attack. If players use it well, they can indeed greatly reduce losses.

But this time, the captain did not listen to the soldier's advice.

Of course, even if he listened to the advice, it would be useless against Xiao Ming's army.

The captain had a bad temper and blamed it all on his subordinate Crow Mouth. He grabbed the soldier and threw him at the attacking enemy...

Since he had not fought before, the captain should have led his troops to defend the position, but the monster in the enemy team aroused his desire to fight.

After throwing Crow Mouth's subordinate as a hidden weapon, the captain let out a long "moo", boosted morale, and decisively led the entire army to attack.

What kind of monster is so useful? It was the Mind Beast Alien King Kong sent by Xiao Ming.

The alien's posture is ferocious, and the whole body of metal is ridged and curvy, exuding an extremely strong sense of provocation.

Most minotaurs have a bad temper and cannot stand provocation.

Even if the opponent is obviously stronger than himself, the minotaur will go forward bravely and rush up to confront. This is the pride of the bull.

He happened to be facing the leader of the Aliens, the Minotaur Alien with mouse ears.

Aliens are assassin-type creatures. Their fighting style is generally more despicable, and they rarely confront the enemy head-on. But there are exceptions occasionally.

The leader of the Aliens was influenced by the genes of the bull in his body, and he likes to wield a pair of chain axes to fight the enemy head-on.

The prerequisite is that he will do this only when he knows that the opponent is far less powerful than himself.

The Minotaur leader who rushed over was a whole level lower than himself, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

The boss roared, and then transformed into a mouse-eared minotaur, and rushed forward with a spinning axe.

His speed was much faster than that of the low-level puppets, and also much faster than those beastmen. He rushed to the front of his team in a few steps.

With a "bang", he collided with the enemy captain, knocking him back seven or eight steps, knocking down several subordinates before falling to the ground.

"Puff" a mouthful of old blood spurted out, the minotaur captain shook his head, struggling in a panic, and couldn't stand up for a long time.

Suddenly, a black shadow flashed in front of his eyes, and a sharp pain came from his shoulder. The captain couldn't help but screamed "Moo!".

I saw an axe chopping his right shoulder, and it had already hit the bone.

There was a long iron chain behind the axe, and the other end was connected to another axe in the boss's hand.

The boss reached out and grabbed the chain, and pulled it back with all his strength, and pulled the minotaur captain out of the crowd again. It can be seen how deep the axe had chopped before.

This pull directly pulled the Minotaur Captain in front of him, and kicked him hard in the face.

The Minotaur Captain's nose was shattered, and a long stream of blood spurted out of the sky. His body fell back heavily to the ground, and the axe was separated from his shoulder. He screamed in pain, "Moo--!"

Seeing that terrible enemy swung a pair of axes and chopped at him frantically...

With this posture, do you want to make dumplings at home?

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