Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 105 An unexpectedly easy battle

The alien's long tail shot out like lightning, piercing the intruder's body. Several broken bones flew out.

The alien used its long tail to lift the intruder's body, wanting to confront him face to face and make up for his back teeth.

As a result, the alien almost shuddered when they met face to face. Because the intruder's face was a skull of an Iron Blood Warrior.

The Iron Blood Warrior's face was ugly and scary, and his skull was even more terrifying. But the alien is not a human, and in terms of ugliness, it is not inferior to the Iron Blood.

What shocked the alien was: judging by its biological instinct, this guy should be dead. How could he still be alive and kicking?

The alien race had never encountered such an undead creature. So they had no mechanism to deal with it in their instincts.

Just a moment of distraction, the consequences were fatal. A bone gun instantly pierced the alien's head.

The tip of the spear pierced straight out from the back of the head, and the alien was killed instantly. It was one of the most unjustly killed in the tribe.

In a head-on battle, the Iron-Blooded Skeleton and the Alien were almost equally matched. But this time, the Alien suffered because it did not understand its opponent.

(In the past, other races suffered because they did not understand the Alien. Today, the situation has changed, and it is finally the Alien's turn to suffer because it does not understand its opponent.)

Its long tail pierced through the enemy's body. Normally, the opponent should be seriously injured and dying. But the Undead are different.

The Iron-Blooded Skeleton was pierced through the body, but it only broke a few ribs and lost a few points of health. It was not even a serious injury.

The Alien also raised the skeleton soldier in front of him. It was natural that the opponent pierced his head.

Before the battle, Xiao Ming used the enhanced telekinesis to bless the bone spears of the two Iron-Blooded Skeletons.

Although Xiao Ming is not proficient in this aspect, the bone spears after blessing are indeed sharp. And it was not contaminated with the corrosive blood of the alien because it was covered with a layer of telekinesis.

Xiao Ming had done all the preparations before sending two Iron Skeletons and a dozen Facehugger Skeletons to rush in.

At the same time, Xiao Ming himself was not far behind, ready to provide long-range support at any time. As long as it hits, an Iron Claw or a Turntable Flying Knife is enough to kill the alien.

When Xiao Ming watched the aliens fighting the Iron Warriors in the camp, he had seen it several times.

Of course, the development of the real battle was beyond Xiao Ming's expectations. The alien guarding the entrance of the nest had too fast attack speed.

Even though the Iron Skeleton was prepared, it couldn't dodge. The combat power of this alien was a bit beyond the scope.

But immediately this powerful alien took the initiative to die-and then died. The beyond-scope problem solved itself.

In just one encounter, 1/2 of the enemy's main force died. The next battle became very simple.

Dozens of face huggers rushed over here, and were stabbed to death one by one by the two iron-blooded skeletons.

The face hugger skeletons set up a defense line to prevent the alien face huggers from rushing out of the nest. Xiao Ming was not far outside.

This was an asymmetric battle. The attack power of the face huggers was equivalent to zero for the undead.

They only stuffed things into the enemy's stomach, and the skeletons just didn't have a stomach. Even if they stuffed things in, they would leak out from the gaps in the skeleton.

The iron-blooded skeletons didn't need to guard against them, just stabbed the face huggers to death one by one.

The only damage the face huggers caused to the undead was that the stabbed bugs would splash a few drops of corrosive body fluids. It would also have a corrosive effect on the bones of the skeleton soldiers.

Xiao Ming used the magic of repairing bones in the back, and the skeleton soldiers were as good as new. This battle went smoothly beyond imagination.

The reason why the battle was so smooth was that the adult alien was killed in a muddle at the beginning. The "hibernation" of another alien was also the main reason.

The adult alien squatting in the center of the nest curled itself up and stayed there motionless.

It did not participate in the battle from beginning to end. It seemed to know nothing about the outside world. This was very strange.

Xiao Ming first let several face hugger skeletons stick to the alien like a dog skin plaster. To prevent it from suddenly attacking.

The other skeleton soldiers were responsible for strangling the face huggers hiding in the nest and pretending to be dead. Under the cover of the circle, their hiding was meaningless.

Xiao Ming hid at the door in a wretched manner, harvesting the dead aliens and face huggers into bones and death breath.

At the same time, he used the skeleton of the alien to summon an alien skeleton soldier as his bodyguard.

Because there were many corpses of face huggers, two of them triggered the lucky probability of death harvest. Two zombie face huggers were directly harvested.

There was nothing to be happy about. As an undead creature, the zombie face hugger did not get that kind of parasitic ability. Only simple physical combat capabilities.

Face huggers that cannot parasitize have almost no physical combat capabilities and can only be cannon fodder.

There is not much difference between zombie face huggers and skeleton face huggers. And they cannot be repaired by Xiao Ming's repair bones. Their endurance is not as good as that of skeletons.

These cannon fodders are not worth paying too much attention to. Xiao Ming's attention is on the "hibernating" alien.

Xiao Ming uses Condensation to concentrate his mind power in his eyes and carefully observe the life energy of the alien. He found something strange.

The life energy of this alien seems to be undergoing an inexplicable change. It doesn't seem to be evolution. What kind of change is this going on?

Xiao Ming recalled the characteristics of the alien species he observed, and suddenly thought:

The behavior pattern of this group of aliens is very similar to that of social insects in nature. Social insects usually have a queen to lay eggs and maintain the entire group.

The queen of this alien colony was kidnapped by the Iron Blood Warrior. If the aliens want to continue to reproduce, they must have a new queen.

This alien is likely to be undergoing this kind of change, from an ordinary alien to an alien queen.

This situation often happens in nature. It is not surprising. This guess is one of the more reliable guesses that Xiao Ming thinks.

He really guessed right this time. The alien species does have this ability and habit.

These two aliens are the guards of the aliens that the queen deliberately left behind before going on the expedition.

They have strong combat power and good IQ. They are specifically responsible for protecting the alien eggs in the nest.

When the alien queen was captured by the Iron Blood Warrior, sent to the space carrier, and away from the earth.

A certain gene fragment hidden deep in the alien body was activated. One of the aliens chose to transform into a small "queen".

It can't actually transform into a complete alien queen because its size is not enough. This transformation is just to create a one-time incubator for it.

One queen egg and 2-5 alien eggs will be hatched at a time. Fight for the last chance of reproduction for the alien colony.

These eggs will exhaust the vitality of this alien. After laying eggs, it will die directly. What a great dedication.

Unfortunately, the aliens did not agree with their wishes. The Predator did not come to deal with them. Xiao Ming came instead. In a sense, this is even worse.

The Predator may miss one or two face huggers or even be parasitized by face huggers accidentally because he cannot take care of them for a while.

On the other hand, Xiao Ming has the ability of mind. Although his combat power is far inferior to that of the Predator, it is enough to deal with aliens, especially face huggers.

And Xiao Ming's circle can protect himself well from being attacked by aliens, and at the same time will not miss the hidden face huggers. It is simply the perfect nemesis of aliens.

The setting that the aliens transform into little queens when there is no queen in the group is added by the author. Some creatures do have similar abilities. The author is not clear about the official setting of Alien. This book will follow the author's setting.

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