Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1048: The Second Adventure Career of the Researcher

After a fight with big brother Miao Qing, Xiao Ming② has a big backer in Xiaopei base. This is purely a pleasant surprise.

At this time, the camp was readjusted. When landing, the position of the transport ship was very chaotic and inconvenient to manage.

Yesterday, the adjustment work was completed and the camp looked orderly.

These wooden ox and horse transport ships look very small in space, but they are quite large on the ground.

The total volume of 73 ships lined up has exceeded all the original buildings in Xiaopei base.

Back to the transport ship No. 11072, came to the warehouse where the game warehouse of the 33rd team was stored. Xiao Ming noticed that the interior of the transport ship had also been rebuilt.

Of course, the reconstruction was very simple, just a simple partition was made, and each group of 10 people shared the same compartment.

The sleeping warehouse/game warehouse is the temporary bed for everyone. The base prepared a cabinet for everyone to put things. Such living conditions are really too simple.

It’s not that the base doesn’t want to build houses for everyone, but there were less than 200 people in the base before.

These people also have to bear various tasks such as defense, reconnaissance, farming, etc., and they really can't spare any manpower to build houses.

The 9th dispatch team has nearly 4,000 people at once, which is sufficient manpower. Building infrastructure in the base will be one of the important tasks of the reserve.

The light materials needed to build houses are also lying in the warehouses of the 13 Liuma transport ships. These are all later stories.

Xiao Ming② lay in the game cabin and exited the consciousness connection. Turned around and played in the "Hunter" secret realm for a night.

Originally, according to the plan, I should go to Xiao Ming③ and Xiao Ming④, but I have been in the Yellow Emperor Galaxy for too long. When Green Xiao Ming went out before, these two links were broken.

When Yin Xiao Ming exited, the consciousness connection channel was not opened again. Let's talk about it later.

The next day, at 8 am on September 6, Yin Xiao Ming entered the main game on time and logged in as a researcher.

There is a reason for choosing this character to log in. At the first time, Xiao Ming used the Sand Ninja Puppetry Entry Secret Book and the Sand Ninja Puppet Making Method on the Researcher.

The Researcher is an alchemist and specializes in making puppets. These two secret books are most suitable for him to use.

After using this secret book, the Researcher obtains the second adventure/combat profession: (Naruto) Ninja. Currently, he is an apprentice ninja: 1/10 level.

Xiao Ming also has a character with a second profession, that is, the Explorer. The Explorer's second profession is a Taoist priest. Currently, he is a level 2 Qi Refiner.

There is an essential difference between the second adventure profession and the first adventure profession.

Having a second profession will open another special energy slot. The Taoist priest's energy slot is spiritual power; the ninja's energy slot is chakra.

Special energy naturally corresponds to special moves. The Explorer can use Taoism, and the Researcher can use Ninjutsu in the future.

This is not particularly important. As long as Xiao Ming is there, even if there is no energy slot, Taoism Ninjutsu can still be used.

These are only used when Xiao Ming is not around and the intelligent program is in charge. This is good, it is not useless.

Unfortunately, the upgrade of the second profession will only affect the upper limit of the player character's new energy slot.

It has no effect on the character's five attributes. Otherwise, it can be more useful.

However, Xiao Ming also has a doubt. It may be because these second professions are not strong enough.

Although the apprentice stage does not increase the attributes, it may increase in the formal career stage. Whether this doubt will come true is still unknown.

And not all supernatural energy can become a second profession.

Xiao Ming still remembers that he used the researcher to open the small universe for his eldest sister Li Huamei, second brother Richard, and old adjutant Yang Xiyou.

This made them all have the combat power of Saint Seiya, but there was no second combat profession. Now think about it, it is very strange.

Xiao Ming thought carefully, there may be two reasons.

One possibility is that the combat profession of Saint Seiya is not set in the main game at all, which makes players and NPCs unable to take up the job.

The other is that some conditions have not been met. As a result, Li Huamei and others only obtained the combat power of the Saint Seiya level, but did not really obtain this profession.

Since they did not obtain the second profession, the researcher certainly could not get any benefits.

What specific conditions were not met? Xiao Ming guessed that it was probably because he had not met the goddess Athena.

After all, the Saint Seiya is a warrior who protects the goddess. Without Athena's permission, even if he has similar combat power, he cannot be considered a genuine Saint Seiya.

Xiao Ming estimated that this possibility is still very high.

He couldn't help but complain in his heart: "I have become a Saint Seiya in the world of "Saint Seiya", and even became an invisible pope. But I am not recognized in the game, which is short-sighted! '

At this time, the second fleet of the Li family was still sailing on the sea, aiming for the next battlefield.

Xiao Ming "personally" descended on the researcher, and the eldest sister and second brother on the ship immediately felt it.

The game setting is such that free NPCs generally have intelligence no less than that of humans.

And players can use intelligent programs to replace their own operations, which is also allowed by the system.

In this case, the system must allow NPCs to accept the exchange of players and intelligent programs. Let this phenomenon become the so-called "common sense" in the game.

In the eyes of NPCs, players and intelligent programs just represent different mental states of the characters.

When the player is operating, it is in a "full of energy" state. When the intelligent program is operating, it will be regarded as "depressed".

"Third brother, you finally cheered up. How about it, do you want to command the next battle yourself?"

Li Huamei was very happy to see the third brother's energetic appearance. She was about to give up the command of the battle.

"Forget it, big sister. It's better for you to command such an important battle in person. There will be plenty of opportunities in the future.

I think I should transform now and go to Japan to find out the news. What do you think, big sister?"

Xiao Ming had thought about this a long time ago. After thinking about it, he felt that changing his identity to Japan would be more helpful to the Li family.

"Haha, you see, big sister. I said that the third brother is a person who understands justice and knows how to take big things seriously. It's true."

The second brother Richard is much more cunning than the eldest sister. Seeing that the researcher took the initiative to propose, he quickly said it to the end. Let the researcher regret it.

Xiao Ming can form an army by himself, and he can pull out dozens of level 7 soldiers to fight with others in a minute.

But in terms of naval command, he is definitely not as good as Li Huamei. It is safer for important battles to be led by Li Huamei herself.

And the researcher can use the special life skill [Ancient Transformation] to transform into the half-orc Sayid and go to Japan to investigate the news of the Laidao family.

He happened to have a carrier pigeon in his hand, so he could keep in touch with Li Huamei.

Richard actually wanted to use this advantage a long time ago. However, the researcher has been "sluggish". At that time, he didn't dare to send him out as a spy.

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