Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1033: The Sorrow of the Dead

Speaking of which, Xiao Wuer is an A-level intelligent program, and his computing ability is very strong. At least better than Xiao Saner and Xiao Sier.

In terms of detailed calculations alone, Xiao Wuer and his intelligent programs are even far better than Xiao Ming himself. What they lack is real hard power.

Xiao Ming can use his supernatural energy above A-level/level 7 to break through the problems encountered by the level 2 character. Obviously, he is cheating.

This advantage is really too big. No matter how smart and hard the four bear kids work, they can't catch up.

Regarding the situation faced by the dead in the strategic map, Xiao Wuer immediately discovered his own advantages.

The dead have the 7 young generals Jian Yue under their command, which is actually a legion of undead with less than 10,000 troops under their command.

Powerful treasures can even continue to increase their own troops after each victory.

Not fighting is a waste of natural resources, which is a waste of strength. What's more, there are enemies that can be attacked everywhere in the map.

Xiao Wuer then controlled the troops of the dead, and started a frantic killing on the map north of Funnel City...

In the beginning, of course, it was very smooth. The dead killed people everywhere, desperately gained experience, and accumulated undead soldiers.

After 1 week, he even used his racial talent of [Intermediate Building] to build a water fort where the river entered the lake and sent troops to garrison.

This was also the beginning of the bad luck of the dead. Xiao Wuer really didn't understand the player group.

In fact, Xiao Ming had wanted to build a water fort at this location a long time ago. There may even be a water fort here.

Because several players fought hard here, they forcibly demolished the original water fort.

This is a place of right and wrong. Without absolute crushing strength, you are not qualified to establish a base here.

Although the dead are strong, they are not yet at the point of crushing the player guild.

The most troublesome thing is that Xiao Wuer has no sense of confidentiality and completely exposed the existence of the dead to the players.

When Xiao Ming was killing people in this map before, he kept using the Mist Hiding Technique to create foggy weather, covering the entire map.

In this way, the players could not see anything, but Xiao Ming himself could see everything. Only when a person with a clear eye beats a blind person can he be successful.

However, Xiao Wuer did not know ninjutsu. After he took over the accuser, the fog on the map gradually dissipated soon.

When the fog dissipated, retail players found that the situation was not good, and many people quietly withdrew; the guild players increased their forces again.

Xiao Wuer relied on his strong military force and did not care at all, and continued the previous battle mode.

The players soon discovered that this player, who had far more troops than everyone else, was the accuser. There was already a vague intention to work together to deal with the accuser.

At this time, Xiao Wuer built a water fort.

In the eyes of the players, this was clearly intended to monopolize all the benefits of this place. The accuser immediately became the target of public criticism.

Moreover, the water fort became a burden. The accuser must allocate a part of his troops to garrison the water fort.

It is not good to have too few troops, so Xiao Wuer left three of Jianyue's seven young generals in the water fort. He led the remaining four to continue the battle.

This also dispersed the superior forces of the accuser, making the two teams, although still strong, less advantageous.

In the battle of the strategic map, the greater the advantage, the lower the casualties in each battle. It is even possible to fight without damage, and even become stronger with each battle.

The guilds of several professional players have already understood the accuser/Xiao Wuer's fighting style.

Since the enemy is the undead, the guild players began to adjust the deployment of troops. Try to use lifeless puppets and other types of troops.

Lifeless troops will not increase the enemy's troops even if they are killed by undead heroes.

In addition, guild players no longer fight against the accuser to death, and always use fast players to lure the accuser to run around.

Then, in the most suitable terrain and at the most suitable time, they suddenly gathered strong soldiers to take the initiative and launch a sneak attack.

Several guilds were also willing to spend a lot of money, and even used some powerful magic scrolls and disposable props. This made Xiao Wuer's situation even more difficult.

Even so, the accuser still won every battle. After all, his troops were too strong.

But the problem was that even if the accuser won, his army became smaller and smaller.

At the same time, the water fort was not peaceful. When the accuser was far away, the players launched frequent harassment on the water fort.

And this water fort was a start-up after all, and its defense was definitely not comparable to that of the city wall. It was easier for players to fight.

At the critical moment, Xiao Wuer wanted to take the remaining troops back to the water fort to garrison together. In order to turn defeat into victory.

But he was blocked by layers of players. He didn't even have enough mobility to fight back. He fell helplessly on the way back to the water fort.

The final outcome was that in late August, the dead report and the water fort were completely wiped out; the seven young generals of Jianyue were also killed one after another.

The strongest player army on land was wiped out. After that, the dead report lost the news of this map.

Until Xiao Ming took over again, there was no sign of players coming to kill in the funnel city map next door.

Fortunately, this was the first time that the dead report was defeated, and it was defeated by attacks.

So in terms of treasure drops, the system was more considerate, and only dropped the Shenmu Bird, which had no use in the backpack. This was the only thing that comforted Xiao Ming.

In the game, it is impossible for the player to drop all the treasures every time he loses a battle, allowing the opponent to ascend to the sky in one step. Such a game is unbalanced.

Therefore, the number of treasures dropped after each defeat is limited.

In addition, if the player is the attacking party, he will drop more treasures after the defeat. If he is the defender, the treasures will be dropped less.

The player's hero will never be completely beaten back to the original form.

The battle experience in the past month has really hit Xiao Wuer. He does not understand the existence of such things as player guilds.

He can't figure out why a group of people who are supposed to be enemies of each other have united to fight only himself. Do I look like a bad guy?

He felt that he was really not suitable for the gameplay of the strategic map. So he never logged into the strategic map again.

As for the six cities on the strategic map where the deceased was reported, the first escort team of the Drunkard Navy, and the Linmu Vampire Family attached to him. Xiao Wuer did not dare to interfere too much.

Just tell the heroes in each place to handle the affairs of their own city and army. The heroes of each party have built each city quite well.

The biggest feature of Xiao Ming's four characters in the main game is that they have money and resources. It must be easy to go the farming route.

However, in a game like Magic Planet, players who only know how to farm must be fat sheep in the eyes of various forces.

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