Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1001 Arrival at destination

In the bushes, an animal with only one horn on its head, which looked like a sika deer, was leisurely chewing leaves among the thorns. Unconsciously, it was a little far away from the group.

Suddenly, it seemed to hear something, and the sika deer with one horn stood up and looked around vigilantly. It was quiet. Only a few insects flew by.

After a while, it seemed that there was no danger, so it lowered its head and continued to eat. As a herbivore, it eats quite a lot.

With a "plop!", the whole body was thrown into the thorns, and a ferocious beast like a saber-toothed tiger pressed it under it.

With a bite, the sharp saber teeth pierced the neck of the fawn, and blood gushed out. The tiger's claws held the sika deer firmly.

The fawn struggled hard for less than half a minute, and its body straightened up and died. The same tribe that had been scared away and ran away, just looked at it vigilantly for a few times, and then went to eat leaves again.

The saber-toothed tiger wasted no time trying to drag its prey out of the thorn bush. Although its limbs and head were protected by keratin, its body was not, so it could not stay in the thorn bush for too long.

However, a few whistles interrupted its movements, and it listened carefully, and found that the whistles not only did not stop, but were getting closer and closer.

Hearing the number of sounds, it knew that it was outnumbered, and the saber-toothed tiger made a prompt decision, abandoned its prey, and quickly climbed up a nearby tree.

It had just landed on a branch, and "swoosh, swoosh, swoosh" 5 or 6 velociraptor-like creatures had rushed out.

Some of them immediately spotted the saber-toothed tiger on the tree and howled at it a few times. Seeing this, the saber-toothed tiger knew that it was completely hopeless, so it jumped to a distant place for strategic transfer.

The velociraptors' skin was tougher, and they quickly pulled the one-horned sika deer out of the thorn bush and began to feast on it.

Above them, small pterosaur-like creatures waiting to be eaten and flying birds similar to goshawks gradually appeared.

This world seemed to have sent the dinosaurs of the Jurassic period and some other ancient creatures to the mammalian age of the Tertiary period.

Dragons and beasts compete for supremacy on the surface of this planet. In space, pterosaurs and birds, descendants of dinosaurs, compete for supremacy.

However, these creatures are only somewhat similar to the creatures on Pangu Star in appearance. In detail, they have different evolutionary routes.

This is the third planet of the Yellow Emperor Galaxy - the colony planet of the New Han Kingdom - Kuafu.

Suddenly, a huge sound of breaking through the air came from above, scaring the flying creatures passing by to flee in all directions. The animals on the ground also looked up.

I saw a rectangular metal flying object descending from the clouds. Immediately afterwards, several and dozens of similar flying objects also rushed out of the clouds, as if they had smashed the clouds apart.

At this moment, what broke through the sky was the entire transport ship of the 9th Wave Detachment of the New Han Kingdom's Yanhuang Rise Plan.

On the ground is the base of the New Han Kingdom on Kuafu Star, and a large area has been prepared for the transport ships to land.

There are a total of 73 transport ships in this batch, of which 60 are wooden bull-type transport ships, which are mainly used to carry people.

Each transport ship has a team of 60 reserve soldiers and about 10 active soldiers.

Including team leaders, instructors, as well as spacecraft pilots, maintenance personnel, military police and other different arms.

There are also 13 Liuma-type transport ships, which are used for cargo. There are only a few military replicas in them, and the rest are supplies needed in the camp.

Several warships, that is, destroyers, did not land together. For the time being, the New Han Kingdom has not yet built a space battleship that can land and take off on the surface of a planet at will.

The operation of take-off and landing is too energy-consuming, so only a few of the New Han Kingdom’s spaceships currently have these functions.

Almost all space battleships are built in space. Specifically, they are built in the space base in the asteroid belt.

They don't need to take off, and they will never land in the future. They will probably just float in space like that.

Similarly, all transport ships are actually built in space. They also don't have the ability to take off from the surface of the planet.

After this landing, they will stay in the camp on the surface of Kuafu Star forever. Occasionally, they can fly off the ground for a short period of time.

The wooden ox-type transport ship will be directly used as the barracks and activity venues of each team; and the Liuma-type transport ship will naturally be used as a warehouse.

Although the third cosmic speed to escape the gravity of the sun is 16.7 kilometers per second, it is about half higher than the 11.2 kilometers per second to escape the gravity of Pangu Star.

However, to escape from Pangu Star, the spacecraft needs to accelerate to this speed in a short time. And the path to escape from the solar system is too long, and the spacecraft has plenty of time to accelerate.

If necessary, the gravitational slingshot effect of the massive planet can be used to reach the escape speed without any problem.

There are more than 200 soldiers from the New Han Kingdom in the camp below, and more than 100 people are standing in the distance, looking up at the landing process of the 9th Detachment.

Unfortunately, such a spectacular scene is not allowed to be viewed by members of the dispatch team.

Because the landing process is still dangerous. Once the replica is in trouble, the team members will not die, but the unexpected "disconnection" will have a great impact on their spirit.

Therefore, for safety reasons, except for the pilot and co-pilot of the spacecraft, all personnel are required to hide in the hibernation chamber and are not allowed to go online.

Once the transport ship has an accident, the hibernation chamber can provide an extra layer of protection. Talent is the most scarce resource in the camp.

Xiao Ming naturally cannot go online. In fact, if he is in the dispatch team, with Xiao Ming's ability, he can completely protect everyone to land safely.

Unfortunately, such words cannot be said. In desperation, Xiao Ming had to watch from a distance.

Did Xiao Ming arrange a clone in the dispatch team? No. All the actions of Xiao Ming's clone in the transport ship were monitored, and he did not want to be exposed.

At this moment, Xiao Ming was driving a Protoss scout stealth spacecraft and observing the entire landing process from a distance.

The body of Hong Xiao Ming in the spacecraft is also a Protoss body. He is about two meters tall and has gray-blue skin.

The body is roughly similar to that of humans. The head is slightly narrow and long, and the legs are similar in shape to the hind legs of wild beasts such as tigers and wolves. Suitable for running.

This Protoss body is my master A Cha, who used the infinite gloves to realize Xiao Ming's wish.

Xiao Ming's initial wish was not this, but after he made several wishes that could not be fulfilled, Ah Cha was very angry.

He was given one last chance to make a wish. Xiao Ming suddenly had an idea and proposed to make a Protoss body for Hong Xiao Ming. The wish came true.

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