Where is the city-state of Normata?

That's a border city.

It will take days and nights to get from there to here.

"Unless you can fly!"

Someone voiced doubts.

Ye Ren activated the repulsion engine with a strange expression on his face, allowing the repulsive army to return to the sky.

And make it invisible again.

"Damn it! It really can fly!"

The man covered his face, full of embarrassment, how could he have forgotten that this thing fell from the sky.

At this moment, people's eyes changed.

The abandoned son of the Moriarty nobles, a non-magic alchemist.

Made a flying alchemy prop.

God, this is so magical.

Roy's face was livid, and he looked at Ye Ren ferociously.

Originally, he wanted to humiliate his good-for-nothing brother.

Unexpectedly, he was slapped in the face instead.

He gritted his teeth and left without saying a word. Staying here would only be more embarrassing.

"Let's go, the sun is so bright outside, let's go back and rest."

Ye Ren left with a group of girls in a happy mood.

Only the young masters and ladies of the nobles were left talking about what happened just now in their circles.

After a while, a crew member on the Veritas came to the deck for a cruise.

Seeing the big sunken pit on the ground, his face changed slightly:

"Who did this!?"

It is simply unforgivable that someone dares to damage the Veritas.

But when he inquired about it, he became more and more at a loss.

What does it mean when a big iron block falls from the sky and makes a big hole in the box board?

He raised his head, there was nothing in the sky except the dazzling sunlight.

And the young masters of this group of nobles said that Moriarty's third son did it.

That boy named Ye Ren is obviously a person without magic power.

It can't be him who did it.

In the end, the crew could only let it go, and ordered the maintenance alchemist to quickly repair the big hole.

"That guy is really bad."

Evelyn whined under her breath, her face full of displeasure with Roy.

Obviously he is the big brother of Master Ye Ren, but he has such an attitude towards Master Ye Ren.

"I'm an outcast from the family, it's normal."

Ye Renrua held Evelyn's head with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.


Whether it's Roy, Grand Duke Cowen, or even the entire Moriarty family.

The humiliation you once brought me.

I will remember it well, now, you should worry about your future.

By evening, almost all the people on the invitation list had come.

But the really big ones.

That is, the senior alchemists who built the Pravda ten years ago.

It won't arrive until tomorrow.

Now there are only a few crew members on the Truth who are responsible for maintaining the normal operation of the warship.

And the nobles and alchemists on the invitation list.

In the banquet hall at night.

"Master Delta seemed to be on honeymoon with his ex-wife, so he didn't come.

When hearing the news, Ye Ren had a strange expression on his face.

As for the dinner party...

Ye Ren came here purely for dinner, completely different from the group of nobles who had a social purpose.

Lumia doesn't like crowded places, so she and the goddess of fire watched the sea view at night on the deck.

Teacher Nuoya didn't know where she went, only Evelyn was by Ye Ren's side.

Compared with the noble young masters and ladies Ye Ren saw during the day.

There were many alchemists wearing alchemy robes at the dinner party at this time.

After Evelyn once again rejected the man who came to strike up a conversation.

There was a burst of exclamation from the crowd——

"Is that... a Tier 6 alchemy weapon?!"

It turned out to be Roy, and he pulled out an ice blade in front of the eyes of the alchemists.

He was ostentatious, with a haughty look on his face.

This is what he has been longing for for a long time, and the Grand Duke Cowen agreed to lend it to him.

Tier 6 alchemy weapon.

Blade of the Frost Wyrm.

"Oh my God... I feel like I feel a cold chill..."

"I heard it was made of dragon scales."

"It's the first time I've seen a sixth-level alchemy weapon with my own eyes!"

No matter the alchemists.

Or those noble magician masters and misses.

At this moment, they all gathered around Roy.

As expected of a nobleman of Moriarty, ten shots are so generous.

You must know that the sixth-level alchemy weapon is second only to the existence of the holy relic.

In the entire Normata city-state, there is only one in the priesthood academy.

It is said that it is still the type with relatively rubbish quality.

But look at this Frost Wyrmblade in Roy's hand!

People's eyes are full of envy—

0 looking for flowers...

There are too many legends about this alchemy weapon.

The sixth-order magician Grand Duke Cowen, titled Humanoid Dragon, was holding this weapon back then.

In one fell swoop, he defeated the one-eyed ghost fire Sojourn, a sixth-level magician from the neighboring country.

"I didn't expect Grand Duke Cowen to give this alchemy weapon to his son."

"Roy is a fifth-level melee mage, right? With this alchemy weapon, wouldn't he be invincible at the same level?"

"As expected of the first son of the Moriarty family, that's amazing."

Roy raised the corners of his mouth in enjoyment.

Bask in the praise of people.

Although this was only lent to him by his father, it didn't matter.

Now this precious Tier 6 alchemy weapon is in his hands.

He looked around and saw a plate of steak being served.

There is no image of Ye Ren who is biting.

Oh, my poor brother, has none of the grace of a sun-point aristocrat.

"This thing... seems not cooked enough, Evelyn.

"Yes, Master Ye Ren, look, there is still blood."

Hearing his words, Roy felt even more ridiculous and pathetic.

Doesn't he know that steak is the worst when it's well-done?


After all, he is a waste who was kicked out of the family.

It is estimated that he has never been exposed to such a high-end dinner party.

"Forget it, I'll eat chicken legs..."

Ye Ren gave up the steak that he couldn't bite.

Suddenly raised his eyebrows, why did that silly thing turn around.

Ye Ren watched as Roy came to him with big steps.

All eyes were on this for a while.

There are many alchemists and magicians at the dinner party who have not experienced the things of the day.

At this time, I was very surprised.

"See this?"

Roy dangled in front of Ye Ren with the Frost Dragon Blade in his hand.

Proud and swollen face.

Did you see it, my stinky brother.

This is a sixth-tier alchemy weapon, a sixth-tier weapon!


Ye Ren raised his middle finger expressionlessly.

The pupils of the people around all constricted in an instant, and they sucked in a mouthful of Liangpi.

I see through..

Who is this person, dare to call Master Roy stupid*?

Master Roy chuckled:

"You're jealous."


Ye Ren slowly made a question mark four. .

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