The domineering young man came over to beg for mercy and then ran away.

According to Star Platinum, if Qin Wuxu is his daughter, then the young man who calls Qin Wuxu sister should be his son.

According to his relationship with Star Platinum, Qin Wuxu and her brother should call each other uncle!

Damn, the winner of life is really abominable.

Liu Zhao thought of Star Platinum and immediately expressed his sincere envy.

This guy is extremely powerful. It is said that he is an 8th-level battle card master and a master card maker. He is good at both fighting and making, and his money is extremely generous.

If Feihuang is the kind of local tyrant who is willing to pay the highest price in pursuit of the perfect architecture world, then Star Platinum is a serious rich man who is willing to customize a large number of architecture worlds, and every penny will be spent on the right things.

Forty percent of Liu Zhao's current savings come from Star Platinum.

He has ordered so many architecture worlds that Liu Zhao can't count them.

From low-level to high-level, every type is available.

And he never defaults on the final payment, a first-class good buyer.

He is rich, has two sons and two daughters. Judging from the looks of Qin Wuxu and her brother, his wife must be pretty good-looking.

Can this winner in life die...


I have Zhan Qingqing.

What? I am actually rich too?

Huh? I even have Tongzi to help me!

Oh, that's okay.

It turns out that I am also a winner in life.

Woo, I really deserve to die.

Star Platinum, you wait before you die.

Otherwise, others will make me die.

Liu Zhao went crazy for a moment and then entered the assessment room.

Today's opening process is the same as yesterday. We can't do it again. We will definitely be scolded for watering down the word count. I will just briefly mention it.

After yesterday's battle, Zhan Qingqing and Li Xin are not very worried about Liu Zhao today. The two girls are still discussing whether Liu Zhao was photographed ugly in yesterday's recorded video.

There is really no sense of crisis!

Li Xin:"Your brother was photographed ugly yesterday."

Zhan Qingqing:"Nonsense, my brother is handsome no matter what.""

Hey! It doesn't matter if you don't have a sense of crisis. As a younger sister, you should be happy and take on all crises as your brother!

As for Liu Zhao's current opponents, their condition is not so good.

Lin Zhen: Dark face, hands still trembling slightly, it is hard not to imagine what he did to the Card Creator Association.

Qin Wuxu: Sitting in a wheelchair with bandages all over his body, was severely beaten by the second master yesterday, and his little face has less queen style and more family beauty style.

Qin Wuming's younger brother: Looking at Liu Zhao flatteringly


Assessment room.

Liu Zhao began to construct a new world.

Last night, he had a rare opportunity to learn about Lin Zhen's past. This guy had done more than one or two shameless things. So far, there have been 20 to 30 card makers challenged by him.

They were all those card makers who rose by chance or were already geniuses.

The purpose was to undermine the confidence of others or to seize the special magic pattern or miracle magic pattern in the hands of the other party.

Note that special magic pattern is not miracle magic pattern~ Miracle magic pattern refers to magic pattern that cannot be analyzed and creates some kind of hot phenomenon.


Really disgusting.

By the way, Liu Zhao found that every time this Lin Zhen challenged others, he would always take risky moves.

He always seemed to make a magic card that was completely different from the original one when others thought he was making a magic card.

It was an inertia trap.

Liu Zhao curled his lips.

He didn't care about the inertia trap.

Because no matter what type of magic card, he would only have one response next.



Or fucking blow.

First, get the world constructed.

There are many big bombers, but there are not many big bombers who are deeply rooted in people's hearts and really blow for the sake of bombing.

There are only a handful of people who left the deepest impression on Liu Zhao.

Among these few characters, there is a little golden retriever who is very favored by Liu Zhao.

In order to practice the way of the big bomb, he even dares to blow himself up.

No, no, no.

It should be said that this guy has set the ultimate weapon for himself, which is self-destruction.

Who can beat him in playing with bombs?

Liu Zhao admires the little golden retriever's will to sacrifice himself to become the big bomb.

So he wants to strengthen the big bomb.

Using the naming logic of another little golden retriever in this world view, he wants to give Ah Fei a perfect and invincible super spiral strengthening. (Fill in the blanks, Ah Fei's strengthened moves are named in the way of Namikaze Minato, the eternal sister, and are limited to five moves~ the kind that is crazy, cool and awesome)


"Is he building a new world?"

"Is this guy a genius?"

"He constructs a worldview after every fight. What the hell is wrong with his brain!"

"This has nothing to do with how the brain is built, right? His problem is... doesn't he ever run out of ideas?"

"The nonsense above is great"


Everyone was shocked by Liu Zhao's way of constructing a new world.

What the hell.

Do you have so many strange ideas in your head?

The green-robed monster that appeared in the world he constructed the day before has already made a lot of people analyze the magic pattern composition, and now a new world has emerged! You have to let people study your world construction every day, right?

Most people are confused by Liu Zhao's tricks.

In fact, card makers and world architects are two very different worlds, because the way of thinking of card makers is more limited to the conception of a single or a series of magic cards.

While world architects may not be so satisfactory in the construction of magic cards that pays great attention to details, their architecture of the entire grand world view is far stronger than that of card makers.

For example.

World architects are equivalent to building the framework of the game and are the people who write the script.

Card makers are working on the details of this game framework, including character settings, etc., and can be said to be supplementers of the script.

There are cases where card makers are part-time world architects, but in most cases, card makers are more compatible with battle card makers rather than world architects.

World architects are different. They can be compatible with both battle card makers and card makers.

In this way, the battle card maker is like rpq, anyone can interfere.


Star Platinum's office.

Star Platinum looked at Liu Zhao with satisfaction, as if he was looking at his future son-in-law.

He patted his assistant on the shoulder and said with a smile:"Isn't this boy a good match for Wu Xu? He is a true genius. He is a world architect, card maker and battle card maker at the same time. The last person with such a genius was that guy thirty years ago."

The assistant smiled embarrassedly:"Matching."


No wonder you, old man, had no intention of going to the house to beat up that guy. It turns out that you are thinking of recruiting a son-in-law.

I admire this old Deng.

But what Old Deng said is right, geniuses are really unreasonable.

Being a world architect, card maker and battle card maker at the same time.

Can this be a normal person?

(Name the five amazing skills of the little yellow hair.(ಥ_ಥ), I really can’t think of a name that will always bring a girl to my life.)

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