Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 614 This is really possible

Rorschach and Humboldt were both busy people and had not had any leisure time to relax for a long time. At this time, they could take a breather and shift and narrow their attention from the common fate of all intelligent creatures to a cheese pot.

"This mushroom is hot, you can try it."

"Oh, thank you."

"It's a bit dry. Give it a moment and I'll add some wine."

The four of them ate, and there was only one lady, Libusi. The other three acted like gentlemen and took good care of her. In fact, the other three have little need for food. They only occasionally let their mouths have something to chew and taste, and more often they drink, talk, and serve as hotpots. Libusi has become the only customer. .

"It's so cold." The temporarily most powerful woman in the world shrank. Because the pot was accurately heated by Richard, there was no more heat to bake the diners, and now the cold wind was getting sharper and sharper. Even if it could not be poured into the car in large quantities, it was still taking away the warmth.

Luo Xia heard this and snapped his fingers, and the coldness disappeared immediately.

Libus noticed the unusual sight outside the window because she felt cold just now. Heavy snowflakes were flying past the window, and then fog obscured the vision.

Vulgar words unbecoming of a lady and an aristocratic education blurted out: "Damn it, it's snow!"

The other three diners were not aware of the unusual weather conditions as they drank and chatted due to their cold-resistant constitutions. However, Billie Booth later became aware of the unusual weather.

Rorschach asked, "Where are we?"

Richard estimated: "Six hours have passed and we have walked half of the distance. However, this line first moves due north and then turns east, so we have reached the northern border of the empire."

But this is the time of late spring and summer solstice, and the biting cold and May snow are really "hell".

"Maybe it's because the First Fire went out." Master Humboldt thought of the most likely answer: "In the past, the Tower of First Fire has been using the heat emitted by the fire to regulate the climate in the area where it is located.

"Although it did not change the cold environment in the north, it actually blocked the cold current from further north and from the permafrost sea. With the existence of the first fire and the active geothermal clusters distributed horizontally, the salary holders created Create an invisible barrier to prevent the northern part of the empire from falling into extreme cold.”

"It turns out that the Magic Tower can also control the climate!" Libus was surprised, and then felt regretful: "But now I know. Maybe other people in the empire don't know the contribution of the Tower of First Fire."

Speaking of this, Humboldt felt a little regretful: "No, those lords and emperors should have at least heard about it. This was one of the past agreements between the empire and the Senate.

"Just like our Forest Tower will help the empire with agricultural affairs, the Tower of First Fire and the Tower of Secrets in the empire will also assume some obligations. This is the reason why guilds can exist in the empire and guild members have obtained privileges in the past. .

"The agreement dates back to the period when the peasants and small lords of the empire drove away the church. However, in modern times, both sides have gradually downplayed the existence of these agreements, and the empire deliberately concealed the details of these histories from the people.

"Furthermore, under the instructions of successive emperors and other ministers, the empire's mouthpieces have worked tirelessly to incite popular dissatisfaction against us and against the southern territories."

"But this cold wave is too exaggerated." Luo Xia did not think that the sudden violent snowstorm outside the car was natural, although he did not sense any traces of magic or magic in the environment.

"It is indeed abnormal." Humboldt also admitted: "We can only see the results now. Perhaps we can detect the root cause of climate change by continuing to the north. I want to inform the Storm Tower."

Richard stood up as Humboldt spoke, the general, chief mage of the empire, and incoming lord realizing that he had not been fulfilling his duties for some time. He sensed the situation of the entire vehicle, and sure enough, except for the compartment where he was, the temperature in other places was dropping sharply.

At this time, his adjutant was issuing an order in a hurry: "Let the boiler at the front of the car find a way to make drinkable hot water and distribute it to them. Gather the soldiers together. If there are more people, they can keep warm and let the driver slow down."

After giving the preliminary order, he prepared to rush to Richard's carriage. When he first broke into the carriage, he and the guards were given a psychological hint by Rorschach not to disturb the superior. Now the hint was ineffective, and the coercion of the situation now overwhelmed the subtle hint interference.

However, Richard had already sensed the movements of his subordinates and took the initiative.

He cast a spell on the spot, and a slightly scorching wall of wind condensed and waved out from in front of Richard. This wall of wind was extremely fast. When it was about to hit the connected gate, the carriage door opened in response to the wind, and the temperature of the whizzing space instantly increased.

He turned and cast the spell in the other direction, ensuring that the entire train was warm.

The adjutant was surprised and delighted: "Sir, you can cast spells!"

"Well, it seems that we are out of the forbidden magic area of ​​the empire." Richard said casually. In fact, this place is still within the weaving range of the magic network.

He quickened his pace and moved to other cars, when he heard someone shouting: "Turn around! Drive back, or we have to get off!" "Get off!"

Richard appeared, and the commotion of the soldiers immediately subsided. He remembered the person who took the lead in the heckles, but did not deal with it on the spot. He just comforted: "We arrived at the northern end of the empire and happened to hit a cold wave. Don't worry, everyone, I will maintain it." The temperature inside the car.”

Richard personally inspected all the carriages, and the other passengers who had recovered from the severe cold were completely relieved.

He looked out the window again, and it seemed as if there was a blue light outside the fog. Richard, who was maintaining the temperature, felt that his pressure was relieved a lot.

Of course Rorschach came to the aid of the familiar barrier, and now the whole car broke through the wind and snow under shelter.

“We still have a truck behind us with the first batch of supplies, right?”


"Communicate to the vehicles behind us to ask them to slow down and maintain a safe speed. We will wait for the truck at the next stop and send some clothes and bedding prepared for winter in advance, as well as add more food.

"Inform the next batch of relocating citizens and the Imperial Army about the abnormal weather we encountered, and ask them to prepare more cold-resistant materials. If the safety of the journey cannot be guaranteed, ask His Majesty the Emperor to postpone the entire plan."

"Understood." The adjutant finished recording Richard's deployment and immediately started executing it after saluting.

After handling this, Richard returned to his compartment and nodded to Libus who was waiting for him: "It's been taken care of."

Libus felt the warmth, and she sighed with satisfaction: "Magic is so convenient. It would be great if I could cast spells on the outside world and solve the bad weather with a gust of wind like you are doing now."

"How is that possible?"

Not only Richard denied it, Humboldt also shook his head: "This will be a big project, and the premise is that the source of the abnormal cold current is found and solved."

"Well, it's actually possible."

Ancient sages showed Rorschach the power to change the world. Inheriting the skills and memories of the ancient sages, coupled with his current strength, Rorschach is confident that he may not be able to reproduce super-level magic that is almost miraculous.

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