Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 596 The Old Baron with a New Theory

A small town somewhere in the Empire.

Since the war conscripted a group of young people - some were honest farmers, some were idle vagrants who made a living by stealing and extortion, anyway, the town has been quiet for a long time.

Then since the beginning of spring, the young people came back and led their retired officers to gather the residents of the town in the square to give an important speech.

He took out the speech from his clothes, squinted his eyes and stared at it for a long time, and finally put it away and shouted at the residents at the top of his voice:

"Quiet, please, quiet!

"I am Captain Cohen of the Second Legion of the Imperial Army Marin. Now, please listen carefully:

"The great and benevolent Emperor William II said that the soldiers fought very hard, and you, the people who did not go to the battlefield, had to produce food, ammunition, and cloth. It was also very hard. His Majesty was worried about the country and the people, and it was also hard.

"The damn Valois people are already afraid, they have rolled out of our territory with bruises on their faces!"

There were sparse cheers and applause from below, and more people looked at the officers blankly.

The captain cleared his throat and continued: "Spring is here, and His Majesty the Emperor wants the army to return your children and your husbands to you. Spring plowing will start soon, work hard for me, and this year's taxes will be less, and life will get better in the future. "

After that, he ordered the military band to start playing.

The brass instruments made a discordant tune. The skinny monkey who played the brass pipe puffed his cheeks and looked like he was short of oxygen. How could he care about any notes and rhythm? The bearded old soldier beat the dull drums, which perfectly matched the speechless people.

The soldiers belonging to this land came out. Some of them looked around for their relatives, some followed the troops numbly and quickly merged into the crowd, and some limped and left on one leg.

The crowd finally came alive and began to get restless.

"Shut up! I mean quiet. I haven't finished speaking yet." Captain Cohen was impatient and almost pulled out his gun to make these people obey. Finally, he miraculously accumulated some patience and waited for the crowd to calm down before speaking:

"There is one more thing, you are not allowed to worship any gods! The town hall will post a list of cults later. If anyone believes it, report it to me and I will shoot them myself.

"If there is any abnormal situation, that 'abnormal', you know, report it to the town hall honestly and quickly."

Some people understood the officer's meaning and asked: "What about the resident magician? Why not report it to the magician tower?"

"Magicians. There will be no more in the future!"

"Did the empire win?"

The officer stared at the questioner deeply, did not answer, turned around and rode away on his horse.

After the army left, another team of people came to transport goods.

"Hey, slow down, the whole town can't afford to pay if it is damaged!" A team of people carefully carried the equipment down, and then slowly moved. The equipment was installed on the original site of the resident magician tower.

The cold metal and crystals reflecting psychedelic arcs attracted many townspeople to watch.

"Ah, what's the use of such an expensive thing? Why install it here?"

The engineer in charge of the installation thought for a while: "It's just to keep all the mess out. Your town is big enough and close to the imperial capital, so you can be equipped with one, otherwise only big cities have it now."

It took almost a day to install and debug. When it was about to get completely dark, the core made of oscillating crystal finally began to rotate. A few old men and women insisted on watching to the end. Seeing this, they couldn't help but say: "Is it done?"

"It's done."

"No feeling."

"Are you a magician? There is still feeling. Unless you sleep in the tower, sleeping every day, you may feel dizzy and nauseous."


"Because it's bright and noisy here, you can't sleep."

Now using transmutation dust, it is said that it will be changed to a coal-driven magic generator later.

In the first phase of the project, the empire chose to deploy thousands of anti-magic devices around the border of the Kingdom of Marin, the imperial capital and its surrounding areas to ensure that major cities no longer have a normal magic environment and are separated from other countries and regions.

There is a "stagnation theory" that can theoretically create a large-scale dead magic zone. When the magic-banning device in an area reaches a certain value, the flow of magic in the entire area will be restricted, and the magic that is no longer moving will gradually disappear.

The originator of the theory is a crazy old man who calls himself a baron. William II ordered his court clerk to search through the archives and the books, but could not find any clues to prove the old man's identity. But this is not important. What is important is that his technical officers and researchers all went crazy when they heard that the "baron" was coming, and they were the first to want to meet him.

This finally made the emperor interested. Today, the palace gate opened and welcomed the old man in.

The baron put a piece of parchment on the table with a smile: "Your Majesty, this piece of paper is the real world."


"It is the world we see and the intuitive world." He took out another piece of paper: "This is the symbolic world, the world that we can only reach through thinking, imagination, and soul."

The baron sprinkled buttons on the first piece of paper: "This is your magic prohibition device." He fiddled with it: "If it is arranged properly, it will be enough to expand the symbolic world." After that, he covered it with the second piece of paper.

"I understand, that is, they are pillars."

"Yes, and no. I prefer to call it a blower, which constantly blows the symbolic world away from the real world. Of course, this is not a rigorous statement. We just change the gradient of the potential field of the real-symbol. After reaching a critical value, the existence form of magic will change. It will lose the ability to carry information and transform into dark energy and dark matter. It cannot be in any realm."

The old man's nagging "nonsense" made the emperor's head hurt. William waved his hand: "Okay, okay, I know, just build enough, right?"

"Your Majesty is wise and decisive, it is true, but this old minister would like to add that a reasonable deployment location is also very important, and we cannot only consider places where the population gathers."

He would also flatter with difficult ancient words. No one would say this in my grandfather's time! William II's headache worsened. In line with the royal education of respecting the character of the elderly, he rubbed his temples while listening to the old man's nagging.

"Your Majesty, I have something to say."

"You have been talking nonstop, haven't you? Go on."

"No, no, these are two different things." The old man said seriously, "I see Your Majesty has been rubbing the left side of your head. Do you have a migraine? Your Majesty must be deeply concerned about the country and the people, otherwise how could you have a migraine at such a young age? I have a good friend who was also troubled by this stubborn disease. I have a prescription from ancient books that is very effective."


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