Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 542 Refining

"Is this fluidized peat?" Luo Xia took a small sample and carefully rubbed it open: "Go and get a few buckets."

Rorschach asked his apprentice to find some containers to hold the samples. After filling several tin buckets, Rorschach sealed them and used ether membrane to shrink them to the size of a can.

"Please give it to Andre, and tell him to send one jar to the Tower of Forest, one jar to the Tower of Secrets, and keep the rest for research. No, don't open it until I come back."


After the apprentices and mining equipment were almost evacuated, Rorschach began to check what was underneath.

The first thing to deal with is the sludge. The center of these viscous liquids has been bubbling slowly, and the fishy smell in the air becomes stronger every time a bubble pops.

Rorschach pushed away the sludge in the middle, and finally detected something moving underneath, stirring the coal that had turned into mud. He unveiled the "mysterious veil" and finally revealed a huge beast's head full of holes. When it was exposed, it made a sticky and dull purring sound.

Realizing the existence of other life, the "creature" buried in the charcoal mud suddenly became more active. It struggled to climb up, trying to reach Rorschach, who was observing in the air.

An arm more than ten meters long, covered in clay, was lifted with difficulty from the bottom of the pit. As soon as it left the ground, it immediately began to accelerate toward Rorschach.

Arms so long? Rorschach was a little surprised. He had previously used the size of the animal's head to judge the overall volume of the creature, and the animal's head was only about two meters. He didn't expect that one arm alone was far larger than the normal proportion of the creature. Not only that, it was impossible to judge. There's also the appearance.

The purring sounds became more frequent when the giant beast swung it, as if it was in a state of excitement. Its big arm was like a whip, with enough kinetic energy accumulated at the end. If the engineering team did not withdraw in time, many of the instruments would be shattered with just one blow. .

However, this time it encountered a real obstacle as soon as it appeared and hit the force field around Rorschach.

With a snap, the arm collapsed, parts scattered on the surface of the mud, and slowly sank.

Rorschach also took this opportunity to observe that the limbs that exceeded the normal proportions were composed of many large bones. It had no normal muscles and other tissues. It was just a layer of oil film wrapping the bones. These bones did not belong to a living creature, and even the colors were different. no the same.

fossil? When he first saw the black beast's head, Luo Xia thought it was hanging charcoal mud, but he didn't expect that its body was made of bones and mud.

The giant beast was dull for a while, as if it was trying to understand what was happening. Then the oil film on its head began to change violently, and it roared, clearly conveying its anger to Rorschach.

"Look, it's so urgent. I haven't even started yet."

Wait, Rorschach still wanted to say a pretentious line, but he didn't expect that this guy was actually bluffing. After roaring, he moved his uncoordinated body. This time, instead of attacking, he plunged headlong into the ground, as if " The posture is like "the wind is blowing tightly."

Humph, want to escape?

This guy can't be simply dragged out. The main body of the monster is not yet clear, and because it is pieced together, it is more convenient than cutting off the tail of a gecko. If you really want to escape, Rorschach's "Super Giant Unicorn Arm" can capture any monster. Give it to him and let the body run away.

So the only way to stop it is to block it. When it comes to blocking the movement of an object in water, the first thing a mage should think of is [freezing ray], which freezes the water around the target. Rorschach took a similar approach, but he was dealing with liquefied rock, soil and carbon.

The first is the large-scale [decomposition technique] and heating, which vaporizes the sludge at the bottom of the pit.

The monster couldn't understand why his body suddenly flew into the air, and his whole body was burning violently.

Since the sludge contains a large amount of water, the steam occupies a certain partial pressure, and Rorschach controls the gas circulation in the entire mine. Now this area is like a huge coke oven, and all the viscous carbon sludge turns into Coke gas.

If Rorschach wanted to, he could introduce enough oxygen now, or continue to heat and reduce it to obtain water and gas, and blast the monster into calcium salt fragments, but there were many ways for him to destroy this thing, so he didn't have to go to such trouble. Even if the [Decomposition Technique] is replaced by the [Great Disintegration Technique], the monster will be disabled even if it is not dead.

The peat has now been chain-broken to produce a large amount of gaseous alkanes and aromatic compounds. Rorschach chose to continue heating and control the internal air flow, gradually producing unsaturated alkenes and alkynes.

Residual oxygen still exists, so combustion inevitably occurs in the area controlled by Rorschach. From the perspective of the edge of the mine, the entire mine is completely filled with scorching super fireballs.

"Holy shit, is this the [Fireball Technique] you're talking about?" the onlookers' pump master asked the apprentice who rushed back. After the apprentice delivered the goods, Andre sent more spellcasters over.

"The difference is almost the same. There may be some difference in size."

Because the mud all over the body was vaporized, the body of the skeletal beast was revealed. All the bones were put together irregularly to form an image that resembled a dragon, but was extremely twisted.

The giant beast thought Rorschach was trying to burn him to death. He was a little proud because his body was not afraid of high temperatures and could condense again as long as his bones were still there.

It even has the wisdom of a dragon, considering whether to pretend to be dead in front of this powerful boy and let one or two bones slip into the depths of the earth.

"The fire is almost done." Rorschach only estimated that the content of unsaturated hydrocarbons had reached the standard line. He began to compress the gas in the area to increase the concentration. At the same time, the huge heat he applied and the subsequent gas combustion released was also limited inside.

The dust particles that are difficult to vaporize begin to vitrify. After the temperature drops, they first cool and adhere to the surface of the monster's skeleton and harden, forming a glaze-like coating. Some molten particles are mixed with tar produced by carbonization and then hardened. Finally, the unsaturated hydrocarbons that have not been coked are polymerized by Rorschach's magic, gradually condensing and connecting to form artificial resin.

All the materials are mixed together, like the expansion screw material of chemical suppositories, sealing the entire monster tightly, making it unable to move, and turning it into a "colorful black" statue.

Finally, multiple seals are applied, which is considered packaging. After being wrapped by the etheric membrane, it continues to shrink. The giant beast of dozens of meters is only about 30 centimeters, which is suitable for being a decoration on the desk. Of course, it is kept and packaged for subsequent research.

The whole process looks very long, but it is actually only about ten minutes. Instead, it took time to clear the sludge and find this thing in the early stage. Rorschach weighed the "craft" in his hand and thought: Is this considered refining?

He floated to the edge of the mine: "For reasons that are not yet clear, the strata have been liquefied on a large scale. It seems that many fossils have been gathered together, and together with the liquefied coal, monsters have been born. The geology here is no longer reliable. You should evacuate as soon as possible."

After Rorschach finished speaking, he saw that the apprentice had returned, and there were several mages behind him: "Andre asked you to come?"


Okay, okay, Andre really knows himself. He made arrangements directly for the spellcasters: "The strata are no longer moving, and the main danger has been eliminated. You should carefully check the surrounding conditions. If there is a cavity, don't rush in. If other monsters appear, report them in time."

After giving instructions, Rorschach immediately went to other places for inspection, and generally did not find other problems.

After doing all this, it was nearly two hours after dawn. In his workshop, several great mages had come online to exchange the information they had summarized and learned.

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